Downloading all library to Android - possible?



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    An offline search capability is currently available in the iOS app.

    As far as I can make out there are no extra indices downloaded and the search is just run against the resource(s). I have just done a test and the search for a word in a downloaded Bible when offline is slightly slower than the same search when connected to the Internet over a relatively weak Wi-Fi connection. 

    Not what we wanted to hear, but does that mean the offline search is slow, or just not as fast as the online search?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,081

    Not what we wanted to hear, but does that mean the offline search is slow, or just not as fast as the online search?

    Hi Dave

    I've just done some tests doing an offline Bible search in the NRSV.

    • Searches for single words take between 2 and 7 seconds
    • Searches for word1 AND word2 take about 15 seconds
    • Searches for word1 NEAR word2 don't return any results (which surprised me and we need a comment from Logos on)

    Not exhaustive but hopefully provides some indications


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    Not exhaustive but hopefully provides some indications

    Thanks, Graham


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Valerie Green
    Valerie Green Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    There is no down load button available.  It just stays the version of the Bible and title. The only versions downloadable are two KJV and  American Standard Version

  • Valerie Green
    Valerie Green Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Only two versions of the Bible are downloadable.


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    Only two versions of the Bible are downloadable.


    Tell us a bit more about your device, what app (Logos or Vyrso) you use and what base Library you own in Logos 4.

    Did you download the app from Android Market?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Brian
    Brian Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    I'd like to throw my hat in the ring for a bulk download option for the entire library.

    I use a DROID Razr and the area around the church I pastor has pathetic reception, and we have not introduced WiFi to the building yet.

    I've installed a 32gb card, and so I have ample space for it... and really would love to have it available offline... I just don't have the time to sit around and download each file one at a time.  I understand the problem about the indexing computer power... but I respond with, why is it that competing apps, in some cases that are free, operate so much faster?

  • Patrick Lavey
    Patrick Lavey Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    I see a bunch of replies, but not one addressed Brian's original question:

    Does the Android app version of Logos/Verbum have functionality to download your entire Library with one click instead of only one book/resource at a time?

    Not interested in off-topic discussions about indexing. Does the functionality exist or not? It does on the iPad version of the app.

    Thank you very much.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Does the Android app version of Logos/Verbum have functionality to download your entire Library with one click

    No, but if you filter the library and the resulting list is smaller than 100 resources a Download All button will appear.  This will only download those resources in the filtered list.

  • ChelseaFC
    ChelseaFC Member Posts: 730 ✭✭

    I see a bunch of replies, but not one addressed Brian's original question:

    Does the Android app version of Logos/Verbum have functionality to download your entire Library with one click instead of only one book/resource at a time?

    Not interested in off-topic discussions about indexing. Does the functionality exist or not? It does on the iPad version of the app.

    Thank you very much.

    You could do it from the logos desktop. Search for the forum thread 'download all workaround'. Hope that helps.

    Chelsea FC- Today is a good day!

  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭

    It can be done by "pushing" your library to your devices from the desktop Logos 5. Click on your library icon and when the list of the books in your library is displayed press Ctrl+a on your keyboard. This should select all the books in your library. To the right of your library book list you should see "Download all to...".  Check the box of the device you want the books downloaded to and you are done.  The books will be downloaded to your device after the first library update on your device (usually right after you start your llogos app on your Android or IOS device.

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,855 ✭✭✭

    You get about 99% of your resources that way. For whatever reason, a few books can't be pushed to the mobile devices.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Jan Krohn said:

    You get about 99% of your resources that way. For whatever reason, a few books can't be pushed to the mobile devices.

    The reason is some publishers won't allow Logos to push their resources to mobile devices and we have to honor that agreement. 

  • Sakarias Ingolfsson
    Sakarias Ingolfsson Member Posts: 180 ✭✭

    Jan Krohn said:

    You get about 99% of your resources that way. For whatever reason, a few books can't be pushed to the mobile devices.

    The reason is some publishers won't allow Logos to push their resources to mobile devices and we have to honor that agreement. 

    That is not the full truth.

