Guides: Passage Guide Commentaries section improvements

Peter Li
Peter Li Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Add the same Logos 9 improvements to the Commentaries section (by Series, Author, Denomination, Type, Era) as well as more readable Commentary names/abbreviations to the Mobile apps
25 votes

Done · Last Updated


  • John Spinella
    John Spinella Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    In reference to the problem below.

    Is there any way in my iPhone that I can change the settings

    I know that with my laptop I can simply pass the cursor over it and shows the full details of the commentary but I can’t do that with my apple products
    John Spinella
    2020 Shift

    Begin forwarded message:
    From: John Spinella <>
    Date: 27 October 2020 at 8:04:33 pm AEDT
    To: Logos Customer Support <>
    Subject: Mystified
    Dear Logos
    I am rather mystified as to why when I look up a scripture in the passage guide and all my commentaries are listed why some have no indication of which series they belong to. This seems to be a change.

    For example I may have 20 commentaries on Ephesians and there is no indication in the list which one is NAC or TNTC or ZEC or REC etc. for example even though the commentary belongs to the NAC series it is not listed as an NAC. New American commentary

    Why has this Useful feature been removed.
    I have a list that just says Ephesians. So I have to open up each one of them to find the one specific commentary I want. This is a waste of time. Is there any way this can be rectified

