Downloading all library to Android - possible?

I searched the forum and didn't find answers to this, though I've seen some mentioning that iPad users could carry the whole Logos library with them.
Can I do the same for Android? Is it possible to copy resource files from PC to SD-card for use with Android version? - Russian Christian Portal, with free Bible software; - blog
Hi Timothy
Yes, this is possible, but not as a direct copy from the PC to SD card, you need to use the Android app.
Open your library on the Android app, find the resource you want to download and press the arrow icon on the far right of the screen.
Then press the Download button
Repeat for all the resources you want to download
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Thanks, Graham, I do use offline resources in Android app. But doing that - downloading by arrow button - one by one is too slow (though I would be more focused in reading with a small set of resources on device).
Recently, I was reminded of the lack of this feature when I wanted to have everything "Philippians" on the device, and could not even do "select all" in Library search results and then "download all" for that. - Russian Christian Portal, with free Bible software; - blog
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Sorry, I wasn't aware you were looking for a "bulk download" feature.
I agree it would be useful but isn't currently available on either the iPad or Android platforms.
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What would be useful is a clear indication of how much space each book download would take, so I can manage my memory better.
Logos rocks! Android app rocks !!
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Matthew Thomas said:
What would be useful is a clear indication of how much space each book download would take,
The download consists of the Logos4 resource + TOC + Milestone Index data. The TOC/Index data is 1.5 - 2.0 MB for my bibles, commentaries, & lexicons but it is 9.9 MB for MW Dict v11!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Does anyone know if Logos publishes a list of coming features for android?
I'm especially curious if they're planning to allow a bulk download and when smooth scrolling is coming?
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Derek Browning said:
Does anyone know if Logos publishes a list of coming features for android?
There is a FAQ thread at the top of the forum.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Timothy Ha said:
Thanks, Graham, I do use offline resources in Android app. But doing that - downloading by arrow button - one by one is too slow (though I would be more focused in reading with a small set of resources on device).
This is why, with much regret, I stopped using the Logos app for Android. Other Bible apps perform much faster, and the process of transferring resources to your device is not only simpler but also faster and can be performed in bulk. Even 3G can't compete with the speed of an offline resource, and until resources can be downloaded in bulk the Logos library will remain on my desktop, not on my Android device.
Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"
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Hi, my name is Stephen, I have an Android phone,
I use it 'wifi' canna afford the tariffs. I have tried in
vain to download books so that they're available
off-line. How do I download my Library? 'Silver'I did have one book that gave me the choice, some
allow for download, I have check see if will allow
the download page, I'll be there all day! most of the
books I'd like don't reveal download option, is this
for real?Thanks
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Hi Stephen - and welcome to the forums.
Some people have reported problems in downloading resources to Android devices but, assuming they are visible in the library, they should be downloadable.
Can you list some of the items you are trying to download and - if I have them - I'll check whether I can download them on my Android phone.
Please note that, at the moment, each resource does need to be downloaded individually although we have been told that Logos are working on providing a better solution to this.
Hope this helps
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I agree some sort of bulk download feature would be helpful. I may not want all my resources, but the ability to download a series (like UBS translator's handbooks) at once instead of each individual book would be helpful.
Then after sorting is added, the library will finally be manageable.
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I don't see a download button!!! This has become very frustrating to me as an old E-Bible user. I just can't see getting rid of E-Bible to "upgrade" to Logos when it looks like I lose functionality!
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Hi David - and welcome to the forums
David Snider said:I don't see a download button!!!
Have you tried the steps I outlined above in
If so, what doesn't work?
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Hello Jonathan, How are you? I was wondering what other
bible programs you have found to work better for Android? Thanks0 -
A W Ward said:
Hello Jonathan, How are you? I was wondering what other
bible programs you have found to work better for Android? ThanksI would rather not name them specifically, out of respect for the spirit of the forum guidelines. But basically any program which loads resources from your device's memory is going to be significantly faster at opening and searching resources than Logos 4 for Android, and won't have the inconvenience of having to download resources from the cloud one by one if you want them to run faster. Every other Bible program I've used for Android also lets you simply transfer the resources by USB or wifi from your desktop to your device.
For speed and convenience, Logos 4 for Android is simply not a competitive product; it's not even in the running. It won't be until resources can be downloaded to the device en masse, and run locally. The speed of a Logos index is completely wasted when you have to access it by remote over a 3G or wifi connection.
Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"
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Jonathan Burke said:
Every other Bible program I've used for Android also lets you simply transfer the resources by USB or wifi from your desktop to your device.
