Move Up/Down Overlap

ASUNDER Member Posts: 72 ✭✭

For scroll movement you have the mouse button click on the toolbar arrows, you have the mouse wheel, you have the Alt + up/down and you have page up down.

But you didn't let us utilize all this overlap by letting us configure it permanently. So they are all basically the same thing, and if we want it different we have to manually choose differently every single time.

As in: I should be able to scroll up/down per verse with the mouse wheel or arrow keys. Go up/down per chapter with Alt + up/down and per page with page up/down. I should be able to have this system set up permanently so it behaves that way always. I shouldn't have to manually choose from a drop down menu and then use one of my four input options that are the same thing. Why not just divide the input options so they are their own independent movement scope?

And is there a way to make Bibles and books have their window go only from the beginning of a chapter to the end of that chapter? Currently you have crammed eighteen hundred pages of the KJV into a single scroll bar. It's so sensitive when moving it that it's entirely pointless to try and use. If instead only the book of Genesis would be the length of the scroll, then I could drag it up and down nicely. Then I would simply use one of my hotkeys, like Ctrl + left/right or something to go to the prev/next chapter. I have no idea why you would put an entire book into a single scroll bar. The software has to load the entire Bible into my RAM too, instead of just one chapter at a time and swapping that same RAM when moving between chapters. I've noticed a slow down when having multiple things on the go and this is probably why.

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  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,188
    edited February 4

    Are you saying that the step to unit for a resource does not persist? It appears to persist for me. And Alt+up – Go to previous verse, chapter, article, etc. Alt+down – Go to next verse, chapter, article, etc. seem to recognize its setting. Or are you asking that additional keyboard shortcuts be added so that each step to unit has its own shortcut key?

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

    ASUNDER Member Posts: 72 ✭✭

    I'm saying there are multiple ways of interacting with the scroll up/down so why am I having to choose my steps from a drop down menu? Why not let us set up our defaults in the settings.

    I would make my mouse wheel control the scroll bar as normal, as per our Windows setting (I have my ticky mouse wheel to step by three lines at a time). That is, except for this horrible mash the entire Bible into one window thing, making the mouse wheel and scroll bar impossible to use. The arrow keys would move up/down by one verse. Alt + arrow keys by one chapter. Ctrl + arrow keys by one book (if it's a Bible). The arrow keys, up/down per verse would be per line for a book that's not a Bible.

    Never having to use a drop down menu for this; except in the case of a non-default choice like article or search result etc. It's very useful for these scenarios, but most of the time it's not. I just want my default movements.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,188
    edited February 4

    I'm saying there are multiple ways of interacting with the scroll up/down so why am I having to choose my steps from a drop down menu? Why not let us set up our defaults in the settings.

    Because the steps are context sensitive:

    for my Bible: article - book - chapter - verse - filter highlight

    for my catechism: article - filter highlight - note

    for Lutheran book of symbols: article - page- filter highlight - note

    for my missal: article - reference - filter highlight - note

    for a clause visualization: article - book - chapter - verse - filter highlight - note

    etc. Note the meaning of article varies among resources.

    Again, I would prefer it if you asked your questions in the English forums before making suggestions in Feedback

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

    ASUNDER Member Posts: 72 ✭✭

    Couple days ago the moderator moved a suggestion I had to this feedback section. I asked if there is a suggestion place and he showed me the picture of this feedback forum. You're telling me to make suggestions in the main forum.

    The steps are context sensitive: Yes I mentioned that in my suggestion.
    All text has things in common: lines, pages, chapters, books. Every Bible has verses.
    These can be default movements. If we set up defaults then want to move by something else, like article, that would be the exception to the rule; then we could use the drop down menu.

    I learned that the space bar is also involved. So there are five of the same thing, more or less.
    The one thing that is bothersome is not having lines and chapters be divided into their own steps.
    So that the arrow keys are verse (or line) up/down and Alt + arrow keys are chapter up/down. (Or Ctrl)
    Actually for Bibles, it would be ideal for Alt to be chapters and Ctrl to be books.
    Always, without having to use a drop down menu, which will change both of them at the same time.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,188

    You're telling me to make suggestions in the main forum.

    No, I'm encouraging you to ask how to do things in the forum before you make a suggestion in feedback. If you make clear, succinct suggestions you're much more apt to gather interest and support. Beyond that, I was simply trying to expand your knowledge of the application as related to your suggestion.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."