Theology/Denomination Tags
Here are some including some that I have offered before. This time I included the evidence.
Abbe, Paul
Adeyemo, Tokunboh (Dallas Theological Seminary; general secretary Association of Evangelicals in Africa)
Archer, Gleason L. ( - Evangelical Free Church (had been conservative Congregationalist)
Albright, W. F. (see
Anglican/Church of England
Allnutt, Richard Lea (Logos;
Althaus, Paul (Wikipedia)Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Arnold, I think, Belongs with Arnold Fruchtenbaum (Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum).
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abondservant said:
I added Author:"Mohler, R. Albert, Jr."
To "Reformed Baptist" which currently has no rules designed to pick up anyone. This should be obvious, he's president of one of the six SBC seminaries, and also pastor of an SBC church. President of the reformed sbc seminary no less.
Under Southern Baptist (which is the denomination, convention is simply where we set our direction)
We should have thabiti anyabwile - who is pastor of FBC Grand Cayman, a member of the Southern Baptist denomination. He is also a Reformed (southern) Baptist. I know this because he preaches at my seminary all the time, because his church is a member of an association that is part of the Southern Baptist Denomination. Clicking the link above takes you to their missions page where they briefly mention their association, and provide a broken link to the assoc page. Googling the assoc turned up the detail that its a part of the IMB, which is of course our missions organization.
The author Kevin DeYoung should be listed as Reformed Church in America, which is a denomination we don't have listed yet. In my library all he's written are a few journal articles... But he has more than a few books out there.
Edit: Tullian Tchividjian seems to not be associated with Presbyterianism in the tags. He's pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian in Coral Gables Fl, and is also reformed.
...These should all be there now. I haven't created a collection for Reformed Church in America, as there are only two authors so far in this denomination. The spreadsheet has the rule in it and includes all the denominations so far associated with authors.
I added Theology: Reformed to Mohler, which should mean he automatically appears in Reformed Baptist, as he was already Baptist. There should be no need to add individuals to the rules for Reformed baptist, but it does need the collections Full Library, Theology: Not Reformed and Theology: Not Baptist to work.
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MJ. Smith said:
Here are some including some that I have offered before. This time I included the evidence.
Abbe, Paul
Adeyemo, Tokunboh (Dallas Theological Seminary; general secretary Association of Evangelicals in Africa)
Archer, Gleason L. ( - Evangelical Free Church (had been conservative Congregationalist)
Albright, W. F. (see
Anglican/Church of England
Allnutt, Richard Lea (Logos;
Althaus, Paul (Wikipedia)Thanks for the suggestions. These should all be there now. Paul Abbe should already have been down as Roman Catholic. Please let me know if he isn't showing up.
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Robert A. Sprigg said:
Arnold, I think, Belongs with Arnold Fruchtenbaum (Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum).
Sorry, Robert, but I wasn't sure what you mean here.
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Here's the latest spreadsheet, containing all of the changes above:
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Andrew Baguley said:
Paul Abbe should already have been down as Roman Catholic.
You are correct. There was an error in a download title.
I think we should have a category for Orientalist just as we do for philosopher.
Budge, Ernest A. Wallis
Wright, William
Wollatson, Arthur Naylor
Wilkinson, John Gardnew (Eyptologist is subspeciality of Orientalist)
Bailey, Randall C.
American Baptist / Congregational
Bartlett, David L.
Church of Ireland
John R. Bartlett
Church of England
Wilberforce, Samuel
westcott, Brooke Foss
Webber, Robert E.
Zimmerli, Walther
Horn, Edward T.
Weidner, Revere Franklin
Faith Bible Church (Independent)
Bailey, Mark L. Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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How did you get your library to give you the above pie chart? I have pulled in all the collections that have come out of this blog, and want to see the breakdown in my library.
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I don't know about others but I'd find it useful to have the Anglican/Church of England divided into categories such as Oxford Movement, Evangelical school etc. Others would know more about this but if we divide Catholics by religious order, this seems like a logical extension.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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There are differences between US Baptists and UK baptists as well. Maybe that should also be a distinction. Seems a logical continuation. For that matter we have 329 (at least according to wikipedia - and I noticed it missed one in Haiti) separate baptist denominations in the world today, with a significant number of them being here in America.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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A group including today's download (for myself, of course):
Russian Orthodox
Brianchaninov, Ignatius
Greek Orthodox
Papavassiliou, Vassilios
Antiochian Orthodox Church
Reardon, Patrick Henry
Fabarez, Mike (Compass Bible Church)
Grace Evangelical
Farstad, Frank D.
