Reading Plan

David Oxtoby
David Oxtoby Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I see the iPhone app has a one year reading plan, is it a future feature for your L4 custom reading plan to sync with the iPhone?






  • Dale Eads
    Dale Eads Member Posts: 91 ✭✭

    The custom reading plans created in L4 already sync with the iPhone app.  Are yours not doing so?

  • David Oxtoby
    David Oxtoby Member Posts: 24 ✭✭

    Nope, no sync with the iphone, i'll try re-creating a custom reading plan on L4 and see if it sync's

  • David Oxtoby
    David Oxtoby Member Posts: 24 ✭✭

    worked it out, if you create a reading plan for a Bible that isn't yet visible in your iphone lib then won't work, i.e. i use NRSV and the plan is missing on the iphone, but if create a ASV reading plan then it is visible.  problem solved, just need to wait for NRSV to come to the iphone lib.



  • Joe W
    Joe W Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Thank you, David. That answers my question.  [:)]

  • Dave Dunkin (Logos)
    Dave Dunkin (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,043

    if you create a reading plan for a Bible that isn't yet visible in your iphone lib then won't work

    In general, we do not display things on the iPhone that reference resources that are not available on the iPhone.

  • Steve Ray
    Steve Ray Member Posts: 54 ✭✭

    My reading plan does not sync between iPhone and Mac on my computer. I am using the RSV to get the extra 7 Catholic books. I have RSV on both iPhone and my Mac but it is not syncing. What am I doing wrong?

  • Kelly Kagoshima
    Kelly Kagoshima Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    I am unable to delete the reading plan on my IPOD and in establishing a new plan on my desktop, it is not syncing.  Any ideas on how to get my new plan to sync to my IPOD?

  • Jeffrey Ott
    Jeffrey Ott Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Yeah I have the same problem with my my reading plan with ESV on my computer, but can't get it on my ipad...Not sure how to use the ipad version quite yet either...

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Yeah I have the same problem with my my reading plan with ESV on my computer, but can't get it on my ipad...Not sure how to use the ipad version quite yet either...

    Jeff - First, welcome to the forums!

    There is a problem with syncing between the desktop and mobile apps. The reading plan is supposed to be created on the desktop, and automatically synced to the mobile app. Unfortunately, the sync has trouble keeping up. Logos is aware of the situation and is working on a fix. 

    Currently, Logos is working to implement "sync v.2." Before this can be implemented in the mobile apps, it has to be implemented in the desktop apps. The next version of Logos (4.5, currently in beta) will bring this functionality to the desktop app. This will also provide the infrastructure needed to bring highlighting and notes to the mobile app.

    The latest word that I have read from Logos is that they hope to have a fix for the reading plan sync by the first of the year. Remember, however, that 4.5 has to go "live" first.


    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    I never paid much attention to this problem since I never had it until this week when I opened on my reading plans on my computer to adjust the plan. What a mistake. It produced multiple copies of the plan and so I deleted them from iPhone and now they won't show up at all no matter what I do. I even went so far as creating a brand new plan and just updated it to the current spot I was in the plan and no dice.

    This is a terrible bug and really has to be fixed sooner than later. I've been very vocal about the lack of highlighting and notes, but if reading plans don't work the app is totally useless to me. The primary reason I use the iPad and iPhone app is for reading my books and the bible in reading plans. This has to be a top priority for the devs and should be the kind of thing that Logos should do nothing else with the IOS app till it is at least working even if not working perfectly with sync 2.0. If the new sync will take weeks to fix then they should stop working on it and fix this now so that users can use their reading plans.

    I feel for all of you who have been dealing with this for the months it has gone on.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Mark Carey
    Mark Carey Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    the sync problem for the reading plan has been frustrating to deal with, but it does nobody any good to play armchair product manager.  when you design a product and it grows in popularity to the point where you have to deal with data at large scale you often face problems that you never dreamed of and are very difficult to solve.  It takes a lot of time, energy and money to design a service at scale.  It takes making mistakes and it takes a design that is capable of working at large scale.

    From this thread it is clear that the old sync is not capable of working at the scale that is currently needed:

    As such saying they need to fix the current sync just puts a bad taste in peoples mouth and creates needless hostility in the community and needless pressure on the engineering team who are working hard to get the new sync out the door.  They need grace from us, not animosity.

    It will be ready when its ready and they shouldn't ship it before it is ready or else that will cause a whole host of new problems and more complaining in the forums.

    I do agree that the main purpose of my use of the app is the daily reading and I eagerly await the rollout of the next sync. Until then I hope that the developers are doing their best, but are still able to spend time with their families during the Christmas season.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    OK I just wrote a nice long post that was filled with anger and I don't let people get to me like that, but your comment about hostility did just that. So let me respond by saying, "I pray God's richest blessings on you and your family."

