Index of Bible Studies



  • Linda
    Linda Member Posts: 35

    Hi Richard,

    I'm very new to Logos and still figuring out how to use it, but I was able to create my personal book with your index per your instructions and believe it's working. At first my program crashed, but when I reopened it there was no problem. I'm on a Mac so I wasn't able to remove books that I don't own (a lot), but I'll just use that as incentive to buy books. LOL It looks like it was a LOT of work, and it was very generous of to share. Thank you, kindly.

  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Linda. My message on September 9 explains how to remove books you do not use if you own a Mac.

  • Linda
    Linda Member Posts: 35

    Thanks, Rich, I don't get an .xml option under Export. But that's okay. It will be a great tool, and I'm thankful to have it as is.

  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    Here is another update to this file, with another 63 books added to the index (now 2037) with another about 3000 links (now about 65000). The new books are mostly from the Library Booster Collection, with a few others. For instructions on how to use these files, see my post on September 9th.

    6663.Index Bible Studies.docx

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,068

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Jimmy Smith
    Jimmy Smith Member Posts: 10

    Just finding out about this. When I click on the link it wants to know what program to open it with? Logos? Didn't have that option.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,068

    Just finding out about this. When I click on the link it wants to know what program to open it with? Logos? Didn't have that option.

    For starters:

    • forget the zip file and download the Word file (the one with the .docx extension)
    • in Logos, go to Tools/Personal Books, click Add book in the top left
    • Fill in a Title (such as "Index of Bible Studies") and change the Type to: Bible Commentary
    • Click the Add file... button to the right and select the docx you downloaded
    • Click Build book

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Jimmy Smith
    Jimmy Smith Member Posts: 10

    Thanks everyone for your help in identifying how to include other books as commentary by verse. Now, what would REALLY Be HELPFUL is to find a way to have the books that you own migrate to the top of the list and be identified as such with highlighting or some other means. Thanks again!

  • Don D. Thompson
    Don D. Thompson Member Posts: 50

    While a bit more involved than using the docx file, if you download and run the program within the zip file you get an index with only the books you have in your library.  Then you make it into a personal book.  The instructions on how to do that are in Richard's post of Sept 9.

    I have made both the docx file and the index generated by the program into personal books in my library.

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  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    Thanks everyone for your help in identifying how to include other books as commentary by verse. Now, what would REALLY Be HELPFUL is to find a way to have the books that you own migrate to the top of the list and be identified as such with highlighting or some other means. Thanks again!

    Thanks for everyone that is quicker at replying than me! I update the files every 6 months or so, but don't repeat the instructions every time. As was said, if you look at my message on September 9th, 2019, you will find how to create a personal book with only the books that you own.

  • Joe W
    Joe W Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    I have updated this file, a list of explanations and comments on Bible passages that would not be picked up by the Passage Guide. It includes all the books in the Logos 5 Platinum package that have such explanations, and many others beside. There is a complete list of books included, sorted according the package they are in or where I got them from, at the end of the document. That way who has different packages to me can see which of their books are included in the file.

    0385.Index Bible Studies.docx

    God bless you Richard.  MJ pointed me, as I am new, in this direction for your Index.  Thank you.

  • Mark
    Mark Member Posts: 2,658 ✭✭✭


    Is there a way to possibly include the Apocrypha in this program?  I was just thinking today how useful it could be to have commentaries from my library on each of the passages in the Apocrypha. I also know I may be ignorant in making this request as I know little about the Apocrypha books.  It seems to me, having them included in your program can be a great benefit to the understanding of this set of literature.

  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    The general rule is that I do not list in my Index the books that appear in the Passage Guide. (There are some exceptions, especially when I added books that weren't in the Guide, and then Logos added them to the Guide, eg many sermons.) This means that I don't put commentaries in my Index, it is easier to find them with the Passage Guide, including commentaries on the Apocrypha. So you should look first of all in the Passage Guide. If you don't have any commentaries there, you need to buy them - including them in my Index does not help you if you do not own them! I could in theory add sermons, outlines, meditations, Bible studies, etc on the Apocrypha to my Index, which would be a help. But basically in the thousands of books I've checked, I have not found any such Bible studies on the Apocrypha. There might be some out there (and if anyone has any suggestions, I would be happy to add them to my Index if I own them), but I have not found them in my library.

