Mobile Ed Courses included in Subscription
How do I find the Mobile Ed courses with my Logos subscription? If they are included in my Logos library, is there a way to determine which ones they are (I'd like to figure out which courses I have temporary access to, and which I can take my time working through).
Go to Library, select filter > Type: Courseware Media Collection > License: Temporary
You can also see the courses listed here -
- under the question, "What Mobile Ed courses are available in each subscription tier?"1 -
Logos sends out an email every quarter listing the new Mobile Ed courses for the subscription. I'm not sure if one needs to be signed up for Logos marketing emails to receive that email. I received an email on January 2nd titled, "New quarter, new Mobile Ed course access".
Subscription Mobile Ed courses can also be viewed in the Subscription FAQ under the question, "What Mobile Ed courses are available in each subscription tier?":
Finally, you can view the courses that you have temporary access to by using the following search in your library: type:courseware AND license:temporary
Note that subscription courses that you own will not show up using this search, since it only displays the courses that you have temporary access to.
Once you have located these courses in your library, you can assign a tag to them (e.g. "Subscription Courses") for easier access. This tag, of course, would have to be updated quarterly.