The One Year Bible & The One Year Chronological Bible

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
These are both published by Tyndale in different print editions for different translations of the Bible. There is introductory material particular to each, as well as the readings being chunked out by day so you can get through the whole bible in a year, either in canonical order or chronological order.

These are just examples:
The One Year Bible NLT,
The One Year Chronological Bible NIV,

I'd like to see Logos do something with this. I realize that someone could set up reading plans based on these, but nobody has done it yet. But also, I'd like to see the intro material included and the headings between the readings.

Logos carries many other books in The One Year series, and I think these cornerstones deserve to be in Logos too. You can get them in Kindle.

I envision these working the way a Lectionary works, where there is other material around the Bible text, but the text from your preferred bible will show up where the readings go, so it will work with any version.

Here's a forum thread where someone else asked for these:
7 votes

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  • I absolutely agree. I'm a youth pastor at a church that leads everyone to read using the chronological one year bible from Tyndale. It would be a massive benefit to me and my senior pastor to have it native in Logos. 
  • I vote yes... the One Year Chronological reading plan is phenomenal. 
  • Here, I reproduced it myself as a reading plan for Logos