  • Mark
    Mark Member Posts: 2,658 ✭✭✭
  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    I am almost ready to release a new version of the Index of Bible Studies, with lots of new resources added. However I have a problem with the creation of the personalised index with only the books that the user owns. To create it, there is a program that uses the COM object of the Logos program. However, on my computer that COM object no longer exists. I do not know if this is a problem with my computer, or if the COM object was removed in Logos 9. Could someone (or ones) who has Logos 9 for Windows installed do a test for me? [If you don't understand the instructions, don't worry, someone else can do the test for me.] In Windows, run Powershell as administrator, and then execute the command

    $launcher = New-Object -com "LogosBibleSoftware.Launcher"

    If it gives an error, then it is a problem with Logos 9; if it does not give an error, it is my problem.

    There is a script at for re-registering the COM object, but it did not make any difference for me. I can't even find the Logos COM object in the registry.

  • Dave Colclough
    Dave Colclough Member Posts: 213 ✭✭

    Getting an error on my setup as well. Windows 10 pro 64, 20H2. Logos

  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    Thanks. I don't know what I did, but I can now use the COM object in my program, even though I am still getting this error. A mystery...

  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    Here is an update to my Index of Bible Studies, with the addition of the contents of a couple of Logos 9 packages and a few other books I have added to my library. There are now 2134 Logos resources included and 67,620 links. I will repeat here the instructions to use it.


    This file contains links to sermons, meditations, outlines, journal articles, Bible study guides, and more that do not appear in the Passage Guide. (Exception: some sermons now appear in the Passage Guide, but did not when I started, and I thought I would not remove them.) It is useful especially when preparing Bible studies or sermons on a certain passage, to find more ideas on the passage from your library that you can use.

    To install the Index, download the Index Bible Studies.docx file, then use the Personal Books tool of Logos to create a new personal book. You can use whatever title you like, but it is best to set the type to "Bible commentary". On page 3 of this thread you can find a book cover that you can optionally use. The message Bible Studies.docx gives graphical instructions for this installation.

    The index contains the books in my Logos library – there is a list of the included books at the end of the Index Bible Studies.docx file. Naturally, I cannot include books that are in your library but not in mine. However, it is possible to exclude books that are in my library but not in yours, which makes the resulting personal book easier to use. To create this personal index (Windows only):
    1. Download and unzip the file.
    2. There should then be two files in a directory. Start the Index Bible Studies.exe program, which will open Logos (if it is not already open), read the names of all the books in your library, and then create a file My Index Bible Studies.rtf in your Documents directory.
    3. Open the My Index Bible Studies.rtf file in Word or another word processor and save it as a docx file.
    4. Create a personal book from that docx file, in the same way as described in the previous paragraph setting the type to "Bible commentary".

    48476.Index Bible Studies.docx

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,147

    Here is an update to my Index of Bible Studies, with the addition of the contents of a couple of Logos 9 packages and a few other books I have added to my library. There are now 2134 Logos resources included and 67,620 links. I will repeat here the instructions to use it.

    Thanks Richard.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,068

    Here is an update to my Index of Bible Studies, with the addition of the contents of a couple of Logos 9 packages and a few other books I have added to my library. There are now 2134 Logos resources included and 67,620 links.

    Thanks a lot!

