Request a facility to add *.pdf and *.ePub books directly into LOGOS please.

Anthony Mankodi
Anthony Mankodi Member Posts: 22 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
It would be a great feature if one could directly add into individual LOGOS accounts, books in *.pdf and *.epub formats WITHOUT first converting them into to *.docx.

This feature would help LOGOS become, for each account, a unified single access linked library platform enabling readability and all other functions each individual subscriber.

Why this feature? Because most books are large in sized are therefore difficult to easily convert into other formats.
Even if LOGOS, within itself, provides an easy 'convert the format' feature, it will be of assistance.
The rest of the process to thereafter add in the converted book will be merely one of uploading the relevant converted book into one's own account.
69 votes

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  • Logan Mauldin
    Logan Mauldin Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    I have a large collection of electronic books that I paid to get in epub, mobi, or pdf format. I would love to be able to import them into Logos to be indexed and searched along with my other resources.
  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭
    This would be very helpful. I'd like to be able to view them, and Personal books, from my mobile devices as well as from my desktop/laptop.
  • Yes please!
  • epub support for personal books would be wonderful
  • Michael Cordich
    Michael Cordich Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Being able to import epub, mobi, and pdf ebooks would be awesome, particularly if they can be searchable and scripture linked.
  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,385 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024
    I would like the ability to import epub files in addition to DOC X files.
  • Floyd  Johnson
    Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭
    ePub and mobi would be useful. Text based PDFs as well, image based PDFs less so.


  • Robert Lloyd Davey
    Robert Lloyd Davey Member Posts: 31 ✭✭✭
    I agree. Also, I seem to have difficulty viewing something I convert from .docx in a secondary computer that is on my account. I get a "you do not have a license error", even when the .docx file is not protected by copyright. I would think that most digital files which are permitted to be stored on one's own computer, would legally be storable in the Logos Library.
  • Anthony Mankodi
    Anthony Mankodi Member Posts: 22 ✭✭✭
    Hi Robert Davey,

    I agree.

    I wonder if the comprehensive solution to our requests would then be that we request LOGOS to enable every account (having the same LOGOS ID) to be accessible across all devices, with each owners set of add-on books (in any of docx / epub / mobi formats) - but - with the brilliant LOGOS search, linked and other features to automatically kick-in once loaded?

    As I'm a software geek, I can only speculate in hope this would be made possible. It would certainly be a significant stride forward ... I think.

    And LOGOS could have their own disclaimers to protect themselves from copyright infringements into that portion of the feature for those add-on books.

    Such a feature, if made available, would easily lift LOGOS from being truly a great service provider (or / platform / what have you), which it no doubt already is, for it is truly unique amongst it's peers, and would further transform it into an even more brilliant program!

    Well, that's my opinion.

  • Murilo Rezende Melo
    Murilo Rezende Melo Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    This is a very important feature. The process to add owned books/pdfs is cumbersome, having to convert, edit, etc. However, I understand that books are formatted differently and having a consistent format makes searches much easier. It seems to me that having an importer, which would bring odd/even pages and ask the user to "paint" where the page number is, what text to ignore (headers), so the importer identifies the text properly. Also, it would be simpler to just add journal articles as unformatted PDFs, importing them via RIS (Endnote) or manually. 
  • Carolyn Robinson
    Carolyn Robinson Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
    I've tried to convert to docx but not all manuscripts will convert. I would love to be able to link my pdf files to passages in my Bible.
  • Nelson D. Kloosterman
    Nelson D. Kloosterman Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Please allow for importing PDFs for searching.
  • I like this idea.
  • I also would like to see the ability to import PDF files. I know you can convert from PDF to Word files but it can get ugly at times.
  • Dale Babinsky
    Dale Babinsky Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2024
    I would love to be able to upload my personal books in PDF format as well as the currently available MS Word format.
  • Nelson D. Kloosterman
    Nelson D. Kloosterman Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    It would be an absolute home run if I could import my PDFs into Logos, making them searchable by Scripture and subject/topic.
  • adamtuckeronline
    adamtuckeronline Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    the ability to create personal books from pdfs as converting a pdf to Word doesn't always maintain good formatting
  • Bob Allen
    Bob Allen Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
    I would add to that Apple Pages documents (.pages). The problem I have with .docx documents is that converting to Word from other applications seems to always introduce weirdness that I don't know how to fix since I almost never use Word.
  • Anthony Mankodi
    Anthony Mankodi Member Posts: 22 ✭✭✭
    @Bob Allen  
    (1) Yes, *.pages for MAC users like me, would be great too. I had refrained from adding that suggestion in earlier, only because of the possibility that direct *.pdf and *.epubs might be easier for the LOGOS team to incorporate as compared to *.pages documents, merely because the number of MAC based users might be significantly less in comparison to *.docx users.

