ESV Study Bible
Any chance it is there and you missed it? Search your library for ESV to see if it might be there.
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Hi, Steve!
Thank you very much for your reply. Yes, I have restarted L4 at least 5-6 times since Wednesday.
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Hello, Floyd.
Yes, I thought the same thing, so I checked. It's not there.
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You didn't by chance turn off "Use Internet" did you?
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Thanks, Richard. I did. All is well now.
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Richard DeRuiter said:
You didn't by chance turn off "Use Internet" did you?
Richard with the save!
Glad to hear you're up and running Jeff.
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I don't understand why I don't see the scriptures within the ESV SB. I did not order the ESV SB Notes. I thought the ESV SB included the scriptures and the notes. Is anyone else having this issue?
Moises Rivera
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Moises Rivera said:
I don't understand why I don't see the scriptures within the ESV SB. I did not order the ESV SB Notes. I thought the ESV SB included the scriptures and the notes. Is anyone else having this issue?
Moises Rivera
The ESVSB works like all the other study Bibles in Logos (e.g., Apologetics Study Bible, Believer's, King James, Nelson, New Living, Reformation, Spirit Filled LIfe, etc.). That is, they work like commentaries. They don't include the Bible text, they are tied to, and which can be purchased separately (if one does not already own it). They have worked this way since they were first introduced in Libronix (L3), or was it L2?
I wish they worked more like footnotes, or like a reverse interlinear (with the info in the bottom pane of a tile). But they don't.
The up side of this, is that any study Bible can be used with any version. So I've been using my ESVSB with my NIV (so far nothing has burst into flames [;)]). And since they are verse-by-verse commentaries with brief comments, I've found it helpful to link these with a Bible "Link set" and in parallel columns (i.e., tiles) to follow my Bible reading.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Thanks for clarifying this for me Richard. I also wish they worked more like footnotes, or like a reverse interlinear.
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Richard DeRuiter said:
any study Bible can be used with any version. So I've been using my ESVSB with my NIV (so far nothing has burst into flames
Rich, that's so funny. Thanks for a good laugh. [:D]
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Richard DeRuiter said:
The up side of this, is that any study Bible can be used with any version. So I've been using my ESVSB with my NIV
I had thought about doing that too. I wonder, though, how many occurrences, if any, where the ESVSB commentary is tied to the ESV translation for a particular verse? Maybe not many? just thinking....
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Moises Rivera said:
I did not order the ESV SB Notes. I thought the ESV SB included the scriptures and the notes.
Just to clarify. The notes were available separately for those who already owned the ESV text. The ESV Study Bible, which costs more than the notes, includes a copy of the ESV Bible as well as the notes. You purchased that so you received two files: the ESV Bible and the ESV Study Notes. You don't have to purchase the ESV Bible as was suggested. You should now have it. Hope that's clear.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Moises Rivera said:
Thanks for clarifying this for me Richard. I also wish they worked more like footnotes, or like a reverse interlinear.
Peace to you, Moises! *smile*
Have you tried "linking" ESV to ESVSB? Then you can display them in a layout with the Study Bible to the side of - OR - beneath or above the ESV
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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I am interested in buying my wife an i-pad for Christmas and am looking at the ESV study bible. How does the ESV SB work with the IPAD?
I checked the ESV SB online and it has a ton of extras beyond what is offered in the hardcopy of the ESV SB but if you buy the hardcopy, you get free access to the online. How much of the online ESV stuff is available on the Logos ESVSB? Does this online access come with the Logos version?
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James Clabaugh said:
I am interested in buying my wife an i-pad for Christmas and am looking at the ESV study bible. How does the ESV SB work with the IPAD?
I checked the ESV SB online and it has a ton of extras beyond what is offered in the hardcopy of the ESV SB but if you buy the hardcopy, you get free access to the online. How much of the online ESV stuff is available on the Logos ESVSB? Does this online access come with the Logos version?
James, you may get better response if you start a new thread with your question, rather than on page 9 of a 2-year-old thread.
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James Clabaugh said:
I am interested in buying my wife an i-pad for Christmas and am looking at the ESV study bible. How does the ESV SB work with the IPAD?
I checked the ESV SB online and it has a ton of extras beyond what is offered in the hardcopy of the ESV SB but if you buy the hardcopy, you get free access to the online. How much of the online ESV stuff is available on the Logos ESVSB? Does this online access come with the Logos version?
Peace, James! *smile* On my iPad2 I often have my ESV on my left and my ESV SB on my right and link the two. There are all kinds of permutations you might want to try. The ESV SB will also work with other Bibles and can "link" with them.
Also, I took a peek at a few of your old posts and notice that you seem to be aware of the FaithLife Study Bible.
I'm hoping that others will also respond to you according to where they're at; however, on my iPad I have 3 Logos related aps .......... all of which serve a different purpose for me ............. 1. My Logos App 2. My Vyrso App (used mainly for reading) 3. My FaithLife App which I end up using a lot because I'm part of a number of FaithLife groups.
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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James, the Logos version duplicates the content of the print version. If there is extra online material it is not in the Logos version. There is no link from Logos to the online content.
In Logos the ESV Bible and the ESV Study Bible are separate. In the ESV Bible you have the text but none of the study notes. In the ESV Study Bible you have the notes but none of the text. To have the full experience you have to buy both.
Other than that the ESV Study Bible works very well on the iPad. You would use the ESV text in one panel and the ESV Study Bible in a linked second pane so that they scroll together.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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James - I think the other guys answered well. Is there a passage or feature in the ESVSB you would like to look at?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Also there is a free ESV demo CD when you buy the print version that is downloaded from Crossway's website and then installed into Logos. It has a lot of the extras that you get from the online study Bible. Commentaries etc....
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Alabama 24, I logged into the ESV online version with a trial and the quantity and quality of supplemental material is impressive. I have the ESV bible on Logos but not the study notes yet and would love to see what it looks like on either Logos or iPad. Can you post Eph. 14:17-19?
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James Clabaugh said:
Can you post Eph. 14:17-19?
That's a tough one. My ESV only goes up to chapter 6 in Ephesians. [;)]
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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James Clabaugh said:
would love to see what it looks like on either Logos or iPad. Can you post Eph. 14:17-19?
This is what it looks like full screen… as others suggested, you can also do this in split screen with the ESV (or other) Bible text.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks for the PIX - re: chapter 14, guess it's time to get a new version. [:P]
thanks to all - I've got a lot to learn about Apple products and Logos.
I guess I need to learn to type with fat fingers, too.