    I purchased the SESB a few years ago, which included four versions of the norwegian bible. Since I already had the OLL package with SESB for logos users, I did not need it. I bought it for the sole purpose of getting the norwegian bibles. None of those are available for purchase after the SESB was discontinued, but they are available on the desktop for those who bought the package when it was. They are not, however, available on mobile.

    I have been in contact with both DBG, which published the SESB, and the norwegian bible society, which publishes the norwegian bibles. Neither of them admitted to be the obstacle for mobile availability. In fact, the guys in norway promised to contact Logos in order to solve the problem. Nothing has happened, and I will assume that Logos is to blame.

    A couple of years ago, logos launched a pre-pub, containing the most recent norwegian translations. In good Logos-fashion, however, it is extremely expensive, and bundled with a version that no one desires (an interim version, containing a revised NT and older OT). Is this a scheme meant to discourage norwegian users from using Logos?. Well, of course this is just prepub, and will probably never be finished. [:@]

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    That is not the full truth.

    I purchased the SESB a few years ago, which included four versions of the norwegian bible. Since I already had the OLL package with SESB for logos users, I did not need it. I bought it for the sole purpose of getting the norwegian bibles. None of those are available for purchase after the SESB was discontinued, but they are available on the desktop for those who bought the package when it was. They are not, however, available on mobile.

    I have been in contact with both DBG, which published the SESB, and the norwegian bible society, which publishes the norwegian bibles. Neither of them admitted to be the obstacle for mobile availability. In fact, the guys in norway promised to contact Logos in order to solve the problem. Nothing has happened, and I will assume that Logos is to blame.

    A couple of years ago, logos launched a pre-pub, containing the most recent norwegian translations. In good Logos-fashion, however, it is extremely expensive, and bundled with a version that no one desires (an interim version, containing a revised NT and older OT). Is this a scheme meant to discourage norwegian users from using Logos?. Well, of course this is just prepub, and will probably never be finished. Angry 

    I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations. I wish I could give you more information, but this is a little bit out of the scope of the mobile team's knowledge. I'm not 100% sure what your next step should be (maybe an MVP can provide more info?) but perhaps contacting customer support or creating a new post in a different forum would get you more information about why these particular resources aren't available on mobile.

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,855 ✭✭✭

    Actually, I was talking about resources that can be downloaded onto mobile, but can't be pushed from the Windows application.

    11:15: The Making of a Halfling (FREE ebook) would be an example.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,081

    Jan Krohn said:

    11:15: The Making of a Halfling (FREE ebook) would be an example.

    The issue here is that its free and not available to purchase for the desktop and - hence - not manageable from the desktop

    There is another category of books which can't be managed in this way either - Vyrso books published by Zondervan, for some reason, can't be "download managed" from the Logos 5 library. This is discussed at and elsewhere

  • Francois du Bruyn
    Francois du Bruyn Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I have just bought my first Android phone and have loaded Logos on it (Version 4.4.6 built 347). On my PC i have Logos 5 (version  I select all tiltles on my Logos5 but I do not find a "Download" option. Can anybode please help?

    François du Bruyn

  • Sakarias Ingolfsson
    Sakarias Ingolfsson Member Posts: 180 ✭✭

    The help is pretty much this: Don't do it!. One of the great strengths of the mobile platform over the desktop is that you do not need to download all your resources. If you have a base package you are probably only using a fraction of it anyway. The rest is just noise.

    In the mobile app there is no indexing, because searches are run online. Same goes for the guides. This will not change, even if you download your entire library to your device. Not downloading everything will minimize the space required for the Logos app.

    On the other hand you can (and perhaps should) download the resources you use often. In the library, press the info button on the far right of the book title. A dialog opens where you can download the resources.

    If you really want to download more resources, you can make a search of your library, and simply keep it broad enough. This will present you with a "Download all" button on the top of the resource list. You could do a couple of searches, download all, and then download the rest manually. Finally I believe you can download resources remotely from within Logos 5 on the desktop (though I have never done this). In the library window, select a resource. On the sidebar you are presented with the names of your mobile devices, along with checkboxes which represent each Logos-app installed on the device. It is only a matter of clicking the boxes (or so I presume).