    As for the problems with syncing reading plans ...

    This is such a fundamental feature that I cannot imagine anyone ever using Logos until this is fixed. I was offering my opinion as an observer of the Bible software industry for years. This one feature is the single most important feature of any Bible software app (besides displaying bible texts and being able to search them) that I cannot imagine a company as great as Logos letting this fail for a week let alone months. I've used reviewed and tested apps from more than a dozen companies. Some have one person working on the app. Others have a team because their apps are run by many times more users than Logos. If you do a ranking of Bible software in the iOS app store you will find that the top two are individually downloaded more than all of the others combined. So why is it that those companies can make this work with their scale but Logos takes forever to make it work. I recognize they are rewriting the sync. But in the realm of Bible software having daily Bible reading that doesn't work is like having a car without a seats. You can use it but why would you?

    Finally, I've invested thousands and have used this program for years and on iOS I've used it longer than most since I beta tested the first app. I've been with Logos a long time and speak as a loyal customer who is finding it harder and harder to be loyal with issues like this.

    I know the folks at Logos are tired of people like me, but since they have taken all that money from me, they're stuck with me.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Kelly Kagoshima
    Kelly Kagoshima Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    I have to agree. I don't even use my app anymore unless I happen to be out and in need of a verse. I do my bible reading out of my good ole leather bible. At this point I wouldn't recommend it. While I understand grace business is business. Logos sold me on their software. I'm out a couple hundred dollars and can't even stay up with their main sell to me. With  my busy life having my reading plan with me wherever I go was vital and another reason I invested in the iPhone from my blackberry. Now instead of reading gods word at my dr appts I find myself playing angry birds. Sad but true. 

  • Jerry Fourroux
    Jerry Fourroux Member Posts: 84 ✭✭

    I have to agree too! It is not hositility to be frustrated by the lack of sync on the iPad. I love reading Logos books here but lament no notes or highlighting! The sync was the sale for most 

  • Stephen
    Stephen Member Posts: 237 ✭✭

    Finally, I've invested thousands and have used this program for years and on iOS I've used it longer than most since I beta tested the first app. I've been with Logos a long time and speak as a loyal customer who is finding it harder and harder to be loyal with issues like this.

    Kevin, I feel the same way. I to have invested thousands in Logos and am very disappointed with it. When I first started using reading plans on my iPhone they synced fine. The ability to read my Bible on the iPad was one of the factors that convinced me that plucking down the dollars for it was worth while. I can't do my daily reading on my iPad now and don't want to sit behind a computer to do my daily reading so I know when old school and use an actual bible (which isn't a bad thing). I travel a lot so having my bible and resources with me on the iPad led me to purchase more resources and some Vyrso books. 

    I purchased Logos 4  when it first came out because they were coming out with a Mac version. After having the first Logos Mac 1 which I was very disappointed with I waited almost a year for the logos 4 Alpha to be released. One of the factors in switching from Wordsearch to Logos was the number of resources and the fact they were coming out with a Mac version not just a port of their windows version. At this point if I could get back 75% of my investment in Logos I would dump it in a heart beat. I know everyone will say feature parity is coming with 4.5 but I've been hear that for several months now. I'm always hearing that something is coming soon and it's always substandard. i've invested enough in Logos that I could have purchased another Mac (and not a low end). it's ridiculous that I've invested so much and have a substandard product. When I was looking at Logos I also researched Accordance and went with Logos because of their resources. All the resources are great but if the software is lacking all those resources don't matter. I know I can run Fusion and run L4Win but I don't want windows and I'm not going to have a software company that supposedly makes a mac version dictate to me that I rum a VM with Windows so I can get full functionality of their software.

    The iOS app is so bad that even Bibles that I've downloaded don't always work when I go to church because I don't have good reception in the building. If I download the resources I shouldn't have trouble accessing them yet if I don't open the App and make sure I can read the Bible before I enter the building there a many times it won't even load the downloaded resources. I've started using Glo Bible for Mac and their iOS app. it only cost me $50 and it works. I can search my Bibles (even offline) and my reading plans sync. it doesn't have all the resources or functionality of Logos but at the most important thing to me is having my reading plans with me and having them sync between my devices and Logos is broke. yes I said it Logos is broke, they've promised a lot and haven't delivered on much of it.

    I've very disappointed and yes a little pissed that I've invested so much and have a substandard product for my money. If they were any other company i would have dumped them a long time ago but I gave them the benefit of the doubt and am severely disappointed in the product.


    I am going to be attempting to transfer my licenses. I have the Platinum library and some additional resources so if you know anyone that's looking please have them contact me.

  • I purchased Logos 4  when it first came out because they were coming out with a Mac version. After having the first Logos Mac 1 which I was very disappointed with I waited almost a year for the logos 4 Alpha to be released.

