Another PB Macro for Word 2010

steve clark
steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Here is yet another macro template for Word 2010

1. You will need to download the macro zip,
       then extract the file L4_PB Template.dotm
       and paste it into C:\Users\<userName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates.



2. Now if you open a NEW Word document

3. Click on My Templates.

4. In the pop-up window click on your new template (L4_PB Template.dotm)

5. Click on Document.

6. Then click on OK.

7. Now in your new document you will see a new tab Logos4 Macros. In the tab are 3 groups of macros: Milestones, DataLinks, & Fields.

8. Simply place your cursor where you want to insert your macro, then click on the macro-tag that you want inserted.

      Some of the tags require you to type more text (e.g. Bible Milestone needs a Bible Reference), after the macro-tag is place in your document your cursor will be placed where you need to enter text.


QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