Farwell, James W.,d.aWc
Evangelical school of Church of England
Fausset, A. R.
Federer, William J.
Findlay, George G.
Francke, August Hermann
Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm
Moravian Church
O'Mahony, Kieran J. Order:OSA (Order of Saint Augustine)
Xenos Christian Fellowship
O'Mathúna, Dónal
German Protestant
Reventlow, Henning GrafOrthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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The first part of Catholic orders and misspelling of Joseph in Dalton:
VanderKam James C. Roman Catholic (Latin) Congregation of Holy Cross Alfaro Juan I. Roman Catholic (Latin) Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Barber Michael Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Barron Robert Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Bellarmine Robert Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Benedict XV Roman Catholic (Latin) Secular Franciscan Benedict XVI Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Benedictine Monks Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Benedict Breen A. E. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Brother Lawrence Roman Catholic (Latin) Discalced Carmelite Brown Raymond Edward Roman Catholic (Latin) Sulpician Fathers Butler Alban Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Canisius Peter Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Congar Yves Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Preachers (Dominicans) Cornelius a Lapide Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Dalton William Jospeh Roman Catholic (Latin) de Chantal Jane Frances Roman Catholic (Latin) Congregation of the Visitation Denzinger Henry Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Donahue John R. Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Doran Robert Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Dubay Thomas Roman Catholic (Latin) Marist Fathers and Brothers Emmerich Anne Catherine Roman Catholic (Latin) Augustinian Erasmus Desiderius Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest soc Allan D. Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Augustine Fitzmyer Joseph A. Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Francis de Sales Roman Catholic (Latin) Oratory of St. Philip Neri Fry Timothy Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Benedict Gigot Francis Ernest Roman Catholic (Latin) Sulpician Fathers Grech Prosper Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Augustine Green Barbara Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Preachers (Dominican sister) Harrington Daniel J. Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Harrington Wilfrid J. Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Preachers (Dominicans) Haydock George Leo Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Hunter Sylvester Joseph Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Hurd R. Scott Roman Catholic (Latin) Anglican usage Catholic Ignatius of Loyola Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) John of the Cross Roman Catholic (Latin) Discalced Carmelite John Paul I Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest John Paul II Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest John XXIII Roman Catholic (Latin) Secular Franciscan Jurgens William A. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Kardong Terrence G. Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Benedict Karris Robert J. Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Francis Keating Daniel Roman Catholic (Latin) Servants of the Word Ker Ian Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Klauck Hans-Josef Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Francis Kosanke Charles G. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Lawrence of Brindisi Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. Leo XIII Roman Catholic (Latin) Secular Franciscan Liguori Alphonsus Roman Catholic (Latin) Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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remainder of first cut of orders, spelling corrections and a non-latin catholic:
MacEvilly John Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest MacNutt Francis Roman Catholic (Latin) order of preachers (Dominican); theology: charismatic Maloney Francis J. Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of St. Francis de Sales (Salesiana) Mann Horace Kinder Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Manning Brennan Roman Catholic (Latin) Little Brothers of Jesus of Charles de Foucauld Martinez Luis Maria Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Matera Frank J. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest McHugh John F. Roman Catholic (Latin) Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Missionary Oblate) McKenzie John Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) McNabb Vincent Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Preachers (Dominicans) McNamara Martin Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Meier John P. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Melina Livio Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Merton Thomas Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappist) Moloney Francis J. Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of St. Francis de Sales (Salesians) Montague George T. Roman Catholic (Latin) Marist Fathers and Brothers (Marist) Moran William L. Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Morrow Thomas G. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Murphy Roland E. Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Carmelite) Newman John Henry Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Nichols Aidan Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Preachers (Dominican) Orchard Bernard Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines) Ott Ludwig Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Panikulam George Catholic (Syro-Malabarese) diocesan priest Pascal Blaise Roman Catholic (Latin) theology: Jansenism Pimentel Stephen Roman Catholic (Latin) theology:covenantal Pius X Roman Catholic (Latin) secular Franciscan Pius XI Roman Catholic (Latin) secular Franciscan Pius XII Roman Catholic (Latin) secular Franciscan Ponessa Joseph Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Ratzinger Joseph Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Robinson Paschal <sp> Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans) Schillebeeckx <sp> Edward Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Preachers (Dominican) Schonborn Christoph Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Preachers (Dominican) Senior Donald Roman Catholic (Latin) Congregatio Passionis Iesu Christi (Passionist) Sloyan Gerard S. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Sofie J. Francis Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Spicq Ceslas Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Preachers (Dominican) Stravinskas Peter M. J. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Stuhlmueller Carroll Roman Catholic (Latin) Congregatio Passionis Iesu Christi (Passionist) Sullivan John F. Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Teresa of Avila Roman Catholic (Latin) Discalced Carmelites The Daughters of St. Paul Roman Catholic (Latin) The Daughters of St. Paul Thérèse of Lisieux Roman Catholic (Latin) Discalced Carmelites Tylenda Joseph N. Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) University of Navarre Roman Catholic (Latin) Opus Dei Vanhoye Albert Roman Catholic (Latin) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) von Balthasar Hans Urs Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest von Hefele Karl Joseph Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Wansbrough Henry Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines) Wehner James A. Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Weinandy Thomas G. Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Friars Minor Capuchin Woywod Stanislaus Roman Catholic (Latin) Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans) Zenger Erich Roman Catholic (Latin) diocesan priest Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
BarberMichaelRoman Catholic (Latin)Society of Jesus (Jesuit)
A married Jesuit with three kids?