    Likewise remember waiting many, many months from initial Logos announcement about a Mac version until Logos for Mac v1 finally shipped (along with purchasing package upgrade that included Mac software vis paying to crossgrade between platforms).  Thankful for Logos licensing change in 2009 so software is free along with pay for resource license once, then use on desired devices.

    I know everyone will say feature parity is coming with 4.5 but I've been hear that for several months now.

    Logos 4.5 Beta 10 has many feature parity improvements; wiki has => Feature Parity list, which shows lots of progress plus items that lack completeness.  Few months ago, created some Logos User Voice suggestions that show OS X Lion full screen and multi-finger gesturing is much more desired by Logos user community than completing feature parity.  For many, Logos 4 Mac is usable for Bible Study and sermon preparation.

    Apologies: as a user, not know when for 100 % feature parity between Mac and PC.  In contrast, Logos 4.5 Beta 10 is awesome compared to Logos for Mac version 1.  Personally Thankful for many, many improvements over past couple years.  During Logos 4 Mac Alpha pre-releases, felt like opening presents every couple weeks with each new release.  Two years ago, Logos 4 Mac always crashed for me so could not even read any resources, which was utterly useless.  Personally Thankful for public Alpha pre-releases and current Beta development versions; have learned a lot about how to effectively use Logos Bible Software.

    The iOS app is so bad that even Bibles that I've downloaded don't always work when I go to church because I don't have good reception in the building.

    Personally have learned to quit Logos app, change iOS device to airplane mode, then open Logos app for access to offline resources, which have been previously downloaded.

    ... but at the most important thing to me is having my reading plans with me and having them sync between my devices and Logos is broke. yes I said it Logos is broke, they've promised a lot and haven't delivered on much of it.

    Understand.  On 26 Oct 2011, Logos developer posted => Reading plan sync status that included:

    We are aiming to use Sync v2 for reading plans by the end of the year.

    Thread => New update with fix for sync with iPad, iPhone includes Logos 4 Mac development lead reply on 13 Dec 2011:

    I can't tell you when the release will come out (prognostication has never been my strong suit), but I can tell you that the code for iOS reading plans is on my monitor at this very moment.

    So I'll get back to working on that now…

    Am aware syncing reading plans, highlighting, and notes is currently a very high priority for Logos development along with many users anxiously waiting.

    Also aware Logos is actively looking for developers; positions have been open for many, many months.  Hopefully new development office => will help expand Logos development team.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Stephen
    Stephen Member Posts: 237 ✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    ... but at the most important thing to me is having my reading plans with me and having them sync between my devices and Logos is broke. yes I said it Logos is broke, they've promised a lot and haven't delivered on much of it.

    Understand.  On 26 Oct 2011, Logos developer posted => Reading plan sync status that included:

    KS4J, I understand that sync v2 is supposed to fix the reading plan sync issue. What frustrates me is that when I first started using the iOS app my reading plans did sync so I'm not sure when this became an issue. If they worked at one point and then the software was updated obviously they broke it when they changed the code in the newer version. What is frustrating for me is that I have invested several thousand dollars in Logos yet I can by another program for $50 and reading plans and notes will sync. I've been hearing it's coming and keep getting told feature parity is coming. They've been saying that since the initial releases so if their track records hold true I might see it before they release another version. It's been 2 years since they first released the Alpha's and still the software has major issues (at least for me). I paid for an upgrade of my base package off of the belief that the Mac version would be comparable to the windows version and that it would work. Well based off of being told it would have feature parity and all the great things it would do I've continued to invest in resources so know I am a little upset after making such a major investment that I've wasted my money because I have to use other software just to have reading plans and notes when I'm on the go. This is ridiculous. I'm not investing any more in Logos resources. Logos has wasted my time while I've waited for promises that they haven't delivered on and they've gotten a lot of money from me but they won't get any more.

    Sorry if I seem bitter but there are other things I could have done with my money that would have been a better investment and gotten a better ROI on than Logos at this point.

    I'm just tired of them promising and 2 years later they are still lacking on the Mac software. They would never let this happen with the Windows version and I know there is a bigger user base for windows but they shouldn't have sold it and had people believing that the Mac version would compare to windows. I've been waiting for 2 years for this and it's been several months now that they have been saying when 4.5 is released it will fix a lot of the issues. Well how much longer am I supposed to wait. If I hadn't invested so much in Logos (believe it would work correctly) I could get another program but now I am stuck. That's what's frustrating.

