Man and Woman, One in Christ

Jerry Smith
Jerry Smith Member Posts: 3
Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters
by Philip Barton Payne
Zondervan Academic

“Philip Payne’s work has always been characterized by careful, detailed exegetical study of the biblical text. In Man and Woman, One in Christ, Payne brings decades of meticulous research to its proper culmination in a compelling and thoroughly biblical demonstration that Paul the apostle to the Gentiles was a wholehearted supporter of women serving in any and all sorts of ministerial roles they are called and gifted to undertake. Indeed, he demonstrates at length that Paul should no longer be seen as the “party of no” when it comes to women in ministry or their equality in Christian marriage. This book deserves the highest commendation.” -- Dr. Ben Witherington III
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