That would be very convenient and I hope Logos will provide that facility.
Jonathan Burke said:The speed of a Logos index is completely wasted when you have to access it by remote over a 3G or wifi connection.
The issue is that a Logos index requires a lot of computer power and space to build, something which a phone/tablet could not handle. That primarily is why the Index is on a Logos server. It can also run more complex Library searches faster than you could on a phone, which may not have the space to store a complete set of results, let alone perform the search. I'm not certain what will be provided with an offline Search (see Forum FAQ) but I'll be surprised if we can do a full cross-library search.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
The issue is that a Logos index requires a lot of computer power and space to build, something which a phone/tablet could not handle.
That's why it would be an excellent idea if the index could be compiled on the user's desktop computer in a format readable by the portable device, and transferred.
Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"
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Hi Jonathan
Jonathan Burke said:That's why it would be an excellent idea if the index could be compiled on the user's desktop computer in a format readable by the portable device, and transferred.
I guess one of the problems is "what should be indexed?"
Is it a subset of resources, the ones that have been downloaded or something else?
EDIT: Looking at my Logos4 index files it looks as though the total index size of my library is about 5MB. This is on a library much smaller than many. So an index of a full library could be a problem for some mobile devices.
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Graham Criddle said:
I guess one of the problems is "what should be indexed?"
Is it a subset of resources, the ones that have been downloaded or something else?
It could be the entire library if the desktop is doing the indexing. If the resources in the index haven't all been downloaded to the device, that wouldn't matter. The mobile version of Logos 4 could simply inform the user 'This resource has not been transferred to your device', or else check the mobile device's Logos 4 data folder after searching the index, and only display hits for those resources which are on the device.
Graham Criddle said:EDIT: Looking at my Logos4 index files it looks as though the total index size of my library is about 5MB. This is on a library much smaller than many. So an index of a full library could be a problem for some mobile devices.
My entire data folder is 27GB, but my index is only 6GB. That would fit very easily on my device's microSD card.
Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"
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Jonathan Burke said:Graham Criddle said:
EDIT: Looking at my Logos4 index files it looks as though the total index size of my library is about 5MB. This is on a library much smaller than many. So an index of a full library could be a problem for some mobile devices.
My entire data folder is 27GB, but my index is only 6GB. That would fit very easily on my device's microSD card.
Graham has a very small Library[:)] - I thought mine was small as the total index is 2 GB.
Some tablets have 5 GB maximum storage and no way to expand.
Jonathan Burke said:It could be the entire library if the desktop is doing the indexing. If the resources in the index haven't all been downloaded to the device, that wouldn't matter. The mobile version of Logos 4 could simply inform the user 'This resource has not been transferred to your device', or else check the mobile device's Logos 4 data folder after searching the index, and only display hits for those resources which are on the device.
This is not a solution that can be realistically applied to mobile devices with limitations on fast memory, CPU and microSD storage when compared to Logos' servers.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Bob has elsewhere stated that the design concept for Logos 4 is that "it just works", or something very like that.
The Apple iOS app, and the Android one too, is a subset of the main application, with a strong focus on reading, and leaving most of the "heavy lifting" such as Search as on online function that calls out to the Logos Servers.
In general, I think its a good design, but people like me always want more. More features, more controls, more personal options on how it works.
In my case, I have a 64 GB iPad, so am happy for the Logos app to use as much memory and CPU power it needs. I would gladly hand over 5 or 10 GB for indexes and offline ability, in return for reduced network traffic and more complex offline usage.
I'd love to see a model where I could use my PC to tag files in different ways to permit all kinds of options. It could then localy generate some local index file(s) for transfer to my iPad (or Android) device(s). Such files could include only those I select. A search could offer the options of search the current (maybe unindexed) open resource, search my local index, or online to Logos Cloud. My choice, my storage, my traffic bill with my ISP / Carrier.
Bob has made the point that each new option adds to development and support costs, and I'm sure thats right. However, we are reading of people leaving Logos because features are seen to be better in completing products. This may or may not be true. It also might not be worth adding $500,000 to yearly development and support costs to keep $100,000 worth of customers. But as the customer, I just want more features and controls. Simple.
By all means, let the basic "out of box" defaults "just work", but I'd love to see where those that wish can enable the advanced menu settings, and tweak additional aspects to suit their personal needs and that of the location they are in.
I have other devices that have Menu Setttings that permit "Basic" or "Advanced" modes. In Basic, it just works and maybe it suits most users. The Advanced only gets enabled if you turn it on, and you really need to check the manual and know why you want to change some of those settings. However, it makes the device the one to buy, rather than the alternatives which simply can't do the desired functions.