    I can't use it to take notes when I'm reading on the go (I ride the train) so I'm having to use a separate program for taking notes while I'm studying on the go and then having to transfer them back to my Mac and have the separate program open to just view the notes I took while commuting. I purchased Logos because of the advanced study capabilities they promised but they can't even get basic things working like notes and highlighting after 2 years.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    What frustrates me is that when I first started using the iOS app my reading plans did sync so I'm not sure when this became an issue. If they worked at one point and then the software was updated obviously they broke it when they changed the code in the newer version

    That is not correct. In another thread, Dave explained:

    The sync problems are caused by the way data is synced between iOS and the desktop apps; it doesn't scale to the amount of data we are now processing.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • What frustrates me is that when I first started using the iOS app my reading plans did sync so I'm not sure when this became an issue.

    As Logos users increased along with many mobile device purchases (and addition of Android app), suspect data volume also grew so sync time took longer and longer between Logos 4 and mobile devices, similar to more cars wanting to merge onto a highway, which already is clogged with many vehicles (lots of brake lights).   Hoping Logos Sync v2 is like construction of more highway lanes with regulated on ramps that provide better through put consistently.

    From a variety of forum posts, am aware of many Logos users that share frustration about sync time lag and lack of highlighting and notes in mobile apps.  Looking back, found a post on 13 Oct 2010 about desired mobile app features => Version 2.0 (over a year later, iOS version has incremented from 1.5 to 1.8.3 so version 2.0 has yet to ship)

    What is frustrating for me is that I have invested several thousand dollars in Logos yet I can by another program for $50 and reading plans and notes will sync.

    Understand frustration; suspect sentiments expressed in thread => Dear Bob Pritchett, may I have a moment of your time? resonate.  Thankful for Bob Pritchett's reply on 25 Oct 2011 => that includes:

    I feel terrible about every bug that affects our users. And I'd feel really bad if we were ignoring you and not putting anything into the Mac. But take a look at:

    We've put out a new release every few weeks for two years. I believe there are Mac bug fixes or feature additions in every single release. We've had a team on it non-stop.


    Have we done other things that took time along the way? Yes. But I've got to balance things you can't see, and ensure everyone keeps getting a paycheck. It's possible I'm prioritizing wrong, though, and that's why these forums are helpful -- you can tell me when things are being done in the wrong order.


    In this case, the developer who spoke up and said he knows how to fix this particular thing you're pointing out is the same developer who was recently leading Lion-related bug fixes. He has also been looking into getting the Mac version to 64-bits (there's another forum thread where a user is tearing us to bits over our failure to be 64-bit), but that had been put on hold so he could help get notes, highlighting, and favorites syncing ready for iOS. (See yet another thread, and my inbox, where it's being pointed out that we're complete idiots to not have notes and highlighting on iOS. In fact, Thursday night I was on the phone in an airport trying to talk down a user who hosts a national radio show from making our lack of iOS notes and highlighting the centerpiece of an on-air denunciation of our software. I think he believes that desktop software is "over" and that all our efforts should be focused on mobile functionality. And our lack of notes/highlighting there is inexcusable. Do I even use the mobile app? Do I realize how flawed it is?)


    (Ironically, the answer is 'yes.' But _my_ pet flaw there is occasional problems with Bible Reading Plan sync. That annoys me most, but can't/shouldn't be fixed until we roll out Sync v2, which is now in testing in 4.5 Beta. Using more developers.)


    Are these excuses? Yes. Am I looking for sympathy? No. I have high-class problems -- not being able to hire enough people in this economy is a good indicator, not a bad one. Having users who like the software so much that they're enraged (really -- you should see my email!) when things aren't right is an awesome problem. I appreciate the passion.


    I'm just trying to explain things.

    - - - - - -

    Sorry if I seem bitter but there are other things I could have done with my money that would have been a better investment and gotten a better ROI on than Logos at this point.

    Suspect passionate is a better description since really would like to use Logos library seamlessly on a variety of devices for Bible study.

    I've been hearing it's coming and keep getting told feature parity is coming. They've been saying that since the initial releases so if their track records hold true I might see it before they release another version. It's been 2 years since they first released the Alpha's and still the software has major issues (at least for me).

    Please elaborate Logos 4 Mac miseries, preferably in Logos 4 Mac forum to allow other users and Logos opportunity to replicate issue(s); perhaps offer workaround(s).  One forum discussion about scrolling lead to Mac Beta forum thread => Scrolling: Reverse Interlinear Bible, which can be very slow at times that was noticeably improved during Logos 4.3 Beta development cycle.

    I'm just tired of them promising and 2 years later they are still lacking on the Mac software. They would never let this happen with the Windows version and I know there is a bigger user base for windows but they shouldn't have sold it and had people believing that the Mac version would compare to windows. I've been waiting for 2 years for this and it's been several months now that they have been saying when 4.5 is released it will fix a lot of the issues. Well how much longer am I supposed to wait. If I hadn't invested so much in Logos (believe it would work correctly) I could get another program but now I am stuck. That's what's frustrating.

    Understand frustration (and passion).  Thankful for Logos development now releasing Mac and PC at same time, often same build number.  Personal Books was added to Logos 4.3 on Mac and PC simultaneously.

    Observation: Libronix 3 users on Windows are still waiting for Sermon File Add-on replacement (promised web site not yet available).  Vocabulary and word lists have not been implemented (workaround is Morph Search Analysis).  Video integration still on to do list along with  revamping handouts.  The Logos 4 missing features page => is long overdue for another update.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • iCurteye
    iCurteye Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    So, lots of talk, but also lots of waiting, and lots of waiting.

    For those brazen enough to speak out on these forums, we get kind of nailed with 'be Christian', 'be patient', 'show grace', and etc...  They are of course right, and over the two years, I think most of us have!

    No one seems to be suggesting Logos show grace, or be Christian, and everything else.  Yeah I said it!

    And yet Logos still advertises 'sync all reading plans to have wherever you are' (or something like that), check it out for yourself in App Store!  So is that a lie, false advertising?  When I got sold on Logos at a live presentation, I bought it because I wanted reading plans on my devices, the guy was very vocal and proud and hammered this point that your reading plans available on device.  A lie, false advertising!  And yet the description still remains.  And yet Logos is still rtes 4 stars in App Store, I changed my rating, and reported false untrue app description to app store - and now I wait not just for an update, but yes the response rom users and logos, the same responses posted everywhere else and same response as wait. Let loose commu

  • iCurteye
    iCurteye Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    nity and be sure to readjust your star rating and let let App Store know there is an App with less than accurate description!  New users do not have access to these forums and they need to be warned that they are not getting what is advertised before they switch to an iPad or iPhone or heaven forbid buy a Logos package expecting it to work!

  • Robert
    Robert Member Posts: 196 ✭✭

    In one of the posts in this thread it mentioned that Logos is hoping to have the sync of reading plan working by the first of the year. Is there any word of update on when that may happen?

    I am starting my new reading plan for the year and would love to have it on my iPod.

    Thank you,


  - Simple Abundant Legacy

  • Janis Lewman
    Janis Lewman Member Posts: 66 ✭✭

    In a post earlier today (NIV on iOS: Thanks Logos), I posted my thanks for discovering NIV.  Unfortunately in same post I mentioned my new reading plan actually sync'ing between both platforms two days in a row.  Few hours has now created six plans on iPad, none of which are like the one I created yesterday on the Mac.  Should have known better and kept quiet.  Back to hard-copy record.   :)


  • Stephen Thorp
    Stephen Thorp Member Posts: 385 ✭✭

    I'm trying to sync a McCheyne reading plan between a desktop PC and an Ipod Touch, but am still getting multiple copies of the general read 'bible in one year' plan - so this isn't just a Mac issue! 

    I'm sure Logos will fix it, but it's frustrating when it used to work. Patience friends!

  • Stephen
    Stephen Member Posts: 237 ✭✭

    I just deleted my reading plans from last year off my iPhone and it created a "Read the Bible in a Year" on my iPhone. I tried deleting that one and 6 were created on my iPad. I deleted all of them off my iPad except 1 and marked the first reading as read on my iPhone. It didn't appear as read on my iPad. after deleting the reading plan off of my iPad it created another 'Read the Bible in a YEar" and that one showed the first reading as complete (with a check mark). I went to and my old reading plan was gone and the new one with the first reading complete is on the website. This reading plan is not showing up in Logos 4 and the reading plans there are not syncing across to my iOS devices or to When I deleted the reading plan off of my iPhone it recreated one without the first reading checked. This created an additional identical reading plan on my iPad so now I have 2 reading plans on my iPad with no readings completed, 1 reading plan on my iPhone with none completed. I refreshed and now can see 5 identical reading plans but cannot scroll down to see if there are any more. i also now have 5 identical reading plans on my iPhone.

    I know they said there were sync issue but this is ridiculous. When the iPhone app first came out I was able to sync my reading plan. I was able to keep using that racing plan throughout the year. A few time it would take several outs to sync updates when I marked something as read on an iOS device but other than that it was working.

    I know they said it was a sync issue but something got broken when they did an update somewhere because it was slow syncing but I never had these issues.

    I've started using You Version for my reading plan on my iPhone/iPad. At least theirs works and syncs between devices and the webpage. They haven't been around very long at all and they managed to get this right. 

    Oh yea, I know have 5 identical reading plans on my iPad too. I'm afraid if I delete them aging I'll end up with 50 identical plans and none of the are the plans I set up on Logos 4.

    Way to go Logos!

    p.s. I'm tired of hearing it's being fixed. They've been saying that since October and still can't tell us when it will be done. maybe they should have made sure the sync functionality worked before deploying it for use and adding other items to sync. Logos website still claims that the data will sync across all devices. Maybe they should stop claim that it syncs across all devices and say hopefully someday it will sync.

