"Insights" Tab

Russ White
Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

Each time I open a book now, it opens an "Insights" tab along the side. I don't want this tab to open. Ever.

How do I turn it off?


  • Justin Gatlin
    Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,174

    Just exit out of it and the next time you open that translation, it should not come up again. If you have a layout saved with it open, you might need to close it and then save the layout again. Unfortunately, there is no way to turn it off for all translations at once. It should only be coming up for Bibles, though, so if you are seeing it for all books, something weird is happening.

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    I think it is happening just for Bibles … there really needs to be a way to turn this off without my going through every translation I have and turning it off for each one individually … this is going to take some time …

  • Justin Gatlin
    Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,174

    I just turn it off as I see them. There are only a few translations I use regularly, so it was not a great burden. I would not want to go through and do it for all 134 English language Bibles in my library.