Send highlights to ReadWise

Matt Floreen
Matt Floreen Member Posts: 7 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Integrate Logos with ReadWise (, a service to help readers curate and review their digital highlights. ReadWise was recently endorsed by Tim Challies, and their website says they have thousands of users. I've just begun using the service, but to collect my highlights from Logos alongside my other electronic reading notes would be amazing!
64 votes

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  • Levi Figueira
    Levi Figueira Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
    This would be fantastic!! Readwise is a phenomenal tool for “meditation”, and their implementation of “spaced repetition”, with quotes/highlights from my readings has been a blessing to me!

    Would love to get my highlights from my Logos readings pulled into that as well!

    I highly recommend their product for anyone wanting to develop a reviewing habit of their previous reading material.
  • This would be extremely valuable to me - both in the shaved reminders of what I've read and in integration with Obsidian to help my thinking. Yes please!
  • Agreed. I'm an Obsidian user and this would be a very useful plug-in to have and allow me to focus on study and not copy/pasting so much.
  • I want and NEED to upload my highlights and notes from my Logos books to Readwise! I write a lot an use Readwise and my gathering station for my notes.
  • It would be especially important that the references be exported with the highlights. 
  • This would be a critical update. Especially for those that are using tools tomanage information consolidation in a unified workflow. 
  • Having this integration would make me much more comfortable with purchasing a resource in Logos as a opposed to say Kindle, where I know my highlights can be easily exported. Right now I prefer to read in Kindle because of this feature.

    It is possible that this integration does not need to be specialized just for readwise, but could be construed as an "export highlights" feature that simply targets a format that readwise can ingest. Readwise has a large and growing number of such integrations so there may be simple options to choose from already.
  • This would be fantastic. A great way to make the most of the wealth of content being studied and noted.

    Especially what Levi shared earlier about mediation and spaced repetition features. That is a fantastic option to build on learning and reflection. 
  • I'd really appreciate this! 
  • Keelan Cook
    Keelan Cook Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    A critical feature for me. As much as I love having resources available in Logos as they are, I need the ability to get stuff out of Logos into other notetaking tools as well. The lack of ability to do this easily (as you can with other research tools) keeps me from using Logos and purchasing additional resources there.
  • Keelan Cook
    Keelan Cook Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    @Mike Brinker  This is  my same issue. At the end of the day, I tend to purchase my resources outside of Logos because I feel my research is trapped.
  • To be able to have Readwise take Logos notes and highlights and be able to export them into a back link note taking system like Obsidian would be fantastic
  • This is an essential upgrade for Logos. It's a major factor in whether I purchase a Kindle book or Logos book.
  • If Logos allowed export to Readwise, I'd stop buying books on Kindle and buy all available books on Logos
  • Either this, or provide the API to allow others to build this functionality.
  • Darcy S. Van Horn
    Darcy S. Van Horn Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    Readwise has been a great help in reviewing my kindle reading highlights.  Would be very happy to have this in Logos as well!
  • Vinjar Romsvik
    Vinjar Romsvik Member Posts: 12
    This feature would be amazing! Readwise is a great tool for learning and esporting highlights to this platform could be a game-changer for mye Bibel-study and learning.
  • Levi Figueira
    Levi Figueira Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
    @Levi Figueira  It seems Logos folks are not only unresponsive here, but have been unresponsive to Readwise's contacts in the past. Just heard today, from someone at Readwise, that they have reached out to Logos and never got a reply… Pretty disappointing! :(
  • I would love it if my Logos highlights/notes could be easily imported into Readwise instead of the copy-paste dance I'm doing right now. Please, Faithlife, make it happen for us :)
  • This would, hands-down, be one of the most useful features Logos could add for me. I already read so much in Logos, and the most important books in my life are all in Logos. Getting my highlights in the Readwise daily digest and in Markdown files would make my Logos reading even more valuable. 
  • @Levi Figueira  Thank you for following up with them Levi! Looks like there is absolutely interest here in the thread. Hope they see that!
  • Please! This would be a game-changer.
  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @Levi Figueira  Thanks for following up. No promises, but I am now in touch with them.
  • Phil Quigley
    Phil Quigley Member Posts: 108 ✭✭
    I agree, this would be an awesome addition.
  • This would really level up my Bible study. I've started highlighting outside of Logos so that the highlights come back for review via Readwise. But I'd much prefer Logos' UI and app experience.  The ePub in Kindle isn't nearly as nice.  The two tools together would be amazing!
  • Levi Figueira
    Levi Figueira Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
    @Mark Barnes (Faithlife)  Great news! Glad to be able to "connect" you guys! <3
  • This would be incredibly helpful!  
  • I'm also an Obsidian user. Logos is great if you stay in that world but it is not friendly to my work flow. It seems like a stove pipe.
  • Nick Stapleton
    Nick Stapleton Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭
    How are y'all currently importing Logos highlights into Readwise? @Levi Figueira  @Keelan Cook  

    Readwise integration is critical if Logos wants to win my purchases over buying books in Kindle. If Logos is not going to integrate with Readwise, then it should at least Sherlock the features and build it into Logos.
  • Keelan Cook
    Keelan Cook Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    @Nick Stapleton  I'm not. Because of that, I rarely take notes and highlights in Logos. I really want to use the tool for much of my note taking, but I can't bring myself to purchase most of my books in a tool that won't share with the rest of my workflow. Readwise integration would solve this for me. Although, even letting me bulk export highlights into a standard form (text, markdown, etc.) that I could pull into my other tools would be a big start. As best I can tell, this is not possible either. Though, I'd be happy for someone to tell me otherwise. 

    So, I use Logos for a small set of the things I'd like to use it for. It also means manually copying and pasting highlights out of the tool right now into the ones I use to write.