    I shouldn't be surprised about this because they were saying they were coming out with a mac version and it took over a year of waiting after they announced it and 1.1 was really poor. They they promised all these great things with Logos 4 and how the Mac version would be the same as the windows version and 2 years later they are still promising it is coming.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    p.s. I'm tired of hearing it's being fixed. They've been saying that since October and still can't tell us when it will be done. maybe they should have made sure the sync functionality worked before deploying it for use and adding other items to sync. Logos website still claims that the data will sync across all devices. Maybe they should stop claim that it syncs across all devices and say hopefully someday it will sync.

    this is the worst part of this. It is dishonest and a company run by Christians should do better.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    iCurteye said:

    And yet Logos still advertises 'sync all reading plans

    I'm very sorry for the frustration about sync. I've experienced a bug in it myself, and it's very annoying.

    We haven't changed the copy on the app page because it's still accurate: the app does sync reading plans.

    There is, however (as in so many software packages), a bug. This bug apparently shows up when you have a synced plan you're reading on two devices, and change the document (usually by marking a reading read) on Device B before Device A has finished syncing the change. Normally we should be able to gracefully handle this conflict, but there's a bug we haven't found. Even more importantly, you shouldn't come across the situation very often, because syncing should be nearly instantaneous.

    The original sync framework was designed for desktop software, which typically has different behaviors than mobile software. Your desktop software can typically sync large documents with few problems, and typically is either connected or disconnected -- it rarely is moving in and out of sporadic and/or slow coverage the way a phone does.

    Moreover, we only have so many desktop Logos Bible Software users.

    To accommodate mobile syncing, we had to build an intermediate service with different performance / bandwidth / etc. characteristics. 

    Since then we've had literally 10 times as many people download our mobile app as ever used the desktop, dramatically increasing our bandwidth.

    This extra large user base, bandwidth requirement, less consistent "sync before quitting the app" behavior, etc. are what cause the increased frequency of Device A (your mobile device) not having completed syncing before you go to Device B (your desktop or other device) and modify the document there. So our previously rare bug is occurring a lot more.

    We've learned a lot about the less reliable/consistent behavior of mobile Internet connections (which were not part of our original design).

    (This is also why we've been unable to deliver mobile notes and highlighting so far -- the document architecture and bandwidth needs.)

    So we embarked on a complete re-write of the sync framework designed for millions of users and a wide variety of devices with much less reliable / consistent data connections. The new sync framework requires a lot less bandwidth for common behaviors, too.

    The new sync framework is basically done, and ready to deploy for v4.5 of the desktop and v2.0 of mobile apps. The v2.0 version of the iOS app is in the app store and ready for release when the desktop is ready.  This features Sync v2 for what had been the number one user demand -- notes and highlighting on iOS devices.

    We're right now (and I mean right now -- it's late on Thursday night and much of our team is here working away at the office) hunting down and eliminating performance bugs in the Sync v2 framework. It's a big, big change and it involves user data, so we want to be very careful to get everything right.

    Sometime very soon we'll ship a desktop v4.5 Release Candidate. Within a week of that release we'll make it final, and it'll roll out to everyone. Within a day or so of that we should be able to release the new iOS app with notes and highlighting syncing

    In parallel, developers are working to get Reading Plans to Sync v2 as well. This may still be a few weeks out; I very much wish it wasn't, and we're all acutely aware that many people start reading plans on January 1, and we're disappointed that we were unable to deliver this before then. And, until recently, we thought we'd be able to, or that the release was right around the corner. But there are 50+ people on the development team, and the holidays introduced 50+ differing vacation schedules, and quite a few people have a piece of such a large system migration, so communication has suffered. 

    But we're almost all back (by Monday everyone is, I believe) and we're putting everything together and shipping it as soon as we can.

    Just as trivia... we're also deploying a massive amount of new storage, servers, and firewalls to handle the increased load. This is itself a non-trivial project.

    And, of course, we still have other products and features (Logos Mac, for example) on which other users rightly desire our attention. I'm sorry reading plans aren't  first on the list -- they're important to me, too! -- but I know that lack of notes and highlighting on mobile was equally important to other "I'm going to write you a bad review in the app store!" users -- right after lack of NIV support. :-) But at least we were able to add that recently. 

    I know this doesn't fix the pain point, but I hope it helps you understand where we're at, and why we're doing things the way we are. Sync v2 should result in a superior experience very soon.

    In the meantime, you might make a reading plan and try to either just use it on mobile, or give the mobile app some time to sync while connected to the Internet before going back to the home page (or at least before you mark off a reading on another device). This should reduce your chance of hitting the bug.

    -- Bob


  • Kurt Trucksess
    Kurt Trucksess Member Posts: 226 ✭✭

    Bob, thanks for the honest and complete reply. Like the rest of the  audience, I look forward to the release. 

    Dr. Kurt Trucksess
  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Bob, thanks for the honest and complete reply. Like the rest of the  audience, I look forward to the release. 



    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    And, of course, we still have other products and features (Logos Mac, for example) on which other users rightly desire our attention. I'm sorry reading plans aren't  first on the list -- they're important to me, too! -- but I know that lack of notes and highlighting on mobile was equally important to other "I'm going to write you a bad review in the app store!" users -- right after lack of NIV support. :-) But at least we were able to add that recently. 

    Thank you so much for the hard work your development has been putting into the notes and highlighting features.  I have been reading the Christian Origins and the Question of God series, they are the type of book where notes and highlighting will be very helpful, as well as working my way through an inductive Bible study. The ability to use my Precepts palettes on the iPad will be great. Thanks for making such a great software.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,097


    Many thanks for the clear update - appreciated.


  • iCurteye
    iCurteye Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I have trouble with 'the app does sync reading plans'.  For just abot ayr,tere ar no reing plan n myiPhone or iPad that were created on my pc.  I have made approx 12 diferen eading plas andNEVER have they showed up on my devices!  They used to a yea or so ago, albet ih all heissue described in the forum!  How then can you sa 'the ap doe sync redig plans'.  Having a ral hard time , ral ard!

  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭


    This features Sync v2 for what had been the number one user demand -- notes and highlighting on iOS devices.

     !  SO glad to see this. [y]  

    Even though I'm not an ios user, I know how vital this is.  

    Now then, you know I had to ask: Android too? [&]


    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • iCurteye
    iCurteye Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    Wow, just having trouble on the forums anytime I use my devices replying in the forums - can't scroll to put the cursor to make changes to my spelling mistakes... anyway, so apologies for the gobble gook, the above reply should read like:

    I have trouble with 'the app does sync reading plans'.  For just about a year there has no been any reading plans on my iPhone nor iPad that were created on my pc.  I have made approx 12 different reading plans and NEVER have they showed up on my devices!  They used to a year or so ago, albeit, with all the issues described in forums!  How then can you say 'the app does sync reading plans'.  Having a real hard time with that, real hard!

    I have been in contact with customer service about this many times over the year, so you are saying your app does sync reading plans I am saying, customer service tells me they are aware of the issue and are working on it, as a user I have to say it is NOT syncing reading plans and I have yet to see a reading plan on my device in the last year!


  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭

    iCurteye said:

    Wow, just having trouble on the forums anytime I use my devices replying in the forums - can't scroll to put the cursor to make changes to my spelling mistakes...

    Switch to the NON html editor.  IOW a plain text editor.  You can do this, intriguingly enough by clicking HTML in the toolbar of the editor.

    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Bob, thanks for the honest and complete reply. Like the rest of the  audience, I look forward to the release.

    Peace, Bob! I also am pleased with your very candid post and your very positive response. Thank you! May God continue to give you courage and strength and endurance for the New Year and richly bless you, your family, and the Logos Team! *smile*

                                                                                Psalm 100:3

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update Bob!

    I live off my iPad now, and boot my PC only once evey week or two, depending on needs. As such, iOS support is important to me. I welcome the updates over the next few weeks. Its been a long wait, and for the most part, I've held my tounge and trusted the updates would continue to flow.

    Thanks to the Logos Team for all the hard work, but do please keep the features and bug fixes flowing.

  • mab
    mab Member Posts: 3,069 ✭✭✭

    I'm still way too far behind using all the features I already have, but it's good to hear that Logos is improving steadily. Every new announcement is a wonderful reminder of the blessing that Logos is to us Bereans.

    The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    We haven't changed the copy on the app page because it's still accurate: the app does sync reading plans.

    In theory but not in practice. If a bug keeps it from syncing then to say it syncs is a fallacy. It does not sync. I can prove it and you say you are affected by it too, Bob. I believe to be honest the copy would have to read,  something like "in the near future it will include reading plan sync".

    I appreciate that this is a big job. My hope is that this taught you all a powerful lesson that will affect your decisions going forward so we don't have such a horrible situation again.

    Still a loyal Logos user, but a frustrated one ....

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Stephen Thorp
    Stephen Thorp Member Posts: 385 ✭✭

    Really appreciate the open and honest reply Bob, it does you and Logos much credit! Thanks for all the hard work. We may be an irritable bunch at times but most of us appreciate what a fantastic product Logos is. [:)]

  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hi Bob,


    Thanks so much for your hard work on this. I know that apps and software take a lot of intricate work to make something look so simple!

    Praying you guys get the encouragement and wisdom you need.


