Make Toolbar Completely Customizable and User-Controlled

Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭
Long (or intermediate) term, I would like to see Faithlife make the Toolbar completely customizable and user-controlled. This should include moveable and removable buttons and menus, shortcut folders with drag/drop capability (the folders themselves should be movable/draggable as well), and prioritization of what disappears from the screen when the window reduces in size (e.g. half-screen view). People have a lot of different ideas about what to do with the toolbar to best support how they work. I would like for Faithlife to review all user feedback relating to the Toolbar and shortcut folders and create a holistic vision for how it should work (rather than just bolting things on ad hoc that we can't remove, which is the current method).
Feedback site ideas related to the Toolbar:
Feedback site ideas related to the Toolbar:
Yes, I would especially like to remove the Factbook icon. I never use it, and am constantly clicking it when I mean to click the Library icon.0
Please allow re-ordering & removal of icons on toolbar.
Icons I would re-organize or drop entirely:
1. Logo - does nothing but occupy space. Make this the load layout (or dashboard if we still must have it)
2. Dashboard - never used
3. Library - never used as I use ⌘L instead
4. Search - never used as I open a tab and click the search icon there
5. Bible - never used as Bible is always open in every layout
6. Factbook - never used as I open a tab and click the factbook icon there
7. Documents - rarely used as notes are in Obsidian
8. Guides - never used
9. Tools - often used because I can't seem to find what I'm looking for & this allows search
10. Help Center - never used
11. Layouts - frequently used multiple times/day
12. Close all - only used when I accidentally click it instead of layouts
13. Sync - needed for force sync
14. Account - move to three-dot menu
Look at all that wasted screen space in a premium location! If only Logos would allow customization...0