MJ. Smith said:Cornelius a Lapide
Should be à Lapide, Cornelius. I put it on the Metadata page, but for now it is what it is, I guess.
MJ. Smith said:ErasmusDesideriusRoman Catholic (Latin)diocesan priest
Wikipedia says Canon Regular of St Augustine.
MJ. Smith said:John Paul IIRoman Catholic (Latin)diocesan priest
He is supposed to have been a secular (Third Order) Discalced Carmelite.
MJ. Smith said:Order of Friars Minor Capuchin (...) Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans)
I suspect the first would consider themselves just as Franciscan as the latter.[:)]
MJ. Smith said:Schonborn
Please: Schönborn.[;)]
MJ. Smith said:von BalthasarHans UrsRoman Catholic (Latin)diocesan priest
He may have died one, yes, but all his training and earlier life was Jesuit. I think I would keep him as such. I am more hesitant if Brennan Manning should really be allowed to keep his label. His break was a lot more radical.
Missing (most very obvious; perhaps they're on an earlier page, but I didn't see them):
- Albert the Great: Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
- Bede: can't find out for certain what rule his monastery followed, but Benedictine would seem the most likely
- Benedict of Nursia: Order of Saint Benedict
- Bernard of Clairvaux: Order of Cistercians
- Bonaventure: Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans)
- Catherine of Siena: Third Order of St Dominic
- Chacour, Elias: diocesan priest, Melkite (Greek Catholic) Church
- Clare of Assisi: Order of St Clare (Poor Clares)
- Daughters of St Paul: Daughters of St Paul
- Francis of Assisi: Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans)
- Hahn, Scott: Opus Dei (anyone who knows if his wife is as well?)
- Ignatius of Loyola: Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
- Julian of Norwich: Anchoress
- Lohfink, Gerhard: seems to be a diocesan priest, unlike his Jesuit brother Norbert
- Rahner, Karl: Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
- Rolle, Richard: Hermit
- Scotus, Duns: Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans)
- Suso, Henry: Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
- Thomas Aquinas: Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
- Thomas à Kempis: Canon Regular of St Augustine
Not yet shipped:
- Angela of Foligno: Third Order of St Francis
- Birgitta of Sweden: Third Order of St Francis (member), and Order of the Most Holy Saviour (Bridgettines) (foundress)
- Eckhart, Meister: Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
- Gertrude of Helfta: Order of Saint Benedict
- Hildegard of Bingen: Order of Saint Benedict
- Hilton, Walter: Canon Regular of St Augustine
- Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi: Order of Carmelites
- Mechthild of Magdeburg: various (Beguine, then Third Order of St Dominic, then possibly Cistercian)
- Tauler, Johannes: Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
I haven't downloaded these lists, so I don't know what you're doing with them, but I would put all the Franciscans (Friars Minor, Capucins, Conventuals, Poor Clares, TOR) in one group, the whole Benedictine family (Benedictines, Cistercians, Trappists) in one group, and so on.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:MJ. Smith said:
BarberMichaelRoman Catholic (Latin)Society of Jesus (Jesuit)
A married Jesuit with three kids?
Working from the Excel file I had chosen "Gay Priest Ousted By Conservative Bishop (Michael Barber, SJ)" (Oakland California)
fgh said:Should be à Lapide, Cornelius.
