Am I Misunderstanding "Show Footnotes on Page" Feature?

Frank Hodges
Frank Hodges Member Posts: 388 ✭✭✭
edited January 4 in English Forum

I'm attempting to view my resources in Paged View, with the footnotes appearing at the bottom of the panel. I've accomplished this before, and I'm fairly certain it was by switching on Paged View and selecting "Show footnotes on page". It seems I can't do that anymore. I've checked all the features I thought I may have mistaken this with (Power Lookup, Cited By, etc) just to be safe, and none of them are what I was thinking. There was a point in time where I was able to view the text of the resource and have all the footnote text appear at the bottom of the page (similar to how it'd be in a paper book). Am I mistaken? Am I thinking of a different app? I've tried with several resources, tried switching the number of columns, and everything else I can think of, but can't find the option to do that again. Am I hallucinating a feature that never existed?

Screenshot is with the ESV on Paged view and "Show footnotes on page" option selected:

Best Answers

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,100
    Answer ✓

    It looks as though this is not working at the moment - which is very strange!

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,165
    Answer ✓

    This seems to be a bug in the new toolbar. Here's what Verbum 36 (prior to the new toolbar) shows:

    the same on Logos 39 Beta 3 has no footnotes (neither does NIV or NET which I tested)

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile
