Hungarian Revised New Translation (RÚF)

This is a 2014 updated version of the Hungarian Bible. It would be great to have it in Logos as the only currently available Hungarian version is the Karoli which has a very dated language.
The translation is published by the Hungarian Bible Society, web page:
I agree 100%0
It would be a huge help in study and research to have this translation also available in Logos.0
Setting the status to "Needs your opinion." If we get more votes, we will consider reaching out to the publisher!
Meanwhile, I'm happy to announce that we might see two other modern Hungarian translations in Logos in the not-too-distant future.Senior Manager, New Languages
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That's good news! How can we know about that? Are the translations public already?
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Sorry, I had missed your question! I expect that they'll be on Pre-Pub this year. It's Ujszövetseg: elet, igazsag es vilagossag (Biblica, potentially a different publisher in Hungary), and Magyar Szent Biblia Egyszeru Forditas by Bible League International.
Senior Manager, New Languages
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This is good news! I suggest considering two major, more widely used translations also:
And please, be careful with the accents! The actual version in the Logos portfolio is full of errors, literally! I am ready to help, if needed.
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I agree with Zoltán. Although I'm happy about the translations you mentioned, Ben, those are not widely used Hungarian translations. The other two translations—the Revised New Translation (RÚF) by the Hungarian Bible Society and the Newly Revised Károli Translation (ÚRK) by Veritas—are more widely used and even more useful, as they cover the whole Bible and are more accurate translations.
I personally recently switched to the ÚRK, so I would be happier with that one, but both are welcome and needed.
If we can do anything about this, please let us know!
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I already requested adding the ÚRK to the portfolio, I am happy to learn that others need it, too. You can vote for it here:
[HU] Revised Karoli Bible — Logos Community
Thank you!