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • John W Gillis
    John W Gillis Member Posts: 134 ✭✭✭

    Richard, does this very cool utility support Verbum? I'm getting an error message (running Verbum) that Logos is not running:

    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Logos4Lib.LogosLauncher'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{65E4082F-D64E-4566-876F-81AAAF44635D}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
       at Index_Bible_Studies.Main.UpdateApplication()
       at Index_Bible_Studies.Main.<Main_Load>b__1_0(Object <p0>, EventArgs <p1>)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    Richard, does this very cool utility support Verbum? I'm getting an error message (running Verbum) that Logos is not running:

    It should support Verbum as well. There are technical details, that both Verbum and Logos should export the same COM object. I'm not sure if that is true, but nobody has mentioned a problem with Verbum in the previous years, so it should be true. The problem might be that the object exported is not properly registered in Windows. Two suggestions:

    1. Did you unzip the downloaded zip into a new directory, that contained not only the program that you executed but also another file?

    2. You can try to register the COM object manually. You need to find the main program. With Logos, it is c:\users\<username>\AppData\Local\Logos\Logos.exe , so with Verbum it might be c:\users\<username>\AppData\Local\Verbum\Verbum.exe , but I'm not sure. Anyway, then you need to open a Run window (for example, press the Windows key and while it is still down press the R key), and type a command and execute a command there. With Logos, the command is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Logos\Logos.exe /register , so with Verbum it might be %LOCALAPPDATA%\Verbum\Verbum.exe /register . But if you found a different file name or directory, use that.

  • John W Gillis
    John W Gillis Member Posts: 134 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Richard, manually registering verbum.exe did the trick.

    BTW, your path/naming assumptions for Verbum were correct.

  • NathanL
    NathanL Member Posts: 143 ✭✭

    Here is an update to my Index of Bible Studies, with the addition of the contents of a couple of Logos 9 packages and a few other books I have added to my library. There are now 2134 Logos resources included and 67,620 links. I will repeat here the instructions to use it.


    This file contains links to sermons, meditations, outlines, journal articles, Bible study guides, and more that do not appear in the Passage Guide. (Exception: some sermons now appear in the Passage Guide, but did not when I started, and I thought I would not remove them.) It is useful especially when preparing Bible studies or sermons on a certain passage, to find more ideas on the passage from your library that you can use.

    To install the Index, download the Index Bible Studies.docx file, then use the Personal Books tool of Logos to create a new personal book. You can use whatever title you like, but it is best to set the type to "Bible commentary". On page 3 of this thread you can find a book cover that you can optionally use. The message Bible Studies.docx gives graphical instructions for this installation.

    The index contains the books in my Logos library – there is a list of the included books at the end of the Index Bible Studies.docx file. Naturally, I cannot include books that are in your library but not in mine. However, it is possible to exclude books that are in my library but not in yours, which makes the resulting personal book easier to use. To create this personal index (Windows only):
    1. Download and unzip the file.
    2. There should then be two files in a directory. Start the Index Bible Studies.exe program, which will open Logos (if it is not already open), read the names of all the books in your library, and then create a file My Index Bible Studies.rtf in your Documents directory.
    3. Open the My Index Bible Studies.rtf file in Word or another word processor and save it as a docx file.
    4. Create a personal book from that docx file, in the same way as described in the previous paragraph setting the type to "Bible commentary".

    48476.Index Bible Studies.docx

    How can I do this on mac? I just finishing adding to Logos but there's so many resources that I don't have it's unusable. Fantastic idea though!

    "Your speech must always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." - Colossians 4:6

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,068

    nl said:

    How can I do this on mac? I just finishing adding to Logos but there's so many resources that I don't have

    Unfortunately, the filtered version of it uses a technology that's only available on Windows (Richard clarified this back in 2014)

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,139 ✭✭✭✭

    Do you also have a PC? I would think you could install logos on a pc, run the file, and then port the resulting document to your Mac. A lot of work though

  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    nl said:

    How can I do this on mac? I just finishing adding to Logos but there's so many resources that I don't have it's unusable. Fantastic idea though!

    In my post on September 9, 2019 (on page 9 of the topic), there is an alternative method for Mac to create a file with only books that you own. It is not updated (it will not have the books that I purchased in Logos 9 packages), but it will be a good start.

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,147

    I tried several times to update the file to the newest one which is this is 6663.Index as it kept stopping about 1/4 of the way through compiling. Has anyone else had this problem?

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God