Hey, I just took what was on the Excel file - corrected obvious misspellings that wouldn't match but ...
fgh said:I suspect the first would consider themselves just as Franciscan as the latter.
I'm for precision - Capuchins are a "subspecies" of "Franciscan" [;)]
Seriously, thanks for the corrections and for the additional work on the earlier Catholics - I hadn't tried to cover them yet.
I'd started on this because of the Roman Catholic vs. Catholic thing - I'm delighted you gave us another Eastern rite Catholic. I might "win this battle" yet.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Working from the Excel file I had chosen "Gay Priest Ousted By Conservative Bishop (Michael Barber, SJ)" (Oakland California)
Try this Michael Barber instead:[;)]
MJ. Smith said:Hey, I just took what was on the Excel file
Yes, and it just took what was in Logos metadata. Which seems unlikely to be fixed anytime soon...
MJ. Smith said:I'd started on this because of the Roman Catholic vs. Catholic thing - I'm delighted you gave us another Eastern rite Catholic. I might "win this battle" yet.
Instead of Roman Catholic it should be something like Catholic (Latin Rite), Catholic (Melkite), etc. That way all Catholics can be sorted together on the spreadsheet. And then the same with the orders: Franciscan (OFM), Franciscan (OFM Cap), etc. With or without deciphering.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Someone may be interested in the following collection:
Author:( "Sproul, R.C.", "Schreiner, Thomas", “Warfield, B. B.”, “Chantry, Walter J.”, “Edgar, Thomas R.”, “Farnell, F. David”, “Gaffin, Richard B.”, “Geisler, Norman L.”, “Gentry, Kenneth L.”, “Gromacki, Robert G.”, “Hoekema, Anthony”, “Judisch, Douglas”, “MacArthur, John”, “Poythress, Vern S.”, “Robertson, O. Palmer”, “Thomas, Robert L.”, “White, R. Fowler”, “Adams, Jay E.“, “Gardiner, George E.“, “Masters, Peter“, “Napier, John“, “Waldron Samuel E.“)
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Here's the latest spreadsheet, containing all of the changes above:
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Charles T Wesco said:
How did you get your library to give you the above pie chart? I have pulled in all the collections that have come out of this blog, and want to see the breakdown in my library.
Sadly, there's no automatic way to generate a pie chart. As far as I'm aware, MJ just used the figures Logos gave her and entered them in an Excel spreadsheet, which creates pie charts using a wizard.
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MJ. Smith said:
I'd started on this because of the Roman Catholic vs. Catholic thing - I'm delighted you gave us another Eastern rite Catholic. I might "win this battle" yet.
Many thanks for all of the work you've put into this, MJ. I've finally changed to Catholic (Roman). I think that's closer to what you wanted at least. Keep the suggestions coming.
Apologies for the places the spreadsheet still doesn't give you what you want. Please let me know about anything I've missed. It probably isn't deliberate. The few exceptions would be not creating new theologies for the few Catholics that you mentioned. I'd be interested in comments on the names I've used for the Orders, etc.
I couldn't find clear evidence for George Panikulam, although I didn't spend long on it. Is there any chance you could post a link for this?
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MJ. Smith said:
Faith Bible Church (Independent)
Bailey, Mark L.'m not sure what you were suggesting here. Surely this isn't a category in itself. I've just changed it to Baptist, subcategory Baptist. Sadly this was after I posted the above spreadsheet, but it will be present in the next update.
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MJ. Smith said:
I don't know about others but I'd find it useful to have the Anglican/Church of England divided into categories such as Oxford Movement, Evangelical school etc. Others would know more about this but if we divide Catholics by religious order, this seems like a logical extension.
I thought about this some time ago. The most natural categories may be those I used for the theological colleges on the Colleges & Universities worksheet: High Anglican, Anglo-Catholic, Conservative Evangelical, Open Evangelical, Evangelical and Liberal, though I couldn't find any that self-identify as liberal, and some of the labels are more readily used than others.
For authors, I added an Oxford Movement rule to the Notes worksheet some time ago:
Oxford Movement: Author:("Keble, John", "Liddon, H. P.", "Marriott, Charles", "Pusey, E. B") OR Title:("Tracts for the Times")
It seems a bit of a limited category, so I left it there rather than complicate the spreadsheet. Evangelical Anglicans can be found by mixing the Anglican Stream/Category and Evangelical Theology. Filtering the spreadsheet will show these quickly. A rule could be created for them in a couple of ways, but I wasn't convinced about creating a new category. I'm open to other Anglican categories, but these would certainly be the most obvious.
