Czech Bibles
Steven Baxley said:
Tesim se na kazatelska cesta do Cech pristi rok. Preji Vam i Vaclav Janca vsechno nejlepsi do roku 2011.
Děkuji a přeji nápodobně. Požehnanou cestu do Česka i celý příští rok. [:)]
P.S. Václave, víme něco nového?
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Hello everyone, on Tuesday we have received a testing version of the CSP from Logos. Bohuslaw has a copy too and we're excited about this!
We found bugs, which we will report (as this is a testing copy) and hopefully will be able to see the corrected result soon! It's great to see this database in operation in Logos. Yes!
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Diky, Vaclave. Kdybyste potrebovali dalsi "tester", klidne bych pomahal. [:)]
Nemam zkusenost v techto vecech, ale od faze "testovani" do faze vydani je priblizne jak dlouhou?
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Steven Baxley said:
Diky, Vaclave. Kdybyste potrebovali dalsi "tester", klidne bych pomahal.
Nemam zkusenost v techto vecech, ale od faze "testovani" do faze vydani je priblizne jak dlouhou?
Václav is right. It is great. ČSP is just best suited for that kind of software. All the thousands of notes just work perfect. It's by far much more superior experience than any other software I tried ČSP with.
There are just a few minor issues with fonts and also with the indexing of the NT part and then... it should be released, I suppose. It's coming to be a new day for the Czech users of Logos. [Y]
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Vsechno co mohu rict je: [:D] [:D] [:D]
Diky za obraz!
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You're not breaking any rules, you're just torturing his poor soul :-)
I just sent the bugs report to Logos, so we'll see what they say about it next week.
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Its a good kind of torture!
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Hello Bohuslav and Vaclav,
Have you heard anything new about when the Czech Study Translation should be released for purchase?
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Steven Baxley said:
Hello Bohuslav and Vaclav,
Have you heard anything new about when the Czech Study Translation should be released for purchase?
Hello Steven.
I am sorry you still have to use your patience as well as all of us [:)]
Václav should know more since he is involved directly in the process. I am one of the few beta testers of the text and I can say there still is a one minor problem with the displaying of certain Czech specific characters in notes. It should not take much time to see the final version IMHO. It is a great experience to use the Czech Study Bible in Logos with all the thousands of the translation and study notes and indexes. Great tool.
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Hi, ten days ago, Logos wrote that they sent our correction notes to the designer. Different people were on vacations. I just sent an email asking about the progress. I will write as soon as there is any :-)
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OK, I'll be patient .... [;)]
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Tadaa. The reply came quickly, a designer had a look at the bugs report and sent a logos4 version of the database with 4 and a half of 6 issues corrected!
There is still encoding bug with popups, but this I expect to be easily corrected, since they fixed the encoding elsewhere. The last issue is with search not differentiating between accented and nonaccented characters, which, you can imagine, is a problem in Czech language. Search returns too many false hits this way.
Otherwise, this version has all verses mapped correctly with respect to all the intricacies of verses joined, omitted, renumbered in other versions.
I just sent an updated bug report and will eagerly wait for the West coast to wake up and read it with their morning coffee :-)
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I'll work hard at continuing to be patient, 4.5 out of 6 is good!
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Good news: There is now a working version of ČSP in Logos!
All encoding bugs caught, references, footnotes and glossary tags working well.
One thing remains, but it should not stop releasing the product - it's that right now, the search doesn't differentiate between accented and non-accented letters. Those who speak the language will understand that it's a problem.
In my last email to Logos, I suggested a release. We'll see if there are any procedures remaining between Logos and the translation Foundation. I'm awaiting response from Logos.
It's a joy to use it in Logos! And now even a bigger teaser than the last one: We might embark on full reverse-interlinear version [:P]
When Pavlov was experimenting on dogs, he didn't ring a bell, he said "ČSP in Logos, reverse-interlinear" and the dogs and all Czech pastors salivated [:D]
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Diky za informaci!
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Too bad it couldn't be out this morning ... I have a Bible study using Skype with one of my brothers in the Czech Republic ... I'd love to follow along in the CSP instead of the Kralicka!
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Yesterday, I got the Golden Master disc of CSP. Today I checked it out and unfortunately, it contains bugs and it's Libronix only. So I reported the bugs and will be waiting for the result. Václav
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I'm groaning inside ... ale jak rikate v Cechach, "trpelivost prinasi ruze" [:)]
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Steven Baxley said:
I'm groaning inside ... ale jak rikate v Cechach, "trpelivost prinasi ruze"
Hmmm... it's about the time to come out with that! But I stand corrected. Yea, we need trpělivost. You are right.
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Is there any known reason we still do not see Czech Study Translation shipped?
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I've been wondering the same thing, Bohuslav.
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How it looks with releasing Czech Study Bible?
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I asked Logos, waiting for answers.
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Jan, welcome to the forums [:)]
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Hello Steven, you might be interested in the information I got from Logos when I asked about the other Czech translation, namely "The Bible, 21 Century Translation". Here it is:
"The Study Bible has
taken priority, but we’ll be starting on the Czech Bible 21 Century just as
soon as that is done. We hope to wrap it up in the next few weeks."Would that be the reason for waiting? Will we see both Bible versions as a bundle? Just asking.
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This was posted on FB:
Na našich webových stránkách uvolňujeme nově ke stažení kompletní text ČSP pro použití ve špičkovém biblickém softwaru BibleWorks!
