United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament

This Personal Book contains the Greek-English Dictionary of the United Bible Societies, which has been released with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/), so this text has the same licence. The data files that I have converted to the docx format to be used by the Personal Book Builder of Logos can be found at https://github.com/ubsicap/ubs-open-license/tree/main/dictionaries/greek . I have not checked exhaustively the docx file, so if you find any problems or improvements you can write a message in this forum or write me an email at richard at the domain in my signature. The UBS has also released Greek dictionaries to French, Spanish, and Chinese, which I might be able to convert to PB format if there is any interest.
To make the Personal Book, first download and save the file below. Then in Logos open the Personal Books Tool, click "Add Book", put the title "United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament" (or anything else you want to use), choose the Type: Lexicon (important!), add any other optional information, then "Add file" to choose the docx file you downloaded and saved, and lastly click the "Build book" button.
2475.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament.docx
Richard Wilson
Hello Richard
Very cool, many thanks. I guess some people would love if the other languages are released too.
Is it possible to add the Headword to the Strong's too? So it works with the Strong's Bible I have in Logos.
Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν, ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης·
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Thank you.
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Improved version, with the Strongs numbers as headwords.
I have also added the French and Spanish versions. Some comments about them:
- The translation by UBS is partial, so expect quite a bit of English in the glosses and definitions.
- I haven't translated the parts in bold that I added ("In LXX", "Part of Speech", "Inflection", etc), because I don't know them in other languages. If someone wants to send me a translation of them, I can modify the file so it is a bit less in English.
- I haven't translated the abbreviations of the books of the Bible. I could have, but I was not sure if Logos would have still automatically understood and hyperlinked the Bible refences.
- When you use the Personal Books tool in Logos to created the Personal Book, you probably should change the language to French or Spanish.
0121.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-en.docx
8306.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-fr.docx
7167.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-sp.docx
Richard Wilson
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Wouldn't this be the same as the one published by Logos?
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Mark said:
Wouldn't this be the same as the one published by Logos?
It is hard to say, because the one you linked to is no longer sold by Logos and I do not own it, and the page you gave has links (both in "Open in Logos" and "Top Highlights") to the "Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament" by B.M. Newman, which is completely different.
Richard Wilson
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Hi folks.
The UBS Dictionary of the Greek New Testament (the data available under CC-BY-SA 4.0 license here) is an expanded and re-ordered edition of the Louw-Nida lexicon.
It is "re-ordered" because it is ordered according to the Greek alphabet, not according to semantic domain.
It is "expanded" because it has added additional disambiguation information for name and place entries. That is, within the entry for the Greek word equivalent to "Mary", which is LN 93.253 for all 7 different Marys in the UBSDGNT has 93.253a, 93.253b, etc.
It is also expanded because it has data for word-level usage (based on the UBS5 Greek text) that covers the vast majority of the NT.
It is really a great set of information about Greek NT words and it is amazing that it is freely available. I'm hoping someone at Logos is taking notes to create a great Logos-native edition of the data (and to consider ways to enhance their existing Louw-Nida annotation to support the new lettered subentries). [Hint, hint, Mark Barnes]
Rick Brannan | Bluesky: rickbrannan.com
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Another version of the dictionaries... I have added the Comments on the definitions, and Collocations ie when the word appears in a phrase where the phrase has its own lexical sense. This makes each dictionary almost 2400 pages long, and there is still some information that I have not included! It is perhaps not too surprising that UBS has never published these dictionaries as books. Although I have discovered that UBS has created a website with all this information (including the incomplete translations) and more. You can find it at https://semanticdictionary.org/ with the Greek dictionary at https://semanticdictionary.org/semdic.php?databaseType=SDGNT&language=en
I have also added the two Chinese dictionaries this time. The same comments apply as for the French and Spanish translations of the dictionaries.
English 2438.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-en.docx
French 8080.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-fr.docx
Spanish 8407.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-sp.docx
Chinese simplified 1563.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-zhs.docx
Chinese traditional 3618.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-zht.docx
Richard Wilson
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Richard Wilson said:
You can find it at https://semanticdictionary.org/
Perhaps a better source would be https://marble.bible.
Rick Brannan | Bluesky: rickbrannan.com
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Actually the semanticdictionary.org displays more of the information than the marble.bible site does. Although as source, naturally the github repository is best of all.
Richard Wilson
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Thank you, Richard Wilson.
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Many thanks Richard. It was very kind of you to put this together and share it. Keep well Paul
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Thanks, Richard Wilson... for your kind labour of love.[Y]
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I have updated these five dictionaries, adding some more information that was available in the source files and also correcting some errors (both in my conversion to the .docx format and in the source files).
Note that the equivalent Hebrew dictionaries are also available as Personal Books, and can be found at https://community.logos.com/forums/p/220076/1280991.aspx
English: 0167.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-en.docx
French: 6153.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-fr.docx
Spanish: 4135.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-sp.docx
Chinese simplified: I can not upload it to the forums it because it is larger than the 4Mb limit, but you can download it from https://www.laparola.net/UBSDictionaries/United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-zhs.docx
Chinese traditional: 2185.United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-zht.docx
Richard Wilson
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Here are some improved versions of the dictionaries.
- A field for the Goodrick-Kohlenberger number has been added.
- More of the information is tagged, so that Strongs, GK, and Louw-Nida numbers link to the default dictionaries for this data.
- The Strongs and GK numbers are milestones, and so appear together with the lemmas in the box at the top left of the tab.
- Greek words in “Related Lemmas” are links to the word in the dictionary.
- There is a table of contents.
The dictionaries need to be downloaded from the following links, as they are too large to be attached to a forum post.
Chinese simplified: https://www.laparola.net/UBSDictionaries/United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-zhs.docx
Chinese traditional: https://www.laparola.net/UBSDictionaries/United Bible Societies Dictionary of the Greek New Testament-zht.docx
Richard Wilson