[PB] Rashi on Pentateuch, Megillot, Former Prophets from Sefaria

Hi, I took all the Rashis they had on Sefaria to convert it to Logos. I encountered some difficulties to link the references to other books, since some reference is called "Divrei Hayomim I" and an other "Divrei Hayamim I" and an other "I Divrei Hayomim", also sometimes "Megillah" and sometimes "Megilah" and so. So it was hard to catch them all with a regex.
I also didn't find a solution how to convert the footnotes for Word, so I left the superscript and put the footnotes in brackets next to it with italics.
If you have any suggestions, critics or advices, I would like to hear them.
0753.Rashi english pentateuch, megillot, early prophets.docx
Thank you very much. I do appreciate your work.
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Thousand thanks!
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11
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Thanks, Mendel.
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Great works. thanks.
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Sorry, forgive my newbie question...what do you mean by 'converted it to Logos'? Looks like a Word file to me. Does this integrate with Logos somehow so that when we are at a text, we can see what Rashi said? BTW, I use Safaria as well. I find it both helpful and frustrating. I have to do a lot of clicking to find the commentary written in English which is organized by text.
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Do you know what personal books are?
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Mendel Itkin said:
I also didn't find a solution how to convert the footnotes for Word, so I left the superscript and put the footnotes in brackets next to it with italics.
Hi Mendel
Great contribution! Although many Christians may such writings aren't relevant to them, not all feel that way.
Re footnotes: Does this help? https://wiki.logos.com/Adding_Footnotes_to_your_PB
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thank you Mendel
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Thank you Mendel.
John 3:17 (ESV)
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.0 -
Thank you, much appreciated
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Thanks muchly
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Todah rabbah!