What kind of books does Logos publish?



  • Rev Chris
    Rev Chris Member Posts: 570

    My view that Catholics are not Christian is not a new one and it flows not from simply my personal opinion, but flows from the Bible, theology, hermeneutics, apologetics and this view has been rightly held by Protestants for hundreds of years.


    I never claimed that your arguments were your own personal opinions - I understand that your definition of "Christian" comes from your religious tradition.  However, it is still a theological point and something that is forbid here on these forums.


    Catholics are non-Christian because they pray to dead people (they call saints or icons), something the Bible forbids. 

    It's clear to me you don't understand the RC practice of praying to saints.  It's no different than a parishioner coming into my office and asking me to pray for them.  Some RC's may have confused this issue, but that is what the intended purpose is.

    You say that RC's are not Christian because they do something that the Bible forbids.  Last time I checked, we all do something the Bible forbids in one way or another, and we still call ourselves Christian.  Also last time I checked, the Bible doesn't use the word Christian and never gives a definition of it.  So to say RC's are not Christian because they don't follow the Bible in the same way you do is faulty logic.  The word Christian is one with varied definitions and the RC church has just as much right as anyone else to give input as to what that definition is or should be.  For me, Christian means to follow Christ.  That leaves a lot of room up for interpretation.

    Mormons have quite a strong number of adherents, like Catholics…is that inflammatory to say that Mormons are not Christian? Should we just accept anyone’s definition of what it means to be a Christian? Any standard of measure?

    On this site, yes - you should.  I'm not trying to say you should just give up your theology and opinions altogether.  But there is a time and a place for that conversation and this is not it.

    if you are a fellow ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ
    perhaps Rev Chris you should review Systematic Theology 1 & 2,
    Hermeneutics and CARM.org is a good place to start to review Christian

    Thanks for the reference, but I studied theology and hermeneutics in seminary, not on some website.  And I stand by my theological training and the grace by which I speak of it.  I only hope that you can find the same grace in your conversations as well, for harsh attacks rarely results in spiritual transformation.

    Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer.  Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 13,964 ✭✭✭✭

    I think the principle of 'Logos & Co' is best seen looking at Simon the Tanner (or Simon the potter, depending on your aramaic). Simon had his own beliefs, but he also had his business. His business was not his 'ministry'. That was 'Peter'. Simon was not the same. He had a business. Now, let's say Simon either tanned or potted for the hated Roman army (or maybe some highly opinionated folks in Jerusalem). Keep in mind that was Simon's business. The fact that he was helping his customers effectively target Peter & Co was certainly possible, but again, that was his business. Not his ministry.

    I'm not using the above to target the Evangelicals or Catholics (or Mormons). I just don't see how a 'business' equates to a different set of rules for believers. But apparently it does.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson Member Posts: 132

    Rev Chris said:

    Also last time I checked, the Bible doesn't use the word Christian  

    Better check again. Maybe not at your seminary, But it shows up in all of my Bibles...several times.

    Acts 11:26  Acts 26:28  1 Peter 4:16 

  • Rev Chris
    Rev Chris Member Posts: 570

    Rev Chris said:

    Also last time I checked, the Bible doesn't use the word Christian  

    Better check again. Maybe not at your seminary, but it shows up in all of my Bibles...several times.

    Acts 11:26  Acts 26:28  1 Peter 4:16 

    I stand corrected - it uses the word 3 times as you pointed out.  It just doesn't define it.

    Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer.  Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App

  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson Member Posts: 132

    Rev Chris said:

    It just doesn't define it.

    Each time, It refers to the apostles/disciples. To me, That in it's self is a definition. Galatians 1:8
  • Michael Anda
    Michael Anda Member Posts: 497

    What theological tradition do you hail from?  Perhaps Logos can establish some conscientious objector status so people of your persuasion don't have to follow the same rules that law abiding citizen types are asked to follow around here.  If that's not agreeable for Logos, there's always the personal boycott, and beyond, for you to consider.




  • Rev Chris
    Rev Chris Member Posts: 570

    Rev Chris said:

    It just doesn't define it.

    Each time, It refers to the apostles/disciples. To me, That in it's self is a definition. Galatians 1:8

    Glad you clarified that - it is a definition - to you.  We all have our own.  If you want to limit the word Christian to the apostles - those that saw the resurrected Christ and told people about it, I'm fine with that.  None of us would be Christians by that definition, of course.

    Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer.  Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App

  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson Member Posts: 132

    Wiggle your way out. Justify your error in whatever way works for you.

  • Rev Chris
    Rev Chris Member Posts: 570

    Wiggle your way out. Justify your error in whatever way works for you.

    And continue to promote hatred and judgment in whatever way works for you, as long as it's not on this forum.  Just remember that verse you quoted about sharing the good news.

    Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer.  Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App

  • Michael Anda
    Michael Anda Member Posts: 497

    Speaking of definitions, I think a definition for 'little weenies' is in order here.  Little weenies are people who can't, or more accurately—WON'T, abide by rules simply because they like to do whatever THEY want… MORE.




  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson Member Posts: 132

    Rev Chris said:

    And continue to promote hatred and judgment in whatever way works for you

    Who is judging whom?  Matthew 7:1  
  • Rev Chris
    Rev Chris Member Posts: 570

    Rev Chris said:

    And continue to promote hatred and judgment in whatever way works for you

    Who is judging whom?  Matthew 7:1  

    I think that's a good question to end this discussion on.  Let each viewer come to their own conclusion as to its answer and let us agree to disagree.

    Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer.  Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 13,964 ✭✭✭✭

    Mr Anda ... in our neck of the woods, 'small hotdogs' refers to male plumbing. I assume you're aware of your usage.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson Member Posts: 132

    Speaking of definitions, I think a definition for 'little weenies' is in order here.  Little weenies are people who can't, or more accurately—WON'T, abide by rules simply because they like to do whatever THEY want… MORE.

    Thank you for clarifying what you are. 

    Please stop responding to correct misperceptions or misunderstandings or to counter attacks.

  • Michael Anda
    Michael Anda Member Posts: 497

    Thank you for clarifying what you are.

    I'm reminded of the movie, Dumb and DUMBER.  Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?… [8-|]




  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson Member Posts: 132

    I'm reminded of the movie, Dumb and DUMBER.

    I wouldn't waste my time watching such rubbish...but I can see how some individuals would. 
  • Rich DeRuiter
    Rich DeRuiter MVP Posts: 6,729

    To Rev. Chris, Dan Eide, Chris Thompson, Michael Anda and DMB,

    I think you have all made your points clearly and sometimes more than once. Many of the point made are significant and merit a thorough discussion -- but not here. These forums have proven to be a poor medium for discussions like these, and such discussions are not in keeping with the purpose of these forums. For those of you who want to keep talking/writing about this, I suggest you take it off line (email, skype, some other forum?).

    For those of you who have a problem with Logos' policies, I suggest you take it up with Logos, as Bob has invited us to do in the first post of this thread.

    [BTW, I'm not trying to paint everyone with the same brush, here. I just listed those I saw interacting in this discussion in the last page or so.]

     Help links: WIKI;  Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)

  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson Member Posts: 132

    Have a great day. I have better things to do than engage in mental warfare with an unarmed man.

  • Michael Anda
    Michael Anda Member Posts: 497

    DMB said:

    ... in our neck of the woods, 'small hotdogs' refers to male plumbing.

    Anyone here familiar with the etymology of the word weenie?  Does it have a latin root?




  • Rev Chris
    Rev Chris Member Posts: 570

    To Rev. Chris, Dan Eide, Chris Thompson, Michael Anda and DMB,

    I think you have all made your points clearly and sometimes more than once. Many of the point made are significant and merit a thorough discussion -- but not here. These forums have proven to be a poor medium for discussions like these, and such discussions are not in keeping with the purpose of these forums. For those of you who want to keep talking/writing about this, I suggest you take it off line (email, skype, some other forum?).

    For those of you who have a problem with Logos' policies, I suggest you take it up with Logos, as Bob has invited us to do in the first post of this thread.

    [BTW, I'm not trying to paint everyone with the same brush, here. I just listed those I saw interacting in this discussion in the last page or so.]

    Richard, thanks for that.  In my last post I attempted to announce that I'm done with this conversation.  I realized I carried it on far too long and am sorry for that.

    Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer.  Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App

  • Michael Anda
    Michael Anda Member Posts: 497

    Have a great day. I have better things to do than engage in mental warfare with an unarmed man.

    Thanks for the blessing.  And same to you, Chris.  [8-|]




  • Rich DeRuiter
    Rich DeRuiter MVP Posts: 6,729


    I think it would be better to simply drop this discussion or take it off line.

     Help links: WIKI;  Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)

  • Abi Gail
    Abi Gail Member Posts: 172

    If you feel the need to preach & judge, go stand in the pulpit at your church. If I want to hear it, I will come and visit..

     Physician, heal yourself? [:P]


  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 13,964 ✭✭✭✭

    Welcome back, AbiGail. We were wondering how long it'd take! Chris was wondering too.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Abi Gail
    Abi Gail Member Posts: 172

    DMB said:

    Welcome back, AbiGail. We were wondering how long it'd take! Chris was wondering too.

    Why Thank You Ma'am. [:)]



  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,175

    Dear people of a certain behavior. I say behavior not beliefs because
    behavior is what is relevant to these forums. Your behavior is
    counterproductive - in an attempt to point out or convince people that a
    doctrine or group is Unchristian, you instead turn them away from
    listening to you. Your behavior implies that you cannot read and follow
    the basic English of the forums. Why then should I listen to you on
    something more complex such as Scripture? If you genuinely want to
    convince, please use techniques that might be effective - beginning with
    following the rules of the forums.


    a person whose beliefs you vehemently disagree with but does not believe much of what you assign to me.

    Accurate statement of what I wished to say but once I have a cup of coffee I'll remember why I keep my mouth shut.


    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,175

    etymology of the word weenie?  Does it have a latin root?

    censoring done manually:

    "frankfurter," 1906, with slang sense ....following soon after, from Ger. wienerwurst "Vienna sausage" (see wiener). Meaning "ineffectual person" is 1963; pejorative sense..., or perhaps from weenie in the sense of "small" (see wee).

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Bill Coley
    Bill Coley Member Posts: 214 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Dear people of a certain behavior. I say behavior not beliefs because behavior is what is relevant to these forums. Your behavior is counterproductive - in an attempt to point out or convince people that a doctrine or group is Unchristian, you instead turn them away from listening to you. Your behavior implies that you cannot read and follow the basic English of the forums. Why then should I listen to you on something more complex such as Scripture? If you genuinely want to convince, please use techniques that might be effective - beginning with following the rules of the forums.


    a person whose beliefs you vehemently disagree with but does not believe much of what you assign to me.


    From one who has tried, woefully ineffectively and unsuccessfully, to hold accountable the conduct of which you write, thank you for this post. Now, better put on your hard hat and saliva shield!!  [:D]
