Verse-by-Verse Personal Book(s) on the Pentateuch by E.M. Zerr

Mark Johns
Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Dear Friends,

Inserted below is the Book(s) of the Pentateuch by E.M. Zerr  (C)1947.

The file(s) below were scanned from the original 1947 publication.  Don't
believe it is any longer available in Hardback like my 6 volume collection.

The first Volume contains the Pentateuch and some other OT books.
For now, I will be posting E.M. Zerr's Verse-by-Verse Commentary as it
appears in Zerr's Bible Commentary  

The Book of Genesis by Zerr is posted below.  As of 10/16/20 I am now
working on Exodus.  When all five books of the Pentateuch are complete
you should be able to load all five books in order into the LOGOS Personal
Book Editor and compile the First five books of the Old Testament into one
complete Personal Book.  All of Zerr's Commentary on all 66 books of the
bible are available at the following two sites in .PDF Format only:



Please watch for the updates to this collection below:




  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Find below the E.M. Zerr Commentary on the including The Books of Genesis and Exodus



    Combine these in the Personal Book Editor. Next update will include Zerr's Commentary
    on the Book of Leviticus. Almost done with Leviticus...

    --Mark Johns--.                                    

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Here are the latest Personal Books on the Pentateuch by E.M. Zerr.




    I am now working on the Book of Numbers


  • Paul
    Paul Member Posts: 500 ✭✭

    Thanks Mark - It's very generous of you to make these available. Keep well Paul  

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Anytime Paul,

    You should be able to add these files to the Personal Book Editor in the order
    as they appear in the Bible.   Hope to have Zerr's Commentary on the Pentateuch
    finished by Monday. 

    Have a great day in the Lord!


  • The Mangolorian
    The Mangolorian Member Posts: 569 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for your work! 

    What title are you using in the PB editor? 

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Currently I am using the title of "Zerr Commentary on the Pentateuch"

    Since I am starting on Deuteronomy, will rename it something like ZERR,
    or maybe 'ZBC' which stands for "Zerr Bible Commentary."  That is the title
    on each of the six hardback books by Zerr.  I have Zerr's in my WORDsearch
    program as a User Book.  So what I have done is I printed the entire first volume
    as an '.HTML' file.  I load that into Word and save as a .docx file for use as a 
    Personal Book in LOGOS.  Volume One covers Genesis thru Ruth. Volume Two
    covers 1st Samuel thru Job.  Volume Three covers Psalms thru Isaiah and 
    Volume Four Covers Jeremiah thru Malachi.  They are (c)1947 by E.M. Zerr, who
    died in an accident in 1956.  Anyway, for the New Testament the last hardback
    edition combines Volumes 5 & 6 in a single hardback.

    If anyone wants to download the commentary in PDF format the volumes are found
    at these sites:  http://restorationlibrary,org  and 

    If anyone wants the .HTMl formatted version derived from the WORDsearch User book,
    I will be glad to make if available, but believe it is over 28 MB in size.

    --Mark Johns--

    PS. I am posting Zerr's Commentary on Numbers tonite.  So far I am compiling Genesis
    thru Numbers, with no errors and only 1 warning..  I left plenty of space between
    the commentary for each verse or group of verses.  Anyone who wants can certainly edit
    that space if you choose to do so. For now I am compiling the Commentary as a "Bible Commentary".
    and not as a monograph.

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Here are the latest Personal Books on the Pentateuch by E.M. Zerr.

    It might be best if you load all files in the order as they appear in the Bible.  You can compile each one separately,
    or do like what I did and compile them as one single volume.





    So far, Genesis thru Numbers compiles with no errors and only 1 warning.

    I am now working on the Book of Deuteronomy. 


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    E.M. Zerr's Commentary on the Pentateuch which is derived from Zerr's Bible Commentary (c)1947,
    is now complete.  There is a little work that needs to be done to the Genesis and Exodus files as far
    as the Scripture References in each chapter are concerned, but the book is quite functional otherwise.
    I will be smoothing out those rough spots in the next couple days.....

    Find below the Zerr's Complete Verse-by-Verse Commentary for Genesis thru Deuteronomy:






    Please note that when compiling these first five books of the Old Testament, there are no mistakes at compile time.  Just one error message,
    which I suspect is in one of the first 3 books (Gen - Exodus - Leviticus).  The book(s) compile perfectly into a single Commentary as is.

