Proclaim Trial and Auto-renewal

Andrew (Andy) Smothers
Andrew (Andy) Smothers Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

I recently setup a trial of Proclaim for our church to evaluate the product.  The agent who did this for us warned that this would auto-renew unless we canceled that.  I went ahead and canceled the auto-renewal right a way.  When this trial came to an end, another staff member requested another trial to complete her evaluation, which Logos was gracious in providing.  This resulted in an auto-renewal to my account of which I was unaware.  When the charges were applied, I contacted Logos to contest the charge and was told there was no way for them to provide a refund.  They have been firm on this policy even as I noted I never authorized the final trial, auto-renewal, or charge.

How do I setup my account so that I can make charges for Logos Bible Software items but not receive charges for Proclaim regardless of what our staff might do?

I’m abundantly disappointed and concerned that Logos would allow another person to setup charges that would be made to my personal Logos account and credit card.