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fgh said:
Instead of Roman Catholic it should be something like Catholic (Latin Rite), Catholic (Melkite), etc. That way all Catholics can be sorted together on the spreadsheet. And then the same with the orders: Franciscan (OFM), Franciscan (OFM Cap), etc. With or without deciphering.
Many thanks, fgh. I think I've incorporated much of what you suggested, though I went for Catholic (Roman), as I think this is more recognisable.
I haven't categorised Bede, as it looked like a guess.
Benedict of Nursia I left uncategorised. Would it be anachronistic to label him OSB, as suggested by I'll add Benedictine if not.
I couldn't find Chacour at Is this an author published by Logos?
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Sandro Polenta said:
Someone may be interested in the following collection:
Author:( "Sproul, R.C.", "Schreiner, Thomas", “Warfield, B. B.”, “Chantry, Walter J.”, “Edgar, Thomas R.”, “Farnell, F. David”, “Gaffin, Richard B.”, “Geisler, Norman L.”, “Gentry, Kenneth L.”, “Gromacki, Robert G.”, “Hoekema, Anthony”, “Judisch, Douglas”, “MacArthur, John”, “Poythress, Vern S.”, “Robertson, O. Palmer”, “Thomas, Robert L.”, “White, R. Fowler”, “Adams, Jay E.“, “Gardiner, George E.“, “Masters, Peter“, “Napier, John“, “Waldron Samuel E.“)
Very helpful, Sandro. I've added this as a new theology on the spreadsheet. It generated the rule below:
Author:("Adams, Jay E.", "Chantry, Walter J.", "Farnell, F. David", "Gaffin, Richard B.", "Geisler, Norman L.", "Gentry, Kenneth L.", "Gromacki, Robert", "Hoekema, Anthony", "MacArthur, John F.", "Poythress, Vern S.", "Robertson, O. Palmer", "Schreiner, Thomas R.", "Sproul, R. C.", "Thomas, Robert L.", "Waldron, Samuel E.", "Warfield, Benjamin B.", "White, R. Fowler")
The missing names are for people I couldn't see as authors on I'm trying to limit it to current authors in order to keep the project manageable (and useful, in terms of Logos collections). I've published the new rule at:
Note: The list looks reliable, but I haven't checked it, so please feel free to suggest corrections or additions.
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MJ. Smith said:
Zimmerli, Walther last note for today, MJ. If you were able to convert the links you paste into clickable links, then that would be really helpful. Typing a space after each one is usually enough for them to be automatically changed.
Thanks again. I've really appreciated all your work on this, as I'm sure others have. [:)]
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Curiously, the "Denomination: Wesleyan Church" tag, when selected, returns only two of my 18 volumes in the series of "Commentaries in the Wesleyan Tradition." The authors of every volume are included in the spreadsheet, albeit without middle initials in some cases, and all are identified as "Wesleyan."
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Thank you Andrew
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Andrew Baguley said:
I couldn't find clear evidence for George Panikulam, although I didn't spend long on it. Is there any chance you could post a link for this?
George Panikulam
George Panikulam (* 26. Oktober 1942 in Puthenchira, Indien) ist syro-malabarischer Erzbischof und vatikanischer Diplomat.
or from
(one is ordained into the rite of the ordaining bishop)
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Andrew Baguley said:
I couldn't find Chacour at
Check Vyrso.[;)]
Quick comments:
- Forigno should be Foligno.
- Change Discalced Carmelite (OCD) to Carmelite, Discalced (OCD), so that the two branches sort together.
- I suspect OFS and TOSF are simply the Latin and English abbreviations for the same branch of secular Franciscans. MJ?
- It seems Jean Marie Vianney and Jeanne d'Arc were both TOSF: (which also mentions a number of popes).
- As MJ states above, Francis de Sales was an Oratorian, not a Capucin.
- I've never heard the word Visitationist. I'm used to Visitandine. But then I'm not a native speaker. MJ?
- I'd still prefer Brennan Manning as an ordinary lay Catholic, since he left both the order and the priesthood. And I'd still prefer von Balthasar as Jesuit, as that's where his spirituality comes from.