    I am now considering working on the rest of E.M. Zerr's Commentary, Volume One, which convers Genesis thru the Book of Ruth.  So, watch this forum for more Personal Books.  If I end up doing all 66 Books of the Bible, it will be a while before I can get to that point.  Have fun and enjoy study in the Word......


  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭

    The warning ("[Warning] Article 'A_UNKNOWN' has only 1 characters") is in Exodus, but I couldn't find it 

  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭

    The warning ("[Warning] Article 'A_UNKNOWN' has only 1 characters") is in Exodus, but I couldn't find it 

  • Thomas Pape
    Thomas Pape Member Posts: 312 ✭✭

    Exodus 14 - wrong format - heading 3 would be 2

    Error is between Exodus 14.4 and 14.5

    If you switch on "Navigation" you will see the empty field

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Thanks Calvin and Thomas....

    I thought the error was either in Genesis or Exodus.

    I will certainly correct that.

    I have also finished Zerr's Commentary on Joshua for any who want it.


    Note: To finish up Zerr's First Volume (Gen to Ruth), just need to do Judges and Ruth.
    I suppose I will start on Volume Two after that...

    Thanks again....


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Thanks again for finding that error.

    I just use the WORD 2010 Starter version.
    Prefer it over WORDPERFECT

    Should have noticed in the Navigation Panel
    on the Left in WORD that something was amiss.

    Thanks again for finding that error!

    Now it compiles perfectly.  No runs, no drips, no "Errors"

    Here is the text from the Log File:

    [Info] Starting build for PBB:2804f0fd55124250beb6db611950e6ca
    [Info] Converting
    [Info] Converting C:\LOGOS PERSONAL BOOKS\Zerr\Zerr-Genesis.docx
    [Info] Converting C:\LOGOS PERSONAL BOOKS\Zerr\Zerr-Exodus.docx
    [Info] Converting C:\LOGOS PERSONAL BOOKS\Zerr\Zerr-Leviticus.docx
    [Info] Converting C:\LOGOS PERSONAL BOOKS\Zerr\Zerr-Numbers.docx
    [Info] Converting C:\LOGOS PERSONAL BOOKS\Zerr\Zerr-Deuteronomy.docx
    [Info] Converting C:\LOGOS PERSONAL BOOKS\Zerr\Zerr-Joshua.docx
    [Info] Compiling
    [Info] Discovering
    [Info] Complete

    Still got some formatting to fix in Genesis and Exodus, then it's on to Judges and Ruth.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Suppose I should combine these .docx files into one.

    What I think I will do is when Volume One (Gen-Ruth) is complete, I will combine 
    the individual files for Gen-Ruth into a singlie file like Vol01-Zerr_Gen-Ruth.docx

    Will most likely do the same for the other five volumes, making sure each
    compiles perfectly.  Then merge the six separate volumes into one single .docx file.

    Would be a pain to have 66 .docx files to compile...

    Thanks again Calvin and Thomas.....

    Idea: Left some space between the verse by verse comments by Zerr in case someone
    wants to go back and add their own notes and/or comments by Copeland, McGarvey, Burton
    Coffman ( or others from the Restoration Movement.... or some other
    good commentator -- long as it's true and faithful to God's Word.

  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    I will combine 
    the individual files for Gen-Ruth into a singlie file like Vol01-Zerr_Gen-Ruth.docx

    PBB doesnt always process large files fast - but great work so far - I would keep the separate, and then compiler has option of combining,  - either way will make no difference to the outputted PB

    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    That is true.  But if you get to the point where you have 66 books that each compile perfectly.  Then one could merge them into one single .docx file.  Although I prefer working with files as you suggested.

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Update for Zerr's Bible Commentary - 10/21/2020 at 1:20pm EST

    The above ".ZIPped" file contains the first six(6) books of the Old Testament.  They represent
    E.M. Zerr's Bible Commentary.  They reflect changes in the formatting of the Text, Scripture References,
    and some Spelling and Grammar Corrections.  These six(6) .docx files are from the original .PDF file of
    Volume One of Zerr's Bible Commentary, which includes Verse-by-Verse Commentary on the Books of
    Genesis thru Ruth.  I am already working on Zerr's Commentary for Judges and Ruth.  That will then
    Complete Volume One.  When that is done, i will begin working on Volume Two which includes Commentary
    on 1st Samuel thru Job.

    The above ZIP file includes Zerr's entire Comments on Genesis thru Joshua.  However, they are the result
    of scanning the original books that were (c)1947 by E.M. Zerr.  Naturally, they contain spelling and grammar
    mistakes that I attribute to the OCR scanning done on the original Hardbacks.  Feel free to correct those spelling
    mistakes that you come across.  If you can, notify me and you can send the corrected .docx file(s) to me at the 
    following email address:  I will re-post the corrected .docx file(s)....

