Speaking of "workarounds" ...

In another post David begins a discussion about using another app w/ Logos on the iPad (with a helpful tutorial on copying/pasting:).
I do not have the iPad because it doesn't do enough (with Logos) for me to justify the expense nor the need to carry it around - so, if I am home, I have my computer with FULL Logos use
But... I know there is a program that allows users the ability to tap into their home computer as a part of a network and view files on that computer remotely. (I believe you have to buy two copies of the program - one for the home system and one for the remote) If Logos were running on the home computer and you have these programs ... Would the iPad 'run' Logos just like the home computer? ie - Visual Filters, interlinears, Cited By, Analysis windows, (every resource you own), etc ???
If this could be done, an iPad might be worth it. But CAN it be done is the question? And, how well could it work? I haven't been following any of the forum threads about touch screen laptops so I don't know if any of those limitations (if there are any) would limit use of any features. If iPads can use WiFi anyway, why not tap in to the home computer for more options?
Yes. I use LogMeIn and it works just fine.
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Rev. David P. Cotner II said:
Yes. I use LogMeIn and it works just fine.
You have access to ALL the Logos features ? Is is easy to use? Very slow? What about adjusting features / parameters from the iPad?
How long have you been using this ?
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Ron Corbett said:
You have access to ALL the Logos features ? Is is easy to use? Very slow? What about adjusting features / parameters from the iPad?
You have full access to everything that is installed and running on your home computer. Your computer has to be turned on for this to work, and no-one else can use your computer whilst you're controlling it from the iPad. If you're on the same Wifi network the speed is pretty good. Over the internet it's acceptable. The main problem (for me) is screen resolution. There's obviously far less detail on the iPad's screen than on my 21" desktop monitors.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Hope this doesn't seem "over the top", but with the Ipad 2 wouldn't you be able to have the Logos app and logmein running at the same time?
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
Wiki Table of Contents
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If you purchase the LogMeIn App for $29, are you required to pay for the subscription on each of the computer(s) you are logging into?
Do you know if you buy the app once, if it is good for both the ipad and Iphone if both the devices are on the same itunes account.
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Michael James said:
If you purchase the LogMeIn App for $29, are you required to pay for the subscription on each of the computer(s) you are logging into?
The LogMeIn app allows you to access multiple computers for the same price. You have to install the LogMeIn software on each of those computers, but that's free.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Thanks Mark! On another note, I must thank you for all of the videos and support you provide on this forum. You are truly a blessing brother!
Is there a messaging feature to send PM's to each other on this forum?
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Michael James said:
I must thank you for all of the videos and support you provide on this forum. You are truly a blessing brother!
Thanks [:)]
Michael James said:Is there a messaging feature to send PM's to each other on this forum?
No, unfortunately. You can add a comment to someone's profile by clicking on their username. It's a public comment, but has the advantage of emailing the recipient to notify them.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark,Mark Barnes said:You have full access to everything that is installed and running on your home computer. Your computer has to be turned on for this to work, and no-one else can use your computer whilst you're controlling it from the iPad. If you're on the same Wifi network the speed is pretty good. Over the internet it's acceptable. The main problem (for me) is screen resolution. There's obviously far less detail on the iPad's screen than on my 21" desktop monitors.
Over all are you pleased with the functionality with Logos? And lastly, are you limited in any ways not having a mouse?
BTW - side note to you, Mark: I put together some Logos helps for friends who are new to Logos. These notes include links to your videos too. I think it might be helpful if posted to the WIKI, but don't want to be presumptuous. Maybe I'll start a new thread and post it there - maybe you (and maybe Rosie is no doubt lurking around somewhere out there) could offer suggestions to edit parts, scrap the whole or simply post it
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Ron Corbett said:
Over all are you pleased with the functionality with Logos? And lastly, are you limited in any ways not having a mouse?
LogMeIn does a great job of emulating a mouse. You basically move your finger across the screen, and the mouse moves too. But the great thing is that the mouse moves in parallel with your finger, not directly underneath your finger (which means you can see exactly where the mouse cursor is - it's not obscured). Then, when you want to click, you just tap anywhere on the screen. The 'click' will occur where the mouse cursor is, not where your finger is. That means it's really easy to be precise. Using various finger combinations you can select text, right click, zoom in, pretty much anything you can do with a mouse you can do with LogMeIn.