    John Spinella
    2020 Shift

    John Spinella
    2020 Shift
  • Nick Stapleton
    Nick Stapleton Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Like on the desktop, it’d be helpful to see the commentary series, cover image and author name under the passage guide on mobile.
  • Yes! Bringing in either more descriptive commentary title names or allow our customized title names to appear. The commentary section is cumbersome and difficult to navigate with the current titles being used.
  • Peter Li
    Peter Li Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Add the same Logos 9 improvements to the Commentaries section (by Series, Author, Denomination, Type, Era) as well as more readable Commentary names/abbreviations to the web app
  • It is a huge pain to not AT LEAST see the authors name or commentary series next to the title, I have to open all my commentaries to find the right ones
  • Michael Heath
    Michael Heath Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Yes please add this
    When looking at different resources on a passage guide many of the names are similar and impossible to tell what you are opening until you actually open. At a minimum, the abbreviations would be super helpful.
  • Jim
    Jim Member Posts: 36 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    I think you guys used to have the abbreviations for commentary series in the passage guide, but took them away at some point. Please put them back!! Its hard to remember commentaries by the title, I want to know which series it comes from, or who the author was. The title itself is the least important piece of identifying information for me.
  • Essential.
  • Hopefully this is on its way!
  • Jonathan Brown
    Jonathan Brown Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    I was just saying I need this on mobile. What would be preferable (to me) is a pop-up on tap+hold, that shows the commentary name / image / brief info. If you can do it in a resource and have a definition pop up, surely you can have a book's info popup.
  • Jordan Cavanaugh
    Jordan Cavanaugh Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2024
    When you use passage guide on the mobile app. It only gives your commentary abbreviations. It becomes challenging to differentiate between commentaries without full title, commentary series and author. It would be really helpful to expand this, often I am picking a commentary at random trying to find the one I want. See my example in my picture below.
  • Jordan Cavanaugh
    Jordan Cavanaugh Member Posts: 2
  • Ryan Schatz
    Ryan Schatz Member Posts: 147 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    In the iOS app, I find it hard to determine which commentary I’m looking for in the passage guide as only the title is shown. Sometimes this is pretty unhelpful such as when several commentaries are titled “Matthew” for example. It would be great if the title and the author are indicated and would save me so much time looking for the right commentary!
  • Ryan Schatz
    Ryan Schatz Member Posts: 147 ✭✭
    I agree, and some even have the same name making the problem pretty obvious. The more you spend means the more commentaries you have making the problem worse.
  • Josua Häsler
    Josua Häsler Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Yes! I was searching for a solution to the same problem. As Richard V. mentiones: either allow customized title names or bring more descriptive commentary title names to mobile. I have no clue what many of the listed commentaries are unless i open them first..
  • Jonathan Brown
    Jonathan Brown Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    Yes, definitely need more info. Even a popup on tap->hold would be fine. I have so many commentaries - as many users do - that are simply the title of the book. If I open John 1:1-2 in Passage Guide in the, I get a dozen results for "The Gospel of John" or "The Gospel According to John" or just "John." I need to be able to tell which commentary and series this is from. I know it's based on prioritized order, but I need a little more info than that, especially when I scroll past the top 5 that I have prioritized.
  • Len Bartlotti
    Len Bartlotti Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    When researching a passage, the passage guide lists several commentaries at the top by title, but without including author or series. This makes it difficult to choose initially which commentary to open—unless you consult the list regularly, the titles look indistinguishable. E.g. Instead of showing simply Commentary on First Corinthians, put the author/commentators name e.g. Fee, in parentheses beside it. Also I could not find instructions for how to easily mark a given commentary in the list as a favorite, or one to be consulted first next time.
  • pastorjoels
    pastorjoels Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2024
    I love passage guide and other places like it but it would be VERY helpful to see the book title. See screen shot. Just saying “Proverbs” doesn’t tell me what the commentary is so there is a lot of wasted time trying to figure it out.
  • Jeremy Scott
    Jeremy Scott Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    I think it would be great if the authors were listed with the resources on the passage guide in the mobile app. It's hard to know which book is which just looking at the list.
  • CJ Barth
    CJ Barth Member Posts: 6
    This would be a very important improvement! And you should be able to see more descriptive information, like the author. Now it's often trial and error to open the correct commentary.
  • Nick Stapleton
    Nick Stapleton Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭
    Yes. This *really* needs to be addressed. Passage guide is so frustrating to use because I have no ability to identify my commentaries without the author name or an image to distinguish one from another.
  • John Bunker
    John Bunker Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    In the Android mobile app, while using the Passage Guide the titles of the resources aren't really available. While some are, most of them only show the passage or book referenced. ie. 1 Samuel. While that is helpful, I would like to see the actual title of the source ie. The Pulpit Commentary or whatever. I have several sources that I like to use and I can't tell which is which unless I go into it, then I have to go to"contents", "title page"......etc. to figure out which book I am looking at. I hope this is something that can be addressed, or perhaps there is a setting I need to change. Thank you
  • While prioritising commentaries helps a bit of with this (in that my most consulted resources are at the top), I would love to see fuller descriptions of commentaries be given. Any filtering by author, era, denomination would be nice but not essential. The former is on my mind essential for the passage guide to be considered useful in the long term.
  • J. Gary Ellison
    J. Gary Ellison Member Posts: 147 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024
    It looks like you've added new and very helpful information in the app passage guide. I'm seeing "PNTC, EBC, NAC, Etc." Thank you!
  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    More readable commentary names/abbreviations are now available in version 9.13. Although this suggestion also includes listing commentaries by Series, Author, Denominations, Type and Era, the majority of the comments seem to relate to more readable commentary names. I'm therefore going to call this suggestion 'Done'. Please add a new suggestion if you'd like Series/Author/Denominations, etc.
  • @Mark Barnes  I just checked out the Passage Guide layout and am very happy with the improvements. It's now showing me a longer title, the series and the author's name. It's a huge improvement! Thanks to everyone who worked on it. 
  • @Mark Barnes  Very happy about this. While it would be nice to see Series/Author/Denominations , etc listings these are , I feel , not essential for mobile (and how to interface them on mobile would be an interesting exercise)  
  • On Android, if I select a Screen from different screen, the commentary or bible is shown with an icon (see yellow Arrow). If I select this page, the icon is not shown in the full screen (see other immage). Could the icon be shown here also? Then it would be easy to identify the series, that is shown.