    Hope you like these files.  All I ask is that you keep the (c)Copyright notice at the beginning of each book's .docx

    I will try to complete and upload the rest of Volume One (Genesis thru Ruth) this week.

    Have fun and enjoy these verse by verse commentaries on the Old Testament.

    --Mark Johns--

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Well, please find below, E.M. Zerr's Bible Commentary for Genesis thru Judges.  UPDATE: 10/21/2020 - 9:20pm CST

    Please find below the Personal Book(s) that are Verse-by-Verse Commentary on the Books of Genesis thru Judges.

    The next .docx file to be added will be for the Book of Ruth.  It will Complete Volume One of E.M. Zerr's Bible Commentary.

    As included here, when compiled, this LOGOS Personal Book Compiles with no errors and no error messages


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Well, please find below, E.M. Zerr's Bible Commentary for Genesis thru Ruth.  UPDATE: 10/22/2020 - 7:15am CST

    This Completes Volume One of E.M. Zerr's Bible Commentary on Genesis thru Ruth

    When compiled, this LOGOS Personal Book Compiles with no errors and no error messages


    Now on to Volume Two...

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Find below the Book of 1st Samuel by E.M. Zerr.

    UPDATE: 10/22/2020 - 3:30pm CST

    4861.Zerr-1st Samuel.docx

     For the latest Post of Zerr's Commentary including Genesis thru 1st Samuel, you can download the ZIPped file below...
    Note: the above Commentary on 1st Samuel is included in this ZIPped file:

    Note: The above ZIPped file contains E.M. Zerr's Bible Commentary on the Books of Genesis thru 1st Kings


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    Well, please find below, E.M. Zerr's Bible Commentary for Genesis thru Ruth.  UPDATE: 10/22/2020 - 7:15am CST


    thanks a lot for this labor of love. There's one thing that would really help this commentary to be even more helpful: include bible index milestones into the commentary. You may not have realized it, but compiling a PB as a type:"bible commentary" doesn't make it a bible commentary, it's the actual bible index that's created by the PB compiler upon the milestone data in the PB source.

    As a proof of concept, I took the Ruth book from the commentary and put in the milestone index. Basically I replaced Heading 3 formatted bible verse text like "Ruth 1:1" with milestone index text like "[[@Ruth 1:1]]" - since I didn't include any other text outside the square brackets, the Heading 3 texts will no longer come up in the Logos-created ToC - which is okay for me. Otherwise this text could with a bit more effort be replaced by"[[@Ruth 1:1]] Ruth 1:1" having the milestones and the verse reference on the Heading 3 level. 

    4201.Zerr-Ruth.with bible index.docx 

    If you compile this, you'll find that the commentary now shows a navigation field to actually locate it to a specific verse, which becomes ever more relevant the larger the commentary gets. It will automatically open to the position you're in in the bible - and it may scroll along with a bible if put into the same link set. In other words, putting in the milestone index info makes the PB commentary work with the same functionality as the Logos-built commentaries.      

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Thanks NB.Mick...

    I haven't messed with Milestones yet.

    Your explanation makes sense however.

    I will be looking at what you did for Ruth.

    Not sure how long it would take to go back and insert all those Milestones.  Any ideas?

    How long did it take you to do the Commentary on Ruth:?

    BTW, the Commentary is now complete for the Books of Genesis thru 1st Samuel...



  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    Not sure how long it would take to go back and insert all those Milestones.  Any ideas?

    How long did it take you to do the Commentary on Ruth:?

    Well, there are people out here who can do regular expression / pattern matching search & replace in Word. This would be the right way to do it, and quick. I use this feature only rarely and thus it actually took me more time to try (unsuccessfully) to replace all the references with such a search - then I decided to do the brute force approach and just manually put "[[@ in front of all those Headings, and then replace all Heading 3-formatted ^p" with "]]^p" - this was ten minutes or so while watching a debate on Youtube on the other monitor. But I selected Ruth on purpose, not Genesis or Joshua, to do so....  

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    How long did it take you to do

    Joshua and Judges together: ten minutes (in the individual Word files I could do a replace all for the Heading 3-formatted "J" by "[[@J")

    2161.Zerr-Joshua.with bible index.docx

    7080.Zerr-Judges.with b.i.docx

    compiling, finding an error, correcting and recompiling even included.

