Read Aloud narrator voices (multilingual and natural voices) [WINDOWS]

The control panel to configure narrator voices has been removed from Windows 11. See:
Narrator in Win11 for Read aloud issues... — Logos Community
Vorlesefunktion auf Windows 11 — Logos Community
Please make the narrator voice configurable directly in Logos, and also include the new "natural voices" in the selection.
(So that you know what we are currently going through on German Windows installations, I'm attaching a short video. Turn the sound on.)
This is relevant, not only to users of Windows in other languages, but also to anyone else who would like to change to another Read-aloud voice in English. In the newer versions of Windows 11, there is no obvious way to do that.
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This is just a workaround, but I hope it is helpful for some.
Instead of going to Control Panel, try the following to access the setting:
- Hold down Windows Key + R
- Copy and paste
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL “C:\WINDOWS\system32\Speech\SpeechUX\sapi.cpl”
- Click Go.
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Another more convenient way to access this from Logos: Open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\Speech\SpeechUX\ and drag the file sapi.cpl to you Logos shortcut bar or favorites.
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Or, you can search in Start panel for "sapi" and you will get the result: "32 bit Speech Control Panel". You can attach it to your Start menu.
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My search panel auto completes to sapiosexuality instead. 😮
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I have opened a ticket for this issue.