Bibles: Ability to type in chapter number

Lachlan Vines
Lachlan Vines Member Posts: 1
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Enable me to navigate directly to a chapter by typing in that chapter number.

When in a book of the bible, I can type in 11.23 and it will take me to ch11 v23 of whatever book I'm in. Wonderful. But if I just type one number e.g. "6" it will take me to verse 6 of whatever chapter I'm in.
Useless. It's faster to scroll to a verse within a chapter. It's *never* easier to type in a verse number within the current chapter than it is to scroll to it. Currently to go to a different chapter I also need to give a verse (e.g. "6.1").

Change it so that if I simply type in one number it will take me to that chapter number. Much more useful.
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