Allow User Tags to mix with Logos Tags

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 627 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Currently, Notes and Highlights only allows user-created tags.

Conversely, Sermon "Topics" only allows Logos-created tags.

In both fields, I would like the ability to mix and match user tags with the built-in Logos ontology tags.

For example, in a note, I might tag it with a user-created tag "baptism". However, in a sermon, there is already a "Baptism (theme)" tag. I would rather use the built-in Logos tag if there is one, and have my note show up in a Factbook search on that theme, for instance.

On the other hand, sometimes I am writing a sermon and I want to add a topic that is not listed in the built-in Logos tags. For example, in our denomination we have a doctrine known as the "Mediatorial Kingship of Christ." Rather than being able to add this custom tag, I am limited to "Kingship (Topic)" which is not specifically what I am trying to say.

I would prefer if User tags and Logos tags could both be used in both places.
1 votes

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  • I agree! This would make organizing my library of sermons much easier!