    (2) A Further Suggestion : Perhaps a detailed and dedicated video tutorial (Minimum Duration :30 mins.) will greatly help resolve the following :
    (a) Converting into *.docx is still rather cumbersome. So, a video tutorial taking one step by step through the process would be great.
    (b) I also wish I knew how to :
    ...i... Incorporate suitable headwords RECOGNISABLE AS SUCH by LOGOS into my *.docx documents;
    ...ii... Incorporate links and indexes into my *'docx documents suitable for LOGOS format.
    And ...
    If others think that this point (2) "A further Suggestion" of my post is helpful, perhaps this might be supported suitably?

    That said, I am nevertheless grateful for at least having some facility at present to add my converted  *.docx in. Not the easiest of options ... but ... better something than nothing! So, thank you LOGOS team and looking forward to your add-on support and improvement utilising these suggestions.
  • Nelson D. Kloosterman
    Nelson D. Kloosterman Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Allow user to enter PDFs as personal books, just like one can do with .docx now.
  • Nelson D. Kloosterman
    Nelson D. Kloosterman Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    Please, please give us the ability to import PDFs into Logos. I have many ready to go!
  • Ian Kirk
    Ian Kirk Member Posts: 17
    Please! I would love to have Open Access academic papers and epub books I've purchased available in Logos.
  • As a newcomer to Logos and having a few thousand PDFs I would like to see a direct import option.  Word's DocX function is not the prettiest by a mile and I prefer to be able to read them on screen as they were published.
  • Daniel McCoy
    Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
    I started a new feedback post ( unintentionally as this one did not come up when I searched "PDF." I'll quote my post from that one in this thread as I believe it's relevant.

    "I love Zotero's ability to manage/store and annotate PDF files. I am in academics and end up downloading quite a few PDF journal articles through my institution. I don't want to have to purchase all my journal articles through Logos (nor could I - many are unavailable). Additionally, it would great to be able to use Logos to store ALL my research, not just some of it. I was noticing this today as I worked on a Clippings document of quotes for an upcoming research paper. It was great until I downloaded an article and could no longer do my work in Logos. I had to switch to a different app to complete my research. This would help me a lot! I wonder if others might benefit from a feature like this?"
  • Daniel McCoy
    Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
    @Carolyn Robinson  This would help me so much! I'd love even to be able to cite a paragraph in a Logos Note or Sermon and have it hyperlinked to the paragraph on my PDF. 
  • Josiah Young
    Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
    @Daniel McCoy  I agree! I have a paid subscription for Zotero storage because I have so many PDFs. I would love to work with all of these inside Logos so that my highlighting could be searched quickly. I would also love to be able to use Logo's Scripture tagging to hover and read Bible references in my PDFs, as well as search my PDFs for specific Bible references. I was hoping Logos would make a Zotero extension, but I realized today that I think I would prefer simply to have the PDFs in Logos. I would be fine with my PDFs appearing in a page-by-page layout, rather than as a native Logos book (or maybe the option to toggle between them in case it does happened to be formatted as a native book). I'd just love to use Logos's searching and Bible reference features.

    And I agree that it's beyond Logos to compete with PDF resources. There are just too many papers, journals, articles, blogs, website print-to-PDFs, etc. for them to ever offer the same content in a paid format. I'd like to keep Zotero for citations, and maybe have a way to export PDFs directly into Logos for consumption (with all the Logos bibliographic book fields automatically populated by the Zotero integration / plug in).

    And for the record, this PDF feature would be far more useful to me than an a "Paper Builder" feature. I'm totally fine with my Word and Zotero setup, and I think Logos would have to spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel if they wanted to compete with that. But adding PDFs would be a super great way to improve life for academic writers.
  • Rabira
    Rabira Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2024
    Why can't I link set my personal books to my bible? Also can you please make epub/pdf to logos alot easier instead of docx?
  • What is the status on these items?
  • Sabu
    Sabu Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Yes, it would be great
  • Yes, we need this for android and windows especially the .epub. Should be very simple to add this feature.