Lutheran / Church of Sweden:
- Bo Giertz 1905-1998
- Cristina Grenholm 1959->
- Lars Hartman 1930->
- Bengt Hägglund (not Hagglund!) 1920->
- Antje Jackelén 1955->
- Krister Stendahl 1921-2008
- Gustaf Wingren 1910-2000
Swedish Mission Covenant Church:
- Paul Petter Waldenström 1838-1917
(I guess you'll have to list him under Reformed, since internationally that's where they're organized, though in many ways they're more Lutheran than Reformed.)
Swedes of unknown confession:
- Karin Hedner Zetterholm
- Magnus Zetterholm
- Samuel Byrskog 1957->
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Cale Judd said:
Curiously, the "Denomination: Wesleyan Church" tag, when selected, returns only two of my 18 volumes in the series of "Commentaries in the Wesleyan Tradition." The authors of every volume are included in the spreadsheet, albeit without middle initials in some cases, and all are identified as "Wesleyan."
Thanks for the feedback, Cale. All of these should be listed under Theology: Wesleyan. However, authors such as Alex Varughese ( are not in the Wesleyan Church as a denomination. He is in the Church of the Nazarene. This wasn't a church that I listed originally, though I would be happy to add it. Even if I do, he still won't be listed under Denomination: Wesleyan Church as this relates to the specific denomination: Wesleyan Church. When there is a theology listed, such as Wesleyan or Reformed, there is no Denomination Stream. Hope that clarifies.
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MJ. Smith said:
(one is ordained into the rite of the ordaining bishop)
Thanks, MJ. I wasn't sure about the effect of being consecrated by Pope John Paul II, but if it's his ordination that counts then I'm happy to accept that. I've changed the spreadsheet, though I'll make more changes before republishing it.
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Andrew Baguley said:
but if it's his ordination that counts then I'm happy to accept that.
And that that the German Wikipedia gives his rite as Syro-Malabar[;)] It is possible for a priest to change rites and to be multiple rites but as far as I know this is a straight forward case.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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fgh said:Andrew Baguley said:
I couldn't find Chacour at
Check Vyrso.
Quick comments:
- Forigno should be Foligno.
- Change Discalced Carmelite (OCD) to Carmelite, Discalced (OCD), so that the two branches sort together.
- I suspect OFS and TOSF are simply the Latin and English abbreviations for the same branch of secular Franciscans. MJ?
- It seems Jean Marie Vianney and Jeanne d'Arc were both TOSF: (which also mentions a number of popes).
- As MJ states above, Francis de Sales was an Oratorian, not a Capucin.
- I've never heard the word Visitationist. I'm used to Visitandine. But then I'm not a native speaker. MJ?
- I'd still prefer Brennan Manning as an ordinary lay Catholic, since he left both the order and the priesthood. And I'd still prefer von Balthasar as Jesuit, as that's where his spirituality comes from.
Lutheran / Church of Sweden:
- Bo Giertz 1905-1998
- Cristina Grenholm 1959->
- Lars Hartman 1930->
- Bengt Hägglund (not Hagglund!) 1920->
- Antje Jackelén 1955->
- Krister Stendahl 1921-2008
- Gustaf Wingren 1910-2000
Swedish Mission Covenant Church:
- Paul Petter Waldenström 1838-1917
(I guess you'll have to list him under Reformed, since internationally that's where they're organized, though in many ways they're more Lutheran than Reformed.)
Swedes of unknown confession:
- Karin Hedner Zetterholm
- Magnus Zetterholm
- Samuel Byrskog 1957->
I've added Chacour, corrected Foligno, changed to Carmelite (Discalced), and changed Brennan Manning.
It looks like OFS is a subset of TOSF, as they can be Regular, rather than Secular. (
Apologies over Francis de Sales. I didn't read carefully enough. He was only an associate member of the OFM Cap and although the foundation he started died out soon after, the Oratory is still strong today. I've changed his category to the Oratory.
Visitandine looks better, though it looks like they're known as both. I've changed it.
The normal rule (suggested long ago by MJ) is that we categorise with what was applicable at the time of writing. Therefore von Balthasar would be a diocesan priest. However, there may be a better reason, as you argue, to leave him as a Jesuit. MJ?
Thanks for all the Swedes. I've added all except the unknown confessions. I'd rather wait until someone provides evidence for their confessions.
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I wouldn't normally publish updates so close together, but this has a fantastic new feature, thanks to some new code from Randy Sims.
You can now filter the spreadsheet, click the new button in cell BH1, and a rule to match the filtered list will appear in cell BI1. Copy this into a new collection in Logos and you can now generate rules for Female Presbyterians, US Lutherans, or Evangelical Anglicans. There are lots of possible permutations.