    EDIT: I did it for the Pentateuch as well. It should compile just fine now without warnings and errors:

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Well, I must say I am impressed.

    I will go with what you did.

    You just saved me a lot of time, toil and effort!

    Gonna download that Pentateuch file.

    Thanks agian.   That really helps.

    I started doing 1st Samuel and took me several
    minutes to do the first ten chapters like you did Ruth.
    Just used yours as an example.  Just Copy and Paste
    the [[@ and the ]] and put them in the right spot.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Well folks, below you will find the Personal book "Zerr's Bible Commentary"

    For now it includes the Books of Genesis thru 1st Samuel.

    My deepest thanks to NB.Mick who did most of the "Milestones" for these
    books.  I just finished doing the "Milestones" for 1st Samuel and will start
    on 2nd Samuel tomorrow. Here are the files:

    8546.Zerr-Genesis.with BI.docx

    0702.Zerr-Exodus.with BI.docx

    1057.Zerr-Leviticus.with BI.docx

    6443.Zerr-Numbers.with BI.docx

    2335.Zerr-Deuteronomy.with BI.docx

    4540.Zerr-Joshua.with bible index.docx

    2783.Zerr-Judges.with BI.docx

    7382.Zerr-Ruth with bible index.docx

    0005.Zerr-1st Samuel.with BI.docx

    Note: 1st Samuel represents my first serious attempt to use "Milestones" in a Personal book that is compiled as a Bible Commentary. Please notice that when these books are compiled in order as listed above, they will not have any errors and/or Mistakes at compile time.


  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Mark and everyone else. Compiled with no errors. Carla

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    Note: 1st Samuel represents my first serious attempt to use "Milestones" in a Personal book that is compiled as a Bible Commentary.

    Very well done! I had seen a small error at 1 Sam 16:8 and fixed this - 6840.0005.Zerr-1st Samuel.with BI.docx

    One thing learned, now to the next: I saw at the Jos 1:10 that in some places you had "verse 10" or such instead of the real reference - this the Logos PB compiler can't detect, thus I fixed it in the Josh file. The same goes when the author references another chapter in the book or another verse (as opposed to a full bible reference). The syntax to make those active is very easy, best I show you:

    Jos 3:17. Ordinarily the word "midst" would mean the center or middle. But it also means any place within the limits of a thing. In this place we know it means this, because [[verses 8 >> Jos 3:8]] and [[15 >> Jos 3:15]] expressly state the point at which the priests stopped in their march, which was the edge of the water.

    As I went through the book of Joshua anyway with a search for "verse", I did those as well where I saw fit. It's quick and makes the PB more usable. I wouldn't say those are necessary fixes, but they bring the PB to the standard I personally like to see in Logos. This method can be used to reference other books cited etc, so I show it to you more as giving you ideas for further PB work.  

    0044.Zerr-Joshua.with bible index.docx


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    I found an error NB.Mick.

    It is in the Table of Contents for Leviticus.  Leviticus 16.

    Compiles OK, but there must be a hidden character or something.

    Since you did that one, can you find it?

    I haven't tried to do the Control-Shift F9 in WORD to see if that would eliminate it.

    It's a cosmetic thing more than anything.  Just bugs me when I see it.


    Note: Hope to be done with 2nd Samuel either today or tomorrow.  Have to insert
    the Milestones and touch it up a little.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    I found an error NB.Mick.

    It is in the Table of Contents for Leviticus.  Leviticus 16.

    Compiles OK, but there must be a hidden character or something.

    Since you did that one, can you find it?

    I think I updated that already and thought I had replaced it in the zip - here's my current version that should have Lev 16 fixed: 3175.Zerr-Leviticus.with BI.docx

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Thanks.  But already corrected it.

    Didn't want to spend a lot of time on it, so I copied that portion from the .docx from Leviticus
    that I created and pasted it into that area of your file with the milestones, then I redid the
    Milestones and the problem went away.  Must have been an extra Carriage Return or something
    in the Milestone(s) for Chapter Sixteen.  Anyway, whatever I did solved it.

    Thanks again....


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Well NB.Mick, explain to me again how the Milestones will work with the 
    Zerr Bible Commentary.  If I am in one of my Bibles, can I tell LOGOS to search for
    a phrase, word, etc... in Zerr's.   Just how exaclty, does all that work?  I'm no dummy,
    but it is radically different from my WORDSearch 12.


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    Well NB.Mick, explain to me again how the Milestones will work with the 
    Zerr Bible Commentary. 

    The milestones will have Zerr's commentary look and behave much like any other bible commentary resource in Logos. Note that bibles, bible commentaries and bible notes (from study bibles) share the same kind of milestone tagging: bible index - existing in many different flavors due to different verse mapping across all those bibles, but working seamlessly together since Logos translates those in the background.

    Without such an index, PBs are just like monographs - you can read them cover to cover and try to manually position to a location by using the ToC or scroll around. Nice but not very functional. 

    In my screenshot a build a quick bible study layout with the NIV to the left and two commentaries on the right - the self-built Zerr Bible Commentary on top, the Logos-built NAC commentary below. Both look quite similar in functionality.

    Note that the NIV has a locator field where you can position the bible to a verse location (green box in the locator bar, the one in my WS 11 application looks somewhat similar). On the right-hand side you'll see that the commentaries have a very similar looking locator bar, sharing with the bible the locator field (green box i.e. it will show you where you are and you can position a commentary precisely to a bible verse) and others, e.g. the Virtual Filter menu.

    You can have Notes that are anchored to a bible verse show up in your commentary (not shown in the screenshot). 

    I put the NIV and both commentaries into a linked set (the A with the red box around it). Thus the three resources will scroll together: whatever verse I read in Zerr's, the NIV will show it, and whatever I read in the bible, the commentaries will have the explanation right alongside.  

    With the bible index in place, I can put Zerr's commentary into a multiview pane (the thick parallel lines button) to have it scroll along. In those panes there is a master resource - the others scroll with the master, but the master resource stays put when I scroll the others. 

    The yellow boxes highlight links that we put manually into the PB to link to/popup-display verses or any other resources. Those are independent from the milestones but make a strong capability of bible software (we could link Strongs or lemmas to lexicons etc.).

    Hope this helps a bit!

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Thanks for that info.

    The Screenshot was pretty blurry though.
    Any chance of getting a better resolution picture?

    I like the example you give, but still slightly confused as to how to
    get a resource like Zerr's to scroll right along with the Bible.  Can
    you explain that part a little more?  I sorta understand what you're
    saying and my understanding of LOGOS is getting better.  But 
    sometimes even examples I find on LOGOS aren't as helpful  as they
    could be.  Between QuickVerse and WORDSearch (ver. 12) I have
    about 20 years in those two programs.  With about one month of using
    LOGOS the Muddy water of understanding is clearer than it was but it
    is still cloudy....

    If I can grasp the Workings of LOGOS as far as using Personal Books and/or
    LOGOS made Commentaries in conjunction with a particular Bible Translation
    then the rest for me will go a lot easier I think.  the Reverse Interlinear and some
    of the other features of LOGOS are understandable.  Just need a little more
    education concerning your example...



  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    The Screenshot was pretty blurry though.
    Any chance of getting a better resolution picture?

    if you double click it, it will become larger and thus better to see - but the screenshot is as it just replicates my monitor....

    still slightly confused as to how to
    get a resource like Zerr's to scroll right along with the Bible.  Can
    you explain that part a little more?

    • open your bible in Logos. Go to the top right of the resource tab and click the "kebap" menu, the three vertical dots. Then select link set A

    • open Zerr's Bible Commentary and do the same.

    Both the bible and the commentary will usually show the small A (as long as there's enough place on the screen to do so) in the tab.

    Now when you scroll or position the bible (from Genesis through 1 Samuel), the commenary will follow - and vice versa.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    I should have thought of double clicking on the screenshot.

    Printed it out.

    After double clicking and reading your post just now, I think I see the light!

    If I need anything else to know, I know who to ask.

    Did you use to be a WordSearch user?

    I am still wating for the rest of my books (about 330 to go) to migrate
    to LOGOS.....


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    I don't get the A B C D D F Links to select from\

    When I click on the three dots all I get is a menu
    with 2-3 main options:

    [ }Resources
    [ ]Notes and Highlights
    [ ]Notes and Highlights (Corresponding)

    I get the same thing when I click on my NAC commentary
    and the Zerr's Commentary.  Is there something in Settings
    that I need to change?

    I am using the LOGOS 8 that I downloaded from website.

    Regardless of what package, shouldn't I be able to get the menu
    with the Letters you describe:  A B C D E......?

    Don't know whats going on.  I'm not able to sync commentaries with
    my Bible.  When I click on a link in Zerr's my Bible goes to that chapter
    and verse that I clicked on in Zerr's.  But I am not getting the menu that
    you described.  Clcik on the three dots and nothing like what you describe.

