Missing designation for Mobile Ed courses

This thread drew attention to a bundle of courses that I hadn't seen before.
I noticed that they're missing the traditional XY123 topical classification and numbering.
I hope we can apply that designation for expediency's sake.
* It makes it much easier to find the course's Faithlife group, which is the primary source of the Readings and Resources Linked documents. (I unsuccessfully tried searching for a "The Cosmic Mountain" group, which lead to a large number of church groups with Cosmic or Mountain in their name.)
* It makes it faster to find the product on the store when you can search for a shorter designation (instead of a longer name which can return other types of resources).
* It helps the Courses page to remain complete and organized. (Presently, these Mobile Ed courses don't appear to be listed there.)
Today, we have Mobile Ed courses and Faithlife Courses. As the number of offerings grow, I would hope that these particular courses represent the same tier of Mobile Ed courses that use the same branding, and offer the same features such as transcripts, activities, and readings.
Thank you!
P.S. Curious if these courses will be unbundled after the Pre-Pub.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
These courses do not have course codes by design. We wanted to differentiate them from traditional Mobile Ed courses because they do not have all the features of our traditional Mobile Ed courses.
The Further Investigations into The Unseen Realm courses are meant to be companion courses to Dr. Heiser's books The Unseen Realm and Supernatural. They are not full Mobile Ed courses because they are lacking quizzes/exams and Activities. They also have more focused sections of reading links. We include links primarily to The Unseen Realm and Supernatural with some links to additional Heiser books and articles.
We do have some variety of types of courses even within the Mobile Ed courses, and we use course codes (or the lack of course codes) to help distinguish between them. Courses with course codes will have the full treatment (quizzes, Activities, reading links, etc). Other courses will have different levels of these features. The Unseen Realm courses still have some reading links, but they are limited to resources that books/articles that tie directly into the content.
We also have a few shorter practical ministry courses geared toward pastors that do not have reading links either. Examples:
- https://www.logos.com/product/171277/mobile-ed-providing-hope-pastoral-care-in-hospital-visits-death-and-funeral-services
- https://www.logos.com/product/136957/mobile-ed-more-than-the-ceremony-a-wedding-primer-for-pastors
- https://www.logos.com/product/147677/how-to-communicate-effectively-to-modern-audiences
These courses are less academic and more practical, so we did not want to include things like course codes (which feel very academic) or quizzes (which may not be relevant). Future courses along those lines may or may not include some reading links depending on the content or speaker.
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Thanks very much for informing us that they do not have all the features of the traditional Mobile Ed courses.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!