I know the feature will prove really useful to me. I hope it will be useful to others as well.
Many thanks, Randy. [:D]
Here's the spreadsheet:
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Andrew Baguley said:
Benedict of Nursia I left uncategorised. Would it be anachronistic to label him OSB, as suggested by I'll add Benedictine if not.
He should be OSB for sorting and other practical purposes. Oratories are autonomous congregations that (presently) form a loose confederation, but no one would label St. Philip Neri (accidental founder of the first Oratory) as non-Oratorian. Besides that, a lot of people will be confused if St. Benedict is not labelled as a Benedictine and, more importantly, it will throw off their searching.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Andrew Baguley said:
However, there may be a better reason, as you argue, to leave him as a Jesuit. MJ?
It seems reasonable.
Are you going to update the Faithlife Collections or do we have to update off the spreadsheet?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I hadn't checked in on this discussion for a few months and am amazed by the progress, but found it hard to know how to do the updates now. There aren't any instructions that I could find in the Faithlife group, or on the spreadsheet (though I did update each collection from the Faithlife group after reading an earlier post). With this latest spreadsheet, I pressed the 'Refresh' button on the "Logos Rules" tab of the spreadsheet. Is that all I have to do?
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SineNomine said:Andrew Baguley said:
Benedict of Nursia I left uncategorised. Would it be anachronistic to label him OSB, as suggested by I'll add Benedictine if not.
He should be OSB for sorting and other practical purposes. Oratories are autonomous congregations that (presently) form a loose confederation, but no one would label St. Philip Neri (accidental founder of the first Oratory) as non-Oratorian. Besides that, a lot of people will be confused if St. Benedict is not labelled as a Benedictine and, more importantly, it will throw off their searching.
Thanks. I've changed him to OSB.
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Von Balthasar is now Jesuit.
It's a good question about updating the collections. I usually try to publish the spreadsheet and collections at the same time, but it takes quite a while to go through all the collections, so there may sometimes be a lag. I'd be only too happy if someone offered to republish all of the collections each time the spreadsheet is updated. I don't have much time at the moment, so updating the collections means less work on the spreadsheet, and there's still a lot I'd like to do to it.
Any offers to update would be greatly appreciated. [:D]
The plan is to publish all of the Denomination Streams and Theologies, but only the Denominations with the most authors, simply because it takes so much time. I'd be only too happy for them all to be done. Other Denominations can be updated from the spreadsheet by anyone interested.
Of course, the original plan was to simply show it was achievable and suggest Logos did it all for us. Much of it could then happen automatically. Occasionally Logos change the way an author's name is listed, but I can only change the spreadsheet and collections if someone lets me know. If the project was taken over by Logos, it could be automatic.
I've learned a lot from the project, but the bigger the project, the more time it takes. It either needs more crowdsourcing, to be taken over by Logos, or to slow down a bit.
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Darren Loechel said:
I hadn't checked in on this discussion for a few months and am amazed by the progress, but found it hard to know how to do the updates now. There aren't any instructions that I could find in the Faithlife group, or on the spreadsheet (though I did update each collection from the Faithlife group after reading an earlier post). With this latest spreadsheet, I pressed the 'Refresh' button on the "Logos Rules" tab of the spreadsheet. Is that all I have to do?
It's great to hear you can see progress, Darren. If you join the Faithlife group and get copies of the collections, then they should update automatically for you. (Although I mentioned a possible lag in the previous post, they have generally kept up-to-date with the spreadsheet.) Many more collections are generated by the spreadsheet that are not yet Faithlife collections (see previous post). You can also now use the button in Cell BH1 to generate your own collections, based on filtering the spreadsheet. Unless you're updating the spreadsheet data yourself, you shouldn't need to hit the 'Refresh' button.
Hope that's at least a little clearer. Feel free to come back with questions.
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Kenneth Keathley ought to be listed in the Southern Baptist denomination (note, click "K" to sort by last names that start with K and scroll down).
He has a book in Logos & Vyrso I believe. Also He is a Molinist (the topic of his book).
Peter Abelard: I think he's benedictine (OSB). He was ordained at The Basilica of St. Denis in France (one I've visited) Which was and I believe still is benedictine (OSB) starting in the 600s ad. This one was a personal book.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Also Zwingli isn't in the Swiss Protestant collection... Seems obvious so I won't provide any proof, but you'll recall he was one of the reformers and was in the swiss guard.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Also I was puzzled by the charismatic vs pentecostal collections.
Can one be charismatic and yet not pentecostal? (honest question, no offense intended). Seems like everyone in the pentecostal camp would be charismatic, but what differentiates a charismatic from a pentecostal in such a way that not all charismatics can be considered Pentecostals?EDIT:
Also I made a spread sheet to show what I'm about to suggest... But I would love to be able to list different theological perspecitves of individual authors as well... Are they dispensational & Reformed? Are they presbyterians that dunk, or Baptists that sprinkle? Do they hold the pre-wrath rapture view? What about their ecclesiology?
Certainly much of this can be gleaned from their denominational stance... But consider the baptists for a moment (because I am one, I can pick on them a little) - we are not so monolithic as people might think. The only things we have in common for sure are the BF&M. Maybe my church lets people dance, and your's doesn't. Maybe your baptist church believes in an a-millenial eschatological construct, where mine is pre-mil pre-wrath (or whatever). I think you get the idea. Would love to be able to see at a glance what position an author is going to take.
Click to enlarge. The denomination stats are from the collections created in this thread- most of the numbers used were real... Except I don't have any data for the eschatology of the authors, nor for progressive dispensationalism, or covenant (any other positions out there?)
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
Can one be charismatic and yet not pentecostal?
I believe the largest Charismatic group today can be found within the Catholic Church.[;)]
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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abondservant said:
Can one be charismatic and yet not pentecostal?
I think of charismatic as being a movement within a denomination while I think of Pentecostal as being a group of denominations. Perhaps this is because of the charismatic priests I know (Catholic & Episcopal).
I like your charts. One caught my attention because of the difference in how we use language. When I saw "interpretation of scripture" I expected, sola scriptural, confessional, experiential, reason, tradition ... (additive)
abondservant said:we are not so monolithic as people might think
This is true of a number of groups. Hopefully, people using Logos are in the habit of trying to think clearly and will take this into account.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:abondservant said:
Can one be charismatic and yet not pentecostal?
I think of charismatic as being a movement within a denomination while I think of Pentecostal as being a group of denominations. Perhaps this is because of the charismatic priests I know (Catholic & Episcopal).
I like your charts. One caught my attention because of the difference in how we use language. When I saw "interpretation of scripture" I expected, sola scriptural, confessional, experiential, reason, tradition ... (additive)
That's probably my protestant leanings coming out.
One would hope. I think that if people were thinking clearly entire traditions might not exist, but I digress.MJ. Smith said:abondservant said:we are not so monolithic as people might think
This is true of a number of groups. Hopefully, people using Logos are in the habit of trying to think clearly and will take this into account.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
That's probably my protestant leanings coming out.
Probably. But somewhere in the last 2-3 years, I learned that Methodists use a quadrilateral: scripture, tradition, reason and experience - having added the experience to the Anglican 3 legged stool. And in the last 4-5 years, a Lutheran group put out a small book on confessional interpretation. I wish there were an easy way to track down some other major groups' practices.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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For us (southern baptists) we believe in general and special revelation (leaving my reformed leanings on the topic out for the moment) and when it comes to scripture we read the text first, then learn the various contexts (historical, geographical, political, religious, et al relevant). Then we study what others have said about the passage at hand - because if you are out there all alone on a topic its probably not because you're right. Not that you are necessarily wrong - but in thousands of years of history if you can't find someone to agree with you then you probably have made a leap of logic somewhere. Experience doesn't really enter in, and everything else is secondary to scripture. I'm not sure how many legs that gives us
. Its pretty much sola scriptura, but double check your self - if that makes sense.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
Kenneth Keathley ought to be listed in the Southern Baptist denomination (note, click "K" to sort by last names that start with K and scroll down).
He has a book in Logos & Vyrso I believe. Also He is a Molinist (the topic of his book).Thanks, abondservant. I thought Kenneth Keathley already was marked as Southern Baptist. Please let me know if not.
There currently is no category for Molinism, If anyone provides me a sufficiently large list, preferably with evidence, then I could create one.
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abondservant said:
Also Zwingli isn't in the Swiss Protestant collection... Seems obvious so I won't provide any proof, but you'll recall he was one of the reformers and was in the swiss guard.
Thanks. Swiss Protestant was a new category that I hadn't developed properly. I've now labelled anyone who was Reformed and Main Country: Switzerland as Swiss Protestant. Please let me know any corrections or additions to this.