How can I hide features I own when comparing the subscriptions?

I have Logos 10 with Full Features. When I look at the features and resources in the3 subscription levels, I can hide the books I own, but not the features. I would like to be able to have a checkbox to hide features I already own, just as I can when comparing libraries . Other than some of the cloud features, most of the ones I looked at I already have in Logos 10. But I am sure there are many I am unaware of. How can I hide the features that I own in the comparison of the subscriptions?
There is not a way to hide owned features in the same way that one can hide owned books. However, the spreadsheet I have included below addresses the question of new features for L10 owners (blue highlights). I'm not sure if it has been updated though since it was initially released by Mark Barnes in August of 2024 in this thread. You could check out the release notes between August and now to supplement the spreadsheet.