    --Mark--   H E L P ! ! !

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159


    I should have thought of double clicking on the screenshot.

    Printed it out.

    After double clicking and reading your post just now, I think I see the light!

    Good to hear!

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    I don't get the A B C D D F Links to select from\

    When I click on the three dots all I get is a menu
    with 2-3 main options:

    [ }Resources
    [ ]Notes and Highlights
    [ ]Notes and Highlights (Corresponding)

    EDITED to reference screenshot:

    You clicked the visual filter menu, which is three dots stacked like a pyramid, to the left-middle of the locator bar (red box). 

    The menu relevant to the link sets is the "kebap menu" with three vertically stacked dots at the top right corner of the resource tab - indicated with an arrow and a green box around it in my screenshot below. This menu also is relevant should you want to Print/Export or build a link to any place in a resource in Logos....

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    When I start with empty desktop in LOGOS and select Bible and Commentary Layout
    My NKJV loads on the left and my NAC  Commentary loads on the right side.  Then I 
    See the Orange A in the Tab for each, but when I click on the three dots, I still don't see
    any menu like in you screenshot....


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    when I click on the three dots, I still don't see
    any menu like in you screenshot....

    Hi Mark, 

    are you sure you click the right menu? NOT the red Visual Filter menu and NOT the yellow application menu, but the green, tab specific "kebap-menu". It will always look like this, no preferences, settings, functionality or package needed


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Boy.  I feel like a dummy!

    If I looked more closely at you message I would not have misunderstood.

    I am still an old WORDSearch/e-Sword  "DOG" trying to learn a new trick.

    I am guilty of trying to put things together without reading the instructions.

    I actually learned how to do Milestones by examining a .docx file that Carla (cshover) sent me.

    Thanks again for the reply...

    Glad I looked closer.   Sometimes it helps to read the instructions and not just look at the pictures.
    Maybe that's why people have trouble with Study Bibles.  All the bells and whistles, Maps, graphics,
    charts etc... distract people to where they don't pay close attention to God's instructions..... Maybe
    I can get an illustration out of this for a sermon.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    This is sweet NB.Mick....Now I can begin to do more and better
    Bible study thanks to your assistance.

    Does this mean that I can Link my favorite Bible Translation to all my Greek Tools, etc.??
    And have say, the NIV in the panel to the left, and my Greek Word Study, Interlinear, etc. in 
    the right panel and then save that layout.  I know there are layout just for that, just haven't
    investigated that part of LOGOS yet.  It has been 40 yrs since i had Greek in Bible College.

    Glad to have a program like LOGOS that has more "PUNCH" when it comes to Greek Word
    Studies, etc....

    Thanks again.  Gotta go finish 2nd Samuel for the Zerr Bible Commentary.  Hope to Post that
    one on this forum tonite..


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Thanks for that YouTube Video!

    Noticed that it had the Zerr's Commentary in that video.

    Is it available somewhere else that I don't know about?

    Didn't realize there was already a LOGOS Version.  Or, did

    you just make that?   Interesting......

    Thanks again.  That Video is informative.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Just realized James that you just made that video today.

    Good job....

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Please find below the Book of Second Samuel from E.M. Zerr's Bible Commentary.

    Like the other books, all the necessary "Milestones" have been added to this book.

    Like the other books so far, it Compiles with no mistake and/or errors.

    0844.Zerr-2nd Samuel.with BI.docx

    Currently, I am working on First Kings by E.M. Zerr.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Please find below the image file for the Zerr Bible Commentary 

    The Zerr's Commentaries from which the LOGOS Personal book
    look just like this Green Book.  Now, you can "Change" the image
    when you "Compile" and build your book...

    Sorry I didn't upload this sooner.  


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Please find below E.M. Zerr's Commentary on the book of 1st Kings.
    this now completes Zerr's Commentary for Genesis thru 1st Kings.

    8322.Zerr-1st Kings.with BI.docx

    This part of Zerr's Commentary (1st Kings) features the appropriate "Milestones" to qualify this Commentary
    as a LOGOS type Bible Commentary.

    The previous books - :"Genesis thru 2nd Samuel" have already been uploaded to this forum.  Simply go back
    until you find the latest links posted on this forum on Thursday October 22nd.  That's just two days ago...

    Have fun and enjoy.  all the books when loaded into the LOGOS Personal Book Editor/Creator should now
    compile without any mistakes and/or errors whatsoever.