There's no loss of functionality at all, other than the small screen. If you want, give me a few small tasks to do, and I'll do it using LogMeIn and make a video recording for you.
Ron Corbett said:BTW - side note to you, Mark: I put together some Logos helps for friends who are new to Logos. These notes include links to your videos too. I think it might be helpful if posted to the WIKI, but don't want to be presumptuous. Maybe I'll start a new thread and post it there - maybe you (and maybe Rosie is no doubt lurking around somewhere out there) could offer suggestions to edit parts, scrap the whole or simply post it
Sounds great. If you're creating a new page, just go ahead and do it, then post a link asking for feedback. I'm sure steve clark and other Wiki users would have some useful input as well as some of the MVPs. Once you're happy with the page, we could then create some links to it from other pages.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:
There's no loss of functionality at all, other than the small screen. If you want, give me a few small tasks to do, and I'll do it using LogMeIn and make a video recording for you.
I suppose I would want to use the Pad for:
1. a few simple TILES in which I could see my Visual Filters in my preferred Bible.
2. to create a NOTE file and drag the TAB over to a folder in FAVORITES (or, FAVOURITES:)
3. to work off of an interlinear (any one) or a SYNTAX GRAPH (A-F or Cascadia)
Mark Barnes said:If you're creating a new page, just go ahead and do it, then post a link asking for feedback. I'm sure steve clark and other Wiki users would have some useful input as well as some of the MVPs. Once you're happy with the page, we could then create some links to it from other pages.
I will get on this and we'll see if it could be useful
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Mark Barnes said:
There's no loss of functionality at all, other than the small screen. If you want, give me a few small tasks to do, and I'll do it using LogMeIn and make a video recording for you.
Hah - made the video, but it didn't fully work. It looks like my screen capture program clashes with LogMeIn - probably because both are capturing the screen and sending it to different places - one to a file, and one to the iPad. If you want I can still upload it, but all the drop down menus are missing (e.g. visual filters, tools, right-click, etc.). I saw these fine on the iPhone, but they didn't capture to the video.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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So we can still get an idea (we'll trust you that the menus are indeed there)
I thought of another questiion though: there doesn't seem to be a way to use F11 or CTRL-F11 am I right?
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I created the page on the WIKI. Here is the link.
I put this together for people who purchase Logos from me (as an Ambassador). It answers some of the questions I usually get and leads them into video resources that can help them to get the most out of Logos - without having to spend more at a time when they just bought a base package.
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Ron Corbett said:
I created the page on the WIKI. Here is the link.
I put this together for people who purchase Logos from me (as an Ambassador). It answers some of the questions I usually get and leads them into video resources that can help them to get the most out of Logos - without having to spend more at a time when they just bought a base package.
May want to start a new post in Logos 4 forum to discuss wiki page (including adding integration with other Wiki pages and navigation).
On http://wiki.logos.com/Logos_Running_Slowly are some items may want to consider for inclusion on Getting Started - For example:
Logos blog has tip about collapsing guide section(s) for speed improvement
Forum PAINFUL SCROLLING ... has an Exegetical Guide tweak – remove Word by Word section for faster scrolling. Workaround option: in New Testament, displaying Louw-Nida numbers scrolls faster – plus hovering mouse on Louw-Nida # has English gloss pop-up containing semantic domain information. Visual filters can highlight greek morphology in interlinear Bibles.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Ron Corbett said:
But CAN it be done is the question? And, how well could it work?
Hi Ron,
I had the same question and was reluctant to shell out for LogMeIn without being certain that it would meet my expectations. Consequently, I bought SplashTop which is a similar idea to LogMeIn but costs considerably less (£2.99 in UK Sterling). I cannot confirm whether it has all the functionality as LogMeIn (I suspect not at this price), but, if nothing else, it will give you an indication of the relative merits of controlling your desktop remotely from the iPad. The experience is, overall, good, but I agree with Mark that the resolution is an issue (I am forever zooming in order to hit the right link).
