Free Version Questions

I hope it's okay to ask this question here -- I don't see a lot of questions about specific packages in the forums, but maybe I'm just not finding my specific question via search.
So I currently have the free version of Logos and it pretty much suits my needs. I generally like to run simple searches and I take a lot of notes. So I wondering what am I actually missing feature-wise other than all of the library resources I wouldn't really have the time to read anyway. Is there a limitation as to how many notes I can take or how much note space I can use with the free version? It seems like I should have to pay at least something for the permanent storage of these notes. (I really like the tag/achor functionality).
Then, I can't seem to really grasp all of the different packages. I can understand the theology-focused packages, but there are several different web pages with different kinds of packages that it's confusing to me. So what if I simply wanted the ability to save images in the notes at some point? Would I just need to upgrade to the standard package for that?
Then there's a starter package, but it seems to have only a few items extra than what I have with the free basic (especially after the application upgraded to 23.x -- FL included a list of additional resources with that). I did pay a little to add the Strong's concordance with this free package, but that doesn't upgrade me in any way, right? I was surprised at all the additional resources that were included with the version upgrade, which is why I'm asking.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou [art] God. (Ps 90:2)
Crboone said:
Is there a limitation as to how many notes I can take or how much note space I can use with the free version?
No the free version doesn't have any limits on the number / size of notes you can have
Crboone said:So what if I simply wanted the ability to save images in the notes at some point?
That is a chargeable option and included in feature sets - the Starter Feature Upgrade or higher
Crboone said:So I wondering what am I actually missing feature-wise other than all of the library resources I wouldn't really have the time to read anyway is a very helpful page that shows which features are contained within which features sets.
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Graham Criddle said:Crboone said:
Is there a limitation as to how many notes I can take or how much note space I can use with the free version?
No the free version doesn't have any limits on the number / size of notes you can have
Crboone said:So what if I simply wanted the ability to save images in the notes at some point?
That is a chargeable option and included in feature sets - the Starter Feature Upgrade or higher
Crboone said:So I wondering what am I actually missing feature-wise other than all of the library resources I wouldn't really have the time to read anyway is a very helpful page that shows which features are contained within which features sets.
Thank you! I misspoke about the free version being similar to the Starter package that you linked. There is a Fundamentals version for $49 that seems similar to the free version. I think that's where I get confused, between Free Basic, Fundamentals and Starter. They all seem "Starterish" to me.
Is the Family licensing gone with this new version, or is that something that just needs to be discussed with Sales? Just curious since I don't readily see it.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou [art] God. (Ps 90:2)
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Maybe some practical suggestions would be helpful.
If you want to find all of the times that the Greek word agape is used, you need the reverse interlinear datasets that come with Logos Fundamentals ($50).
If you want to search for all of the times that Moses is mentioned in the Bible (whether by name or not - he, they, "the man of God", etc), you need Logos Starter
If you want to search for passages that align with a particular preaching theme or search for when the New Testament quotes the OT, you need Logos Bronze.
If you want to type a Greek or Hebrew root into Factbook and get a whole blast of info about it or you want to use the Logos sermon manager and sermon editor (both very cool tools) or the counseling guide, where you can enter a topic and get curated articles to help you provide pastoral care, you need Silver.
If you want to load your print books into Logos and be able to search them from your computer (you get a little context and a page number) or want to be able to search by semantic roles (who is doing something? who is it being done to?) you need the Full/Gold option.
In addition to being able to buy a feature set, you can also buy a base package, which includes the feature set and a bunch of books at a bigger discount. But you can mix and match. And Logos provides dynamic pricing, so if you own half of a package already, you pay half price. I can run search for something like "love IN speaker:Jesus" or "person:Peter AND person:John" to get results that would be almost impossible with paper and ink resources. The counseling guide is a regular part of my workflow and I use the sermon editor every week. Your mileage may vary!
If you are just grateful for the software and want to support its future development, Fundamentals is a great place to start. And because of dynamic pricing, if you decide to upgrade more, it will never hurt you.
I believe they got rid of the Christian family packages, but Logos's position is that generally a family can share their package. This is a long time policy:
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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Justin Gatlin said:
Maybe some practical suggestions would be helpful.
If you want to find all of the times that the Greek word agape is used, you need the reverse interlinear datasets that come with Logos Fundamentals ($50)....
And thank you! You've given me the "Gold Package" response for sure. Hopefully it will be helpful for others as well so that it gets the full audience it deserves.