Offen the main diff between some software product and the Premium version, is the extra controls for advanced features. Almost without exception I go for the top models and pay the extra.
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Been poking around, but still cannot find the index file. Can someone map the path for Windows 7 please?
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:
Been poking around, but still cannot find the index file. Can someone map the path for Windows 7 please?
You need to enable Hidden files and Folders in Control Panel >> Folder Options.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Some tablets have 5 GB maximum storage and no way to expand.
True, but that shouldn't stop the rest of us making the best use of our mobile devices.
Dave Hooton said:This is not a solution that can be realistically applied to mobile devices with limitations on fast memory, CPU and microSD storage when compared to Logos' servers.
Why not? What's stopping a mobile device searching a pre-built index? The fact is that the power of Logos' servers is completely wasted when you add the massive latency of a 3G or wifi connection. I have two other Bible programs on my PDA which can open a Bible and return results for multiple term searches in a fraction of the time that it takes to run a search in the Logos Android app. Adding to that the convenience of offline searching, and the ability to transfer resources directly to my PDA from my desktop or download them, and there's simply no reason to use Logos Android.
The two massive advantages of Logos 4 are the index and the vast array of professional resources. Those significant differentiating features are both completely lost when offloading the search to a remote device via a wireless communication protocol, and only giving users the option to transfer resources to the device by downloading them individually. This defeats completely the purpose of using Logos in the first place. Imagine if you had to live with that kind of remote access on your desktop.
When I was using one of the early iterations of Logos Android, I took a couple of days to painstakingly download 2GB of resources to my device, adding them individually. The next time Logos Android was updated, it wiped out my library completely, so although the resources were still on my device, Logos couldn't see them. So I spent an entire week agonizingly downloading 4GB of resources to my library, each one individually. The next time Logos Android was updated, it wiped out my library completely yet again, so once more Logos couldn't see the resources on my device. It was at this point that I gave up downloading resources to my device. There is simply no point in doing so until I can trust that they will stay visible the next time the program is updated. This would change if bulk selection of downloads was an option.
Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"
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Lynden Williams said:
If I'm not mistaken, mine is 4GB.
It would be just over 4GB...
It looks like Logos 4 is indexing as you have some build and supplemental files. If it isn't currently indexing then you need to rebuild it!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Jonathan Burke said:
I have two other Bible programs on my PDA which can open a Bible and return results for multiple term searches in a fraction of the time that it takes to run a search in the Logos Android app.
This is a much simpler type of search than we have been discussing but I'm similarly impressed with the speed that is possible. I understand that Logos is planning a similar offline Search but I wouldn't know how complex, and I suspect that index data would be loaded with each resource.
Jonathan Burke said:When I was using one of the early iterations of Logos Android, I took a couple of days to painstakingly download 2GB of resources to my device, adding them individually. The next time Logos Android was updated, it wiped out my library completely...
I haven't experienced this problem with the 3 non-beta versions I have used, and a bulk download feature would be welcomed by many users.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Graham has a very small Library
- I thought mine was small as the total index is 2 GB.
I think I got my factors wrong!
Sorry about this
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Dave Hooton said:
This is a much simpler type of search than we have been discussing but I'm similarly impressed with the speed that is possible. I understand that Logos is planning a similar offline Search but I wouldn't know how complex, and I suspect that index data would be loaded with each resource.
An offline search capability is currently available in the iOS app.
As far as I can make out there are no extra indices downloaded and the search is just run against the resource(s). I have just done a test and the search for a word in a downloaded Bible when offline is slightly slower than the same search when connected to the Internet over a relatively weak Wi-Fi connection.
Whether there are plans to enhance this I don't know.
BWS or PG functionality is not present on the iOS app when offline.
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Dave Hooton said:
I understand that Logos is planning a similar offline Search but I wouldn't know how complex, and I suspect that index data would be loaded with each resource.
Something like that has to happen, because otherwise I have no reason to use Logos Android; I won't use it if it's slower than alternative programs, and I won't use it if I have to download each resource by selecting them one by one. Loading journals is completely out of the question at present, yet they're precisely the kind of reading material I want on my device.
Dave Hooton said:I haven't experienced this problem with the 3 non-beta versions I have used, and a bulk download feature would be welcomed by many users.
It was a known recurring problem with the beta versions, and I'm really hoping that it's not a recurring problem with the current release, but a week of downloading resources one by one is not the best way to find out.
Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"