Logos Is Too Expensive



  • Levi Durfey
    Levi Durfey Member Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭

    A silver to Silver upgrade without any new books would have made me happy.

    Essentially, that is exactly what the crossgrades do. Check them out if you haven't, there are three levels of crossgrades.

    EDIT: great, glad to help.

  • James Hiddle
    James Hiddle Member Posts: 792

    They maybe expensive but what other Bible software offers that many resources,features and books?

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 13,890 ✭✭✭✭

    My impression is the Core crossgrade along with the L6 engine is significantly underpriced.  It's a major step though poorly explained/marketed by Logos. 

     I'll probably get the Feature crossgrade for the LXX stuff, etc and then 'hide' the media stuff so Logos won't update it.  (I'm on cellular.)

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭

    It's also good to check out the denominational packages. There are some nice surprises there. I was able to get Reformed Gold for the normal price of one resource I really wanted + the price of the Feature Crossgrade. With all the other good stuff included in it, it was a really easy decision to make (and I'm not even Reformed [;)]).

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Joel Reed said:

    I appreciate all of the comments from everybody, even though most of them seemed somewhat bias. Stick out tongue (Kidding!) 

    I think the most quoted suggestion 'if you don't like it don't buy it' is probably going to to be the advice I choose to take.

    Thanks for the response all the same!

    Should point out that last year about this time Bob posted that on average on a good year Logos makes about a 3% profit. 

    Maybe that's gouging. But I don't think so. 

    Whoops, didn't check the date stamp. Sorry!!

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • David Parks
    David Parks Member Posts: 19

    Wow, Wow, Wow! IF I had some sack cloth and ashes, I would repent in sack cloth and ashes for everything I said about Logos 6 being to expensive[:O]. One of the forum members directed me to the "Crossgrade" which I purchased. There are no words to express how amazed I am at the depth and practicality of the work that has been put into 6.0. I realize this is a business, (it has to be if it is to survive) but it is also obviously a labor of love for the kingdom.

  • Levi Durfey
    Levi Durfey Member Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭

    David, I am glad you were able to get into Logos 6 at a price you were willing to pay (and maybe even afford [:)]).

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,339 ✭✭✭
    Good for you David. Logos is certainly not the cheapest but it is arguably one of the best.

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    David, I'd like to ditto all you said, from the biased but informed perspective of working here at Faithlife (after having used Logos as a pastor and police chaplain). It's been thrilling for me to witness hundreds of terrifically talented people collaborating in this grand project, under Bob's leadership. Almost like a modern Nehemiah experience, watching something massive get done for the glory of God and the service of His cause.

  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,130 ✭✭✭

    I have to disagree.  Good books are expensive, whether in electronic format or paper format. Without Logos I would never have had the theological library that I now enjoy.  I owe Logos a great debt of gratitude.

    Overall, I find Logos books to be less expensive than paper books, and much more valuable.  

    I am am rather cheap, and if I didn't think Logos was a great value, I would not have invested thousands of dollars over more than twenty years in Logos Bible books and software.  

    The great thing about our economic system, a product is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it - no more, no less.  Apparently, Logos is not over priced, for I am still paying.

    There are some books on my shelves now that I bought in seminary 40 years ago with money I earned by selling blood plasma.  Those are the most expensive books I ever bought, but to me they are priceless.  Books are a lot cheaper now.

    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • Cynthia in Florida
    Cynthia in Florida Member Posts: 821

    This thread is hysterical...seriously!

    After reading it all, I have just two things to say:

    First, I don't have much respect for people who post anonymously.  Creating fake ID's to post?  Seriously?  If you can't take ownership of your words, then don't post them!

    Second, no one forces anyone to purchase Logos .  If you don't want to spend the money, or you can't afford it, don't.  I'm sorry to boil all this down to that,  but it really is that simple.  It doesn't matter what other companies offer, and it doesn't matter what Logos charges for books.  It matters if you are willing or able to pay the price.  Logos is a company, not a ministry.  What they charge is up to them.  Whether or not you pay it is up to you.  Plain and simple.

