Gamify Reading Progress

- Device: All (esp. Mobile)
- Operating System: All
- Feature: Gamification
Additional details:
I think more than just a reading plan and a generic reminder to read each day, book progress tracking and gamification would be helpful.
By this I mean, something like an “achievement unlocked” based on the different categories of books, and based on completion. Could be a small award or badge or something similar kind of like Biblingo recently added. Achievement categories could include “Theology”, “New Testament Studies”, “Greek”, “Spiritual Formation”, and other such categories. Initial award could be for finishing the first book of that category, then a higher level based on finishing 10, 50, 100, etc. (or whatever number) of books. Titles could be like “Theology Student” and then after 50 completions “Theology Sage” or something along those lines.
I am aware that this would feel gimmicky to some users; so a toggle in Program Settings to enable it would be ideal, that way the users who enjoy it would benefit from it, while those opposed to the idea could just leave it disabled.
I think this would be huge for helping people stay on track and read more, just like DuoLingo does with daily streaks and awards, to help motivate readers to not skip even a single day.
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I think this a great idea!
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I wonder if this could have the adverse effect of encouraging users to skim the text to keep a streak going rather than actually reading/studying the text to listen to God and be molded by God's Word?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."