Paper Builder

Phil Gons (Logos)
Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802
Like Sermon Builder but for academic papers with better bibliography support, etc.
I really like this idea. This truly would have made Logos my one-stop shop during College.0
Oh my! My heart rate just increased! YES!
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College0 -
Must also utilize clippings within as well. Could also bring back the Library Searcher that was in Logos 3 or Logos X, can't remember which one.0
I'd really like this! Would need the ability to have footnotes so you would have the complete paper. If it had an editing and a viewing mode where you could view it like a normal resource and highlight it, etc, I think it could eventually replace personal books.0
Voted up.
If we are going to go this route, we really need the ability to import PDFs, html, rich text and markdown files. I know this has been discussed extensively before, but the reality is that papers in Logos will rarely be composed of research exclusively from the Logos ecosystem.
Being able to open a website from within Logos would be very useful as well. We already have Wikipedia, so presumably that would enable the user to customize this for other commonly referred to resource websites.
Whether there is a market for all this to justify the investment, I don’t know. A competitor’s product already allows for pdf imports and website integration.
In meantime I am using other tools. In my case it is Devonthink and Sente For the Mac0 -
Can we call it "Article Builder" instead? Or something other than "Paper Builder"?0
Great! Please, better bibliography support, better outlining, ability to add pictures and an overall better word processor.0
Yes this would be great. I create a Bible class workbook in Word each quarter. It comes to about 20-30 pages in Word. I use sections, table of contents, Works Cited, etc. I save it as a PDF and get a local print shop to print and bind it to hand out to our members for our classes each quarter. It would be great to have this in Logos.0
I like this idea but wonder if it is really the best use of Faithlife resources if one looks at the complexity of the task e.g. Citavi
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
0 -
Yes, please. And with structured tagging, so that we can organize clippings and notes as we take them. This would be useful for the homily builder too, but is essential for more academic research.0
Absolutely, yes please!0
As former QuickVerse/WordSEARCH user there was a feature (somewhat limited) called User Books. Three formats were available to the user to create documentation. Take this concept and expand it. I've created so many documents outside of my Bible study software, it would be nice to bring them into an integrated format. With being able to bring MS WORD documents into Logos is nice. But having them truly reside in the software and be editable in the Bible software would be great.0
Would be very welcome!0
This would be awesome!0
yes please make a "paper builder" and/or lecture builder. This would make the app close to perfect. This is the biggest want I have for Logos. PLEASE give me a way to write papers in Logos.0
This was posted 2 years ago... is it being worked on?0
Great idea all for this0
Features needed at the top of my head...
* Text Editing Tools + Headings (h1, h2, h3 ...)
* Bulk Editor
* Upload Media
* Import from Word/PDF
* Searchable (Find in paper CTRL + F ...and regular search)
* Folders for Organizing Papers
* Tags
* Anchors + Footnotes...
* Send to...
* Outline view
* Paper Created from Template
* Notebook Notes (like sermon)- Don't miss a FREE Book, COUPON, or OFFER! Join the Free Faithlife Books Group
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This would be a great idea0
Several years too late for my college days but it would be a very useful tool.0
We need it, but please consider including the Brazilian ABNT bibliographic references standard.0
I like the idea and here are my recommendations.
1. Need the ability to write a paper in sections and snippets, like Scrivener.
2. Must have grammar check integration. I would love to have Grammarly.
3. Needs to have Option + Esc read-aloud feature.
4. Needs a place to collect non-Logos sources (PDF, Word, Web Page import) with the ability to catalog, highlight, and comment. Especially important for thesis and dissertation work. For webpages should keep track of citation source information or have an easy way to add it. See suggestion 7.
5. Needs a citation aid tool like in Perrla. (See I would look at Perrla's online editor. It is pretty good. I write all my papers in the browser now.)
6. Needs to provide word count and page count information.
7. Bibliography management needs to accommodate non-Logos sources like web pages, pdfs, tiffs, etc.
8. Needs an output feature to export to Word and other document formats.
9. Should include a paper templating system that provides an example structure for papers.
10. Needs to support optional cover pages.
11. Real-time autosave is a must.
12. Should provide support for MLA, Chicago, APA, etc.
To be useful, it needs to have all the features in PERLLA at a minimum. Having fast templated and automatic bibliography management is an absolute must, or I can't use it.1 -
It would be more useful to me than sermon builder.0
I agree with some posts and disagree with others. This feature would be great, but it doesn’t necessarily require native access to pdfs or personal libraries as long as it has strong citation features and maybe connection to Zotero. It is easy enough to copy and paste from other sources. Storing pdfs, websites, and citations like Zotero would be helpful though. Hyperlinking to resources contained in Logos from citations would be great. It definitely needs to have support for footnotes, citation styles, formatting, charts, tables, etc.1
As both an academic and a pastor, this would be invaluable. In this proposed feature, it would be nice to be able to select citation style and even add custom citation styles (some seminaries use their own spin off of Turabian and SBL).0
As a Ph.D. student, this would be fantastic.0
Would be very!! welcome.0
1. Ability to export paper to other word processors (Word, Docs, etc.). This is necessary for colllaborative projects and file type requirements.
2. Ability to export to cloud. This
could mean Dropbox, GDrive, etc. or a Logos based cloud or all of the above. This is necessary (A) to back up files and (B) keep local drives lightweight.
3. Auto save.0 -
Call it Document Builder or Doc Builder.0
The capability to write academic papers/articles within Logos would be a great feature. Multiple writing/citation styles is a must (APA, Turabian, etc.).0
While I think it is really important for Logos to improve it's knowledge management abilities (a la Citavi, with structured notes and clippings, ideally even with PDF import, better bibliography support, etc.), I also think it would be a big mistake to try to replace Microsoft Word, Scrivener, or other word processors, as some of the proposals in this thread suggest. Programs like Citavi are great for research in part precisely because they don't try to replace your word processor. Instead, they integrate into programs like Work, and support your work there. That is, we need to be able to do our research in Logos, and we need that research and investigation to be easy to organize and to find. But I don't expect or want to ever do actual writing of a paper in the Logos. It's not even to me essential that the integration with the word processor be present. I could happily continue using Citavi or Zotero for pure footnote and bibliography management in Word and move my research over from Citavi to Verbum, if I could organize my notes and clippings in a useful fashion in Verbum as I read texts in the software. As that is currently not possible, I actually export the texts I will study from Verbum to a PDF, then import them into Citavi, and study them there, taking notes and clippings in Citavi simply because I can organize those notes and clippings.1
As one who is writing a lot of papers at the moment through a combination of logos, word, and zotero, this would certainly simplify things, especially when I don’t have 3 monitors available to work!0
This is absolutely needed0
Yes please, including Turabian support for bibliography, footnotes, formatting, title page etc.0
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0 -
It would be a gooo oooo ooood thing!
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
0 -
Just a few more options such as richer paragraph formatting, footers, tables, folder organizing in docs, would make this a fantastic feature.0
Very much support this idea0
Please add this feature0
Adding my support to this, as a current theological student a customisable builder for exegetical/theological/history essays would be a wonderful addition.
In particular I would advocate for the ability to create essay structure/outlines. Logos could be an excellent place to do your research and visualize your essay plan, as well as allocate your ideas and research to various fields (for/against , body one , body two etc).Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia
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I think opening some sort of bibliographic api would solve most research writing needs so we could create a plugin for zotero or similar citation software that lets us more easily cite or link our notes.
Additionally, I'd love to see the paper builder integrate logos' canvas tool so you could more easily integrate diagramed sentences and take more visually focused notes about how different resources relate to each other.0 -
Very much support this suggestion!0
Great idea!0