So it sounds like the search functionality steps up in complexity with higher versions, in addition to the other features and resources. As per your recommendation, I will at least start with the Fundamentals so I can contribute something to the work. I've already invested quite a lot of time adding notes and have many more to go, and it's really nice to switch to iPad / mobile phone and see them all there. I can envision eventually wanting to increase search capability and adding diagrams and such to the notes as well. I initially thought I would just stick with one Bible version and mainly use Logos for textual notes, but now that I can actually utilize the search feature with the 23.x space improvements, run parallel versions and easily link commentaries, all in a streamlined presentation, I'm seeing the additional benefits.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou [art] God. (Ps 90:2)
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Crboone said:
There is a Fundamentals version for $49 that seems similar to the free version. I think that's where I get confused, between Free Basic, Fundamentals and Starter. They all seem "Starterish" to me.
Logos Free Edition & Verbum Free Edition have no effect on dynamic pricing for purchasing.
Best initial purchase value is Logos Fundamentals and/or Verbum Fundamentals (dynamic pricing reduction of larger Logos & Verbum base packages)
Least expensive base packages are Logos Essentials
Next least expensive base packages are Logos Starter’s & Verbum Starter’s
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Justin Gatlin said:
If you want to find all of the times that the Greek word agape is used, you need the reverse interlinear datasets that come with Logos Fundamentals ($50).
Logos Free Edition & Verbum Free Edition include free "temporary" reverse interlinear licenses for
- Logos: AV 1873, 1900 KJV, CSB, ESV, LEB
- Verbum: NABRE, RSV2CE
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Justin Gatlin said:
If you want to find all of the times that the Greek word agape is used, you need the reverse interlinear datasets that come with Logos Fundamentals ($50).
Logos Free Edition & Verbum Free Edition include free "temporary" reverse interlinear licenses for
- Logos: AV 1873, 1900 KJV, CSB, ESV, LEB
- Verbum: NABRE, RSV2CE
Keep Smiling
I'm glad you mentioned this. I was able to pull up the agape verses in the free version, but what you're saying is that that's a temporary license which may be revoked at some point, correct? Is there any way to generally know how long a temporary license may last, or is there a warning before it expires? Not that that will matter once I upgrade to Fundamentals, but just curious how that works.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou [art] God. (Ps 90:2)
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Crboone said:
... but what you're saying is that that's a temporary license which may be revoked at some point, correct? Is there any way to generally know how long a temporary license may last, or is there a warning before it expires?
Library does not show expiration date. Over the past six years, I do not remember a basic "temporary" license being revoked/replaced (in my demonstration account) while my purchased Logos library had monthly "free" items being added & revoked as part of a Faithlife Connect subscription.
Sat, Feb 11 2017 Phil Gons (Faithlife) reply included:
Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:Here's the way we're thinking about access vs. ownership:
- We're modeling this after the approach we've taken with our mobile apps. Users who download the Logos Bible app get access to some free resources, but they don't own them. This allows us to change the contents quite easily: add a new resource, swap one for another, or in rare cases remove when when a rightsholder no longer wants their resource included.
- We don't plan to make many changes to the contents of the product. A user can count on having a good solid core of Bible study tools and content, even if there is some slight variation occasionally.
- When we do make changes, it's more likely that we'll swap or add something than remove it.
- When we're swapping or removing a title, we'll try to get sufficient advanced notice—and we'll probably provide the opportunity to purchase it at a discount to keep it permanently.
- We'll probably experiment with adding a free interactive, dataset, feature, or book free for a week every once in a while to allow people to try out some of the things not included in Basic. For example, we may grant free access to the Psalms Explorer interactive resource for one week. Having the collection be access-only makes that really easy for us to execute.
Several of the items included in Logos Basic are available separately for free on A user could buy them to convert their temporary licenses into permanent ones. That's probably a good idea for everyone to do.
Logos Free Edition & Verbum Free Edition are the latest revisions of Logos Basic & Verbum Basic, which does not need user "purchase" for upgrading software any more.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Graham Criddle said:Crboone said:
So what if I simply wanted the ability to save images in the notes at some point?
That is a chargeable option and included in feature sets - the Starter Feature Upgrade or higher
So I just purchased the Fundamentals upgrade and was happily surprised to find that I have the ability to add images to notes now. I don't necessarily have a lot of images to include, but I'll certainly make use of the few I have.
I also see the dynamic pricing in action (I think), as the Starter version upgrade is now reduced by the price of the Fundamentals upgrade. Or maybe I just saw a sale price -- $191 I believe.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou [art] God. (Ps 90:2)
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Crboone said:
I also see the dynamic pricing in action (I think), as the Starter version upgrade is now reduced by the price of the Fundamentals upgrade. Or maybe I just saw a sale price -- $191 I believe.
Perhaps both. Hovering mouse over Dynamic Price or Dynamic Sale Price shows "Discounts for products you own
A demonstration account with order total of $0.00 shows free book "purchases" has dynamic pricing reduction.
Keep Smiling [:)]