  • Steve Prunty
    Steve Prunty Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Hello All

    I have been following the discussions about reading plan sync issues for several months now as I have similar problems.

    I'm not sure who Bob is, but I appreciate his openness and his added insight in understanding the complexity of the issue. But most of information he shared had been shared in bits and pieces previously. His was a comprehensive package which pulled it all together.

    Another respondents comments has clarified in my mind that it is possible that Logo's didn't anticipate the speed (and possibly the volume) with which people are shifting from desktop devices to mobile devices.

    I do confess that I'm a Logo's customer only because of a planned transition from a desktop computer to a tablet.  Shortly after Apple came out with the iPad 1, I knew that I was going to shift to a mobile device.  At that time, I started research as to which Bible software company had or was developing an integrated solution (desktop and mobile).   

    There was one other company that was equipped with an excellent mobile bible reader, however, their resources (books) were not as vast and they did not have the desktop part.

    I wish to say that the bible software provider that I used perviously had been the winner...   but they weren't.  As a result I stepped away from a significant investment to go with Logos. Last March I purchased an iPad 2....  with the intent of shifting away from my laptop. The first software installed on the iPad was the Logos app. Now I go for several weeks at a time without turning on my laptop.

    Long story short, I too am impatience, I wish I could have it all fixed now, but I must remind myself that my dislike about the current situation is really more about the trinity of self ( Me, Myself & I ).

    To help combat my impatience, I remind myself that the iPad app from Logos is "Free" where as it didn't have to be...   The support and forums are excellent where my previously supplier was lacking due to more limited resources (much smaller company).

    Most of what I need is currently supplied by the iPad app,  I know the situation and solutions will improve (snippets from the forums), and I know where I'll spend eternity.

    I ask myself....  what do I really have to complain about......

    Let us be gracious, as we have been the recipients of amazing grace. 

    Regards to All, 

    Thanks for your patience with my ramblings.

    Steve Prunty

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,097

    Hi Steve - and welcome to the forums.

    I'm not sure who Bob is, but I appreciate his openness and his added insight in understanding the complexity of the issue

    Bob is the President and CEO of Logos Bible Software.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    To help combat my impatience, I remind myself that the iPad app from Logos is "Free" where as it didn't have to be...   The support and forums are excellent where my previously supplier was lacking due to more limited resources (much smaller company).
    Most of what I need is currently supplied by the iPad app,  I know the situation and solutions will improve (snippets from the forums), and I know where I'll spend eternity.
    I ask myself....  what do I really have to complain about......
    Let us be gracious, as we have been the recipients of amazing grace. 
    Regards to All, 
    Thanks for your patience with my ramblings.
    Steve Prunty

    anyone who thinks the iPad app is "free" doesn't understand business. It is built into the cost of the resources which are generally higher than paper versions and almost always higher than other digital versions. You pay for Logos every time you buy a resource. It's the razer v. blades method of business which makes Bob and Dan and their friends more money in the long run and helps them provide us with excellent software for the iPad, PC, Mac and Android. I'm not complaining about there chosen business model. I actually like it because it works for them and me. But I paid for Logos when I bought the Word Bib. Comm. and NICOT/NT etc.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Myki Cantero
    Myki Cantero Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Hi, I've started the "Read the Bible in a Year" reading plan last Jan. 1. All is great!

    But now, in my iPad or iPhone, the plan only goes up to Jan. 15, Genesis 40-41. The app does not load any date after that.

    Has anyone encountered this?

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Juan - that is the sync issue. Logos downloads a certain amount of readings in case you are offline for a while. If the sync were working properly, that would be updated daily.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    Logos 4.5 RC 1 released today! Hopefully notes and highlighting will come to iOS next week!

  • Michael Willemse
    Michael Willemse Member Posts: 27 ✭✭

    Hadn't read Bob's post properly and wondered why reading plans weren't syncing yet, but now I understand that these will follow ... soon I hope. [:)]

    But I have been learning about the new mobile highlighting / notes and am very impressed so far with the almost instantaneous syncing between my iPhone and (Windows 7) desktop. Makes me very optimistic about the prospect of readings plans which will also sync promptly!

    The logos app on my iPhone ( has crashed a few times with trying to add notes but I assume that may simply be teething issues?

    Also the last few changes made on the iPhone have yet to sync to the desktop (or is this the issue Bob mentioned of changes being made at both ends ... but I assumed that'd go away with sync v2?)

    Anyway ... thank you Logos for the work you have done to date on sorting out the sync issue. It is brilliant being able to see my notes on the iPhone! It will be great to have everything working to Logos' usual high standards and to enjoy having all the same functionality on the go as I do at my desktop. (Any chance prayer lists will also be synced anytime soon? [:D])

    Keep up the good work!