For non-Czech readers, what this basically says is that the Czech Study Translation has now been released for BibleWorks, beating Logos to the punch, so to speak. [:'(]
Logos, is there any ETA out there at all for the release of this Czech translation of the Bible? Could we go beyond an ETA with a firm date for release?
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Steven Baxley said:
This was posted on FB:
Na našich webových stránkách uvolňujeme nově ke stažení kompletní text ČSP pro použití ve špičkovém biblickém softwaru BibleWorks!
For non-Czech readers, what this basically says is that the Czech Study Translation has now been released for BibleWorks, beating Logos to the punch, so to speak.
Logos, is there any ETA out there at all for the release of this Czech translation of the Bible? Could we go beyond an ETA with a firm date for release?
I am really sorry to hear that Steven. I don't see any reason Logos was not released yet. Bible Works is widely used by pastors and teachers, just because the Czech Bibles availability.
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The Czech Study Bible will be available from Logos very soon.
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Kent Hendricks said:
The Czech Study Bible will be available from Logos very soon.
Thank you Kent. That sounds really good. [Y]
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That's good news, Kent. It will make it so much easier when I study with my Czech brother on Skype. My wife (who is also Czech) is looking forward to having it available to read in the Logos iOS app.
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Hey, everyone. Logos wrote and asked for final confirmation of the files, both for L4 and Libronix. We sent them the official "GO" email. Got a auto-respond, so resent to another Logos team member. Anyway, it's ready, approved from our side and all that. And in case you didn't know, this is a free release! [:P]
But save up, in the long term, we're going to work on ČSP reverse interlinear [8-|] That one will definitely cost ... whatever it will cost. It will take about a year to compile necessary data. We'll see.
@Kent Hendricks - do you know more? Now that we gave the confirmation, how long before flipping the switch? (or clicking the Magical mouse button)
oh, yeah, there are still remaining things to be sorted out - right now the search does not differentiate between accented and non-accented characters and also, the glossary notes are mixed in with footnotes, so when exporting with footnotes, you also get a jungle of unneeded glossary entries. This has been reported and we'll see what comes out of it.
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Well, that is fantastic! I'm not worried about the issues you mentioned, I'm sure they'll be sorted out over time. And a free release? Thanks, Logos!
Reverse Interlinear will be awesome.
[Y] [Y] [Y]
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Vaclav Janca said:
@Kent Hendricks - do you know more? Now that we gave the confirmation, how long before flipping the switch? (or clicking the Magical mouse button)
That reminds me of this shipping the NIC video note the golden mouse starting about 2:15
EDIT: heh, the embed didn't work:
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Vaclav Janca said:
But save up, in the long term, we're going to work on ČSP reverse interlinear
That one will definitely cost ... whatever it will cost. It will take about a year to compile necessary data. We'll see.
Reverse Interlinear is the right way to go. [Y] Great news Václav. Thanks.
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Bible. Překlad 21. století on prepub!
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Order placed!!
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Kent, with the 21st Century Edition up now on pre-pub, will the Czech Study Translation be available very soon? [:)]
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Hendrik-Jan van der Wal said:
Bible. Překlad 21. století on prepub!
Wow... that's a nice surprise! Now we need enough orders to get it to the production ASAP, what might be challenging in our Czech context. If Czech study translation would be free (the last information from Václav) and ready to be released soon, it might stir the interest to pre-order the Bible21. At least I hope.
Good job Logos, thank you. [Y]
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Hey guys we need your help to get this Bible to the production. Just start learning Czech language now and this Bible will be a great tool for you. It is the language of Jan Hus and Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius), by the way, so you should know it. [H] [:D]
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Hey everyone, I was just able to access CSP on my ipod Logos app, so something is happening! Yeah!
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It is available now for download under new products! Hurrah! Thank you, Logos!
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Tadaa [H]
Praise the Lord.
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Steven Baxley said:
It is available now for download under new products! Hurrah! Thank you, Logos!
I "purchased" this but am unable to download the file to L3. Haven't tried in L4 yet. Not sure if it's me or something wrong with the Logos server.
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Wow! That many footnotes! For free! Now, where is that book "Czech in 30 days" I once bought? ..... Found it! [H]
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To Tom: Well, give it a little bit of time. They just posted this.
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Steven Baxley said:
It is available now for download under new products! Hurrah! Thank you, Logos!
You made my day Steven with this news! [Y]
Great job Logos. The best Czech Translation with tens of thousands of translation notes... and for free. Wonderful. Thank you, thank you. [Y]
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Tom Reynolds said:
I "purchased" this but am unable to download the file to L3. Haven't tried in L4 yet. Not sure if it's me or something wrong with the Logos server.
It works well now. I did download it for the Libronix via the order page. It also works in my iPhone, and that is just great. All the translation notes and references work perfect, even in the off-line mode. Good job Logos, thank you Václav for your great work also. [Y]
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:Steven Baxley said:
It is available now for download under new products! Hurrah! Thank you, Logos!
You made my day Steven with this news!
Great job Logos. The best Czech Translation with tens of thousands of translation notes... and for free. Wonderful. Thank you, thank you.
It doesn't link to other bibles. I normally open a bible, set the passage and open an original language text (or the other way around) and the second bible opens to the same text. I opened the Kralicka and then this bible but found that it didn't open to the same passage.
EDIT: Retraction -- perhaps the resource had not yet finished indexing. It works fine.
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן