Size of mobile ed videos

Does anyone know how much space the Mobile Ed videos use on one's hard drive?
Also, what's the line command to delete mobile ed videos when you're done?
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
Some example sizes:
AR151 1 GB
BI181 1 GB
CS121 2 GB
LD111 962 MB
LT261 1 GB
LT270 701 MB
LT271 2 GB
NT176 1 GB
NT211 3 GB
NT308 596 MB
NT309 1 GB
NT313 651 MB
NT344 1 GB
NT362 7 GB
OT312 9 GB
OT317 9 GB
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The size depends on what bit rate gets downloaded and cached as you watch them. If you have fast internet, then you will likely get the highest resolution videos and they can be pretty large. I checked out the total size of the video files for some of the examples Jan gave, and they could over twice as large as what he listed.
To clear out your downloaded video files open a course's video resource to the Overview section. Open the drop down menu and select "Delete downloaded media."
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Jan Krohn said:
Some example sizes:
AR151 1 GB
BI181 1 GB
CS121 2 GB
LD111 962 MB
LT261 1 GB
LT270 701 MB
LT271 2 GB
NT176 1 GB
NT211 3 GB
NT308 596 MB
NT309 1 GB
NT313 651 MB
NT344 1 GB
NT362 7 GB
OT312 9 GB
OT317 9 GB
I am asking because I don't have high speed internet (not available, except satellite, and that costs too much). So, are those the sizes for all the videos in each of those classes? I am wondering if I can download the videos ahead of time while at the local library, using their internet so I don't kill my mobile hot-spot allowances?
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Yes. Open the video resource, and in the drop down menu there is an option to "Download all media." What size/video resolution you download will depend on the internet speed you have available, so I can't tell you exactly how much space they will take up.
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Ok. I am going to experiment. Thank you!
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Miles Custis said:
Yes. Open the video resource, and in the drop down menu there is an option to "Download all media." What size/video resolution you download will depend on the internet speed you have available, so I can't tell you exactly how much space they will take up.
Is there a way to monitor the downloading status of everything?
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Or is there a way one can tell me how much space GK101 takes? On the mid-range end of quality?
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Looks like the videos for that course show take up between 4 and 8 GB. After clicking Download all media the option in the drop down will change to "Cancel media download" until the download is complete. That's the only way to monitor the download status.
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I tried to check mine, and the results are very different:
AR271DESILVA.logos4 811 MB
AR101EVANSVIDEOS.logos4 7.55 MB
Is it so that Logos does not download videos until I watch them?
I think the video quality is not very high. I can understand that high quality (amount of pixels) takes more space. But in the 7 cities video overexposure is common (lack of dynamic range, clipping, high contrast).
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11
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Veli Voipio said:
Is it so that Logos does not download videos until I watch them?
Until either you watch them, or you choose "Download all".
Veli Voipio said:AR271DESILVA.logos4 811 MB
AR101EVANSVIDEOS.logos4 7.55 MB
These are the size of the 'container' resourcers, not the videos themselves. The videos themselves are downloaded on demand and saved in the WebCache folder.
You can move the webcache folder to a different drive (though that's not officially supported).
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11
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Jonathan Bradley said:
Or is there a way one can tell me how much space GK101 takes? On the mid-range end of quality?
GK101 took just over 8gb for me. GK091, the koine alphabet course, took just over 1gb for the videos.
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC