PBB: John Donne - Divine Poems and Holy Sonnets

Andy Member Posts: 2,282 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have been working on a collection of Donne's Divine Poems and Holy Sonnets (including The Cross, A Litany, La Corona). I have also thrown in A Funeral Elegy and the Anniversaries (because they are brilliant).

I am not sure if anyone is interested in this kind of thing, but I have uploaded the .docx and a thumbnail image of Donne to enable this to be converted via the PBB tool. 

Just a word of warning, due the the present limitations of the PBB tool, I have had to copy the verse into tables pretty much line by line, cell by cell, in order to ensure that the line numbers and the marginal notes (for the Anniversaries) line up. If you tinker with the font, it may throw the whole thing out.

My personal version of the PB is annotated, but I have removed this indulgence from the attached. I have, however, retained minimal notes where this relates to the date or occasion. This can easily be removed should it prove to be an annoyance.

I have held back Donne's most famous sermon, Death's Duel, as I am hoping to compile a collection of his sermons (if I can locate/convert adequate source documents).


5758.Donne - Divine Poems and Holy Sonnets - final.zip 