    That's all I got...


    Romans 8:28-38

  • Friedrich
    Friedrich MVP Posts: 4,772

    Wow, Wow, Wow! . . .  There are no words to express how amazed I am at the depth and practicality of the work that has been put into 6.0. . .

    and THAT, my friend, is how the Logos addiction begins . . . [{]  [;)]

    I like Apples.  Especially Honeycrisp.

  • George Somsel
    George Somsel Member Posts: 10,153 ✭✭✭

    First, I don't have much respect for people who post anonymously.  Creating fake ID's to post?  Seriously?  If you can't take ownership of your words, then don't post them!

    While I agree that a person should be willing to take ownership of whatever he posts, I wouldn't attribute a person's use of an alias as a desire to remain anonymous.  Sometimes it's a desire to express one's interest in something such as "Unix."  Sometimes it's a desire to express a message such as "KeepSmiling4Jesus."  I used to use an alias of "Polycarp666" which served two purposes:  (1) My interest in the Apostolic Father Polycarp and a bit of humor in attaching the beastly number "666."  As with many other things, I wouldn't immediately presume that I know why someone does something in particular. 


    יְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 13,890 ✭✭✭✭

    OK, George.  666 vs Polycarp??  Up till now, I had immense respect for you (especially how every year you seem to have a 39th birthday).

    But Polycarp and the beast?  I could have understood Papias666. Or even Papias1000. That would have made sense.

    And Cynthia ... no offense, but I can guarantee you (since I used to do big data mining) that your text is associated with someone's database of you somewhere, somehow.  And will remain for muchisimo years.  So, you'd do well to write carefully, for someone's analytical pleasure years from now.  In some other country.

    EDIT: Oh wait.  My apologies.  You're posting anonymously.  That's good.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Yasmin Stephen
    Yasmin Stephen Member Posts: 1,628 ✭✭✭

    Denise said:

    EDIT: Oh wait.  My apologies.  You're posting anonymously.  That's good.

    If I was drinking water while reading this, my keyboard would be ruined [:D]

    (Another bit of funny (in this thread and around the forum generally) is the way old threads are resurrected just so (like we say in my neck of the woods). I frequent another forum where necro-posting is strongly discouraged (as in moderators get on your case and in your face about it) so it's always a bit weird when it's done so casually here. Quite liberating!)

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭

    Packages "too expensive?" Then don't buy a package. Download the free engine and buy books instead. It's worked for me for 12 years. 

    End of story. 

    "The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295

    This thread is hysterical...seriously!

    After reading it all,

    You read it all?  That is impressive.

                            ...Matthew C Jones      aka Super.Tramp

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Cynthia in Florida
    Cynthia in Florida Member Posts: 821

    Denise said:

    And Cynthia ... no offense, but I can guarantee you (since I used to do big data mining) that your text is associated with someone's database of you somewhere, somehow.  And will remain for muchisimo years.  So, you'd do well to write carefully, for someone's analytical pleasure years from now.  In some other country.

    EDIT: Oh wait.  My apologies.  You're posting anonymously.  That's good.

    Denise:  Call me ignorant but I have absolutely NO idea what you mean.  I'm serious.  I don't know what "your text is associated with someone's database of you..."  What is the implication there?

    Further, when I was talking about anonymous posters, I meant people on this site, who have an identification (whatever that is), who switch to a different name to post things anonymously.  I didn't mean what people choose to call themselves originally.

    And then, the edit?  I'm posting anonymously?  I honestly have no clue what you are talking about...


    Romans 8:28-38

  • Silent Sam
    Silent Sam Member Posts: 176

                                                                             [^o)] HHHMMMmmm~~~ [^o)]

  • George Somsel
    George Somsel Member Posts: 10,153 ✭✭✭

    And then, the edit?  I'm posting anonymously?  I honestly have no clue what you are talking about...