Just to be clear, I am not in a position to recommend SplashTop over LogMeIn, it is, however, a cheap way to explore whether this kind of remote access will be useful to you.
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Andy Evans said:
Just to be clear, I am not in a position to recommend SplashTop over LogMeIn, it is, however, a cheap way to explore whether this kind of remote access will be useful to you.
I just got the SplashTop and want to try it on the iPhone, before I would buy iPad. Thank you guys for that discussion. It interests me very much also.
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May want to start a new post in Logos 4 forum to discuss wiki page (including adding integration with other Wiki pages and navigation).
On http://wiki.logos.com/Logos_Running_Slowly are some items may want to consider for inclusion on Getting Started - For example:
Logos blog has tip about collapsing guide section(s) for speed improvement
Forum PAINFUL SCROLLING ... has an Exegetical Guide tweak – remove Word by Word section for faster scrolling. Workaround option: in New Testament, displaying Louw-Nida numbers scrolls faster – plus hovering mouse on Louw-Nida # has English gloss pop-up containing semantic domain information. Visual filters can highlight greek morphology in interlinear Bibles.
Keep Smiling
Don't know how to add, or allow comments. This is my first WIKI page attempt. If you want to edit the page, please do. I don't know who can assign links or provide placement of pages in the main page but I think the WIKI page that the Logos Site offers to us is great.
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I've been using both Jump Desk and Log Me In. I like them both but prefer Jump Desk as it seems to be simpler to me. Jump Desk uses your gmail account to link through, which may be a hold back for some. Log Me In uses their own server.
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Ron Corbett said:
May want to start a new post in Logos 4 forum to discuss wiki page (including adding integration with other Wiki pages and navigation).
On http://wiki.logos.com/Logos_Running_Slowly are some items may want to consider for inclusion on Getting Started - For example:
Logos blog has tip about collapsing guide section(s) for speed improvement
Forum PAINFUL SCROLLING ... has an Exegetical Guide tweak – remove Word by Word section for faster scrolling. Workaround option: in New Testament, displaying Louw-Nida numbers scrolls faster – plus hovering mouse on Louw-Nida # has English gloss pop-up containing semantic domain information. Visual filters can highlight greek morphology in interlinear Bibles.
Keep Smiling
Don't know how to add, or allow comments. This is my first WIKI page attempt. If you want to edit the page, please do. I don't know who can assign links or provide placement of pages in the main page but I think the WIKI page that the Logos Site offers to us is great.
Wiki is collaborative effort (spent some time editing). Created Logos 4 forum post http://community.logos.com/forums/t/31025.aspx to discuss Getting Started with Logos wiki page - believe has potential to become initial bullet on main Wiki page..
By the way, http://wiki.logos.com/Visual_Table_of_Contents has Wiki template example => http://wiki.logos.com/wiki_Template1 (shows wiki codes on page below example). Steve Clark created Wiki template after my initial foray into Wiki editing (personally had lots to learn).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Wiki is collaborative effort (spent some time editing). Created Logos 4 forum post http://community.logos.com/forums/t/31025.aspx to discuss Getting Started with Logos wiki page - believe has potential to become initial bullet on main Wiki page..
Great I am going to head over there now to take a look.
By the way, http://wiki.logos.com/Visual_Table_of_Contents has Wiki template example => http://wiki.logos.com/wiki_Template1 (shows wiki codes on page below example). Steve Clark created Wiki template after my initial foray into Wiki editing (personally had lots to learn).
On the subject of the TOC on the WIKI page, I wish that there was a blank line between the line TABLE OF CONTENTS and the line beneath it. The TOC is very important and needs to be set apart more - maybe even larger font; bolder type face or something. There were a few times that I scanned the page looking for it and it took a while. If it could be given a bit more prominence it could help other users too.
It looks like this: IMHO: it would be better like this:
Logos 4 Logos 4
New users please watch these videosNew users please watch these videos0 -
I am having trouble getting the text to align properly (after several attempts), but it is at the place where you can at least get the idea.
Edit: I made some changes on the WIKI page. Added a space here on the Home page (it looks better) and made some changes to Getting Started with Logos wiki page. It is not as difficult to use the WIKI as I had first thought.