New to Proclaim Trying to insert YouTube Video

Hi, I'm new to proclaim and I'm trying to insert a slide that will play a YouTube Video for our church service. The slide comes up and displays "Video unavailable" and "Watch on YouTube"
Hi PBC, welcome to the forum!
YouTube has a setting where creators can prevent their videos from being shown outside of YouTube. When that is turned on, you will get an error like that. Try a different video - if you add a "web page" item and paste the URL from YouTube, it will work fine. Unfortunately, there is not a good workaround for your issue in Proclaim. On Windows, if you press the Windows Key + Shift + Arrow Key, you can move a browser window that has YouTube off your computer onto your main screen; I am sure there is a similar hotkey for Mac.Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author