Upgrade AI to Full Conversational Assistant

Jonathan Vliet
Jonathan Vliet Member Posts: 45 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Hi there,

AI Is the reason I overcame my subscription-fatigue and took the plunge for Logos Premium. I'm writing to offer some initial impressions and suggestions.

Last night I was testing out the feature. It took me a while to figure out where the feature could be found and how I could interface with it. That wasn't clear. I was looking for a dedicated AI button or chat field. Once I found how it was implemented I was disappointed to discover that the feature is not conversational.

Unfortunately this feature is coming into a world where I'm already used to operating with other LLM's on a daily basis. And one of the greatest strengths of these LLM's is their ability to hold a conversation. Why is this valuable? Because conversation is one of the most powerful ways to develop and coalesce one's own thoughts on a topic - to think through something - to reason. I can ask a question, and if I didn't get it quite right, I can use the conversation to refine the query. Or I can use the response as a springboard for further exploration. I think what I was hoping for out of the Logos AI experience was essentially a Bible-nerd assistant that is intimately familiar with my Logos software and library.

I would also suggest that the AI in Logos receive a name, just so it has that characteristic of feeling like my Bible-nerd buddy that I can bounce ideas off of and ask for help in navigating my software & library.

I'd love to see a button which opens a chat box - and from the chat away with this personal assistant. Or just start by typing its name in the Go box, and start the conversation that way. Like,

- "Barnabas, what years were considered "The bronze age?"

Perhaps there's something naive about my question, and Barnabas (just using that name as an example) could ask me a question in response, helping me to narrow my own query. It would also be cool if I could give it my own nickname, so that I can just type

- "Barny..." or "B, how far is Decapolis from Jerusalem?"

Barny could offer links to media, tools, resources. I could ask Barny:

- "Barny, I'm preparing a Bible study on XYZ passage on Wednesday night, and these are some of the concepts that I'm wanting to explore from the passage: _____; can you help me think up some discussion questions which guide us to the heart of that topic?"


- "Could you help me think of some questions at level 4 of Bloom's Taxonomy?"

I think AI in Logos is a powerful opportunity, and makes a lot of sense. And I am sure that there are many nuanced features which are a value-add over the other free LLM's at my fingertips. But unfortunately - missing out on that conversational piece, feels experientially (just speaking from a user-experience standpoint) like a sub-par interface to what has already become the baseline expectation of an AI. Soon we'll be interfacing with AI like a friend on facetime.
I'm sure I'll find ways to use this feature, but as it is right now, I can see that I'll be still spending more time with Copilot to ask basic Bible questions, have those exploratory conversations, and for help with preparing for upcoming studies, etc.

Whether it's "Barny" or "Logan" or "Jiminy Cricket", please consider adding that conversational element which I believe will really draw people in - feeling like that have a trustworthy Bible-nerd buddy, and assistant, and help them process their own thoughts and prepare material that goes deeper, but in a much more efficient way.

Thanks for hearing me out.
10 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 808 ✭✭✭
    BibleMate.org is useful for this as well.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • I think this is an excellent idea. The conversational benefit of an LLM is unparalled when it comes to nuanced learning. Please consider this feature! I'm not sure what LLM is powering Logos, but if it is a separate subscription service like ChatGPT, perhaps consider something similar to what Apple is doing and offer a general benefit and then perhaps conversational access for subscribers to said paid service. Thank you, Jonathan for the clear suggestion, and thank you Logos for considering!