    I'm not surprised.  Half the time I'm not sure what Denise is talking about either.


    יְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן

  • Kevin Maples
    Kevin Maples Member Posts: 808

    I have to disagree.  Good books are expensive, whether in electronic format or paper format. Without Logos I would never have had the theological library that I now enjoy.  I owe Logos a great debt of gratitude.

    Overall, I find Logos books to be less expensive than paper books, and much more valuable.  

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 13,890 ✭✭✭✭

    Cynthia ... usually 'anonymously' means your identity can't be determined. There's many Cynthia's in Florida. It's not your real name. Now, whether a person creates multiple persona is a choice anyone can make.  It's a choice Logos allows. Since the first is anonymous, the second is just as anonymous.  Maybe the first one is bad, and the second one nice?  Or visa versa? We've had folks that use the same account but it's multiple people talking ... again anonymously.  Which one are they?

    Maybe what you were mentioning is 'double anonymous'?

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,130 ✭✭✭

    And then, the edit?  I'm posting anonymously?  I honestly have no clue what you are talking about...

    I'm not surprised.  Half the time I'm not sure what Denise is talking about either.

    Well, half the time I am not even sure what I am talking about.  But somehow I find these forums addictive, and I enjoy the posts of nearly everyone who gives their time to answering questions or simply pontificating.

    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • JoshInRI
    JoshInRI Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭

    All these posts are a hoot!

    Hi everyone.  Merry Christmas!


  • Cynthia in Florida
    Cynthia in Florida Member Posts: 821

    Denise said:

    Cynthia ... usually 'anonymously' means your identity can't be determined. There's many Cynthia's in Florida. It's not your real name. Now, whether a person creates multiple persona is a choice anyone can make.  It's a choice Logos allows. Since the first is anonymous, the second is just as anonymous.  Maybe the first one is bad, and the second one nice?  Or visa versa? We've had folks that use the same account but it's multiple people talking ... again anonymously.  Which one are they?

    Maybe what you were mentioning is 'double anonymous'?

    Thank you for the explanation.  I understand now.  On another forum I visit, when someone makes a second user name, they call it "anonymous," and so that is the term I used here.  Clearly differing definitions of the term caused confusion here, as that is not at all what I meant.

    FYI:  My name really IS Cynthia and I really do live in Florida! I didn't choose a fun or interesting name like some others here because, well...I lack originality! [:D]


    Romans 8:28-38

  • Friedrich
    Friedrich MVP Posts: 4,772

    This thread is hysterical...seriously!

    After reading it all, I have just two things to say:

    First, I don't have much respect for people who post anonymously.  Creating fake ID's to post?  Seriously?  If you can't take ownership of your words, then don't post them!

    Second, no one forces anyone to purchase Logos .  If you don't want to spend the money, or you can't afford it, don't.  I'm sorry to boil all this down to that,  but it really is that simple.  It doesn't matter what other companies offer, and it doesn't matter what Logos charges for books.  It matters if you are willing or able to pay the price.  Logos is a company, not a ministry.  What they charge is up to them.  Whether or not you pay it is up to you.  Plain and simple.

    That's all I got...

    you're experiencing the part of these forums that is a little uncontrollable and somewhat perplexing at times: people.  Welcome, even though you've been around a little bit, I see! 

    I like Apples.  Especially Honeycrisp.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 13,890 ✭✭✭✭

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Darrell
    Darrell Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    Dell Lap Top Win 10_Home,  Logos 7,    

    Samsung gs7 phone

  • Friedrich
    Friedrich MVP Posts: 4,772

    Denise said:

    Gee, Dan ... er Friedrich ... you've changed!

    lol, wondering when someone would notice, especially in light of the thread.  thanks, I feel somehow important. 

    I've been wanting to change that a long time.  i don't like having my name all over the internet.  Friedrich was a nickname by a college buddy, playing off my middle name but Germanicizing it because I used to live there.  and NOW you know.  thrilling detail and technicolor.

    I like Apples.  Especially Honeycrisp.