Reading plans temporarily disabled

Reading plans will be temporarily disabled for the next few days while we transition services to the new sync framework. This was not part of our transition plan but became necessary due to some timing issues. I'm sorry if you've been using this feature and it's now unavailable. We're working to bring it back quickly and be compatible with Logos 4.5a.
Thanks Dave and team for this update.
I look forward to the sync of reading plans when they are unveiled.
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Thank you for the information. Have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out why my iPad wasn't listing a new reading plan. Thanks so much for this great feature and amazing product. Look forward to the unveil as well.
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Only wish I had seen this before I posted my question. Thanks for the notice. Is there a target time frame?
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Michael Watkins said:
Is there a target time frame?
Dave said it would be down for a few days. Additionally, an update to the mobile app will be required. Currently, the update is in private beta (RC2 status). I do not know when the update will be pushed out to everyone. Hopefully that is included in Dave's "few days," but I have no inside knowledge.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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So, just to make sure I am having the same problem as everyone else; does the reading plan even show up on your phone right now? I was wondering if I (or my two year old) had deleted the reading schedule or if it is temporarily disabled as mentioned? This has been so helpful for me staying in the word everyday. If it was deleted, how do I get it back?
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Reading plans have been disabled, meaning they do not display on the device at all. It hasn't been deleted, it'll return as soon as they re-enable reading plans on mobile devices.
Urban Scholar -
Christ-centered Hip-Hop - http://www.sphereofhiphop.com0 -
Dusti landreth said:
So, just to make sure I am having the same problem as everyone else; does the reading plan even show up on your phone right now? I was wondering if I (or my two year old) had deleted the reading schedule or if it is temporarily disabled as mentioned? This has been so helpful for me staying in the word everyday. If it was deleted, how do I get it back?
My reading plans still show up on my PC, if they show up there for you, read them from there.
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Dusti landreth said:
I was wondering if I (or my two year old) had deleted the reading schedule
I can relate. [:)]
Dusti landreth said:If it was deleted, how do I get it back?
Do you have Logos for Mac or PC? Your reading plan should be there.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
LaRosa Johnson said:
Reading plans have been disabled, meaning they do not display on the device at all. It hasn't been deleted, it'll return as soon as they re-enable reading plans on mobile devices.
Absolutely correct.
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Thank you for letting us know. I could not figure out why it was working and now was not.
I use this feature every day.
David Koenigsberg
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Thanks. Appreciate the status. Unfortunately I forgot to look here first before sending tech support an email. Also, is this something that can be posted on Facebook, unless it was and I missed it.
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Aha! I was wondering why they'd disappeared on my IOS devices but were still on my PC. I'm taking it as a positive sign that they'll soon be fully functional across platforms.
Running Logos 6 Platinum and Logos Now on Surface Pro 4, 8 GB RAM, 256GB SSD, i5
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Thanks for the info. I wondered what had happened and thought maybe having a leap day had messed things up. Glad to know it's just a coming upgrade.
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An email notification would have been nice. I wasted an hour reinstalling my iPad software and reinstalling the program.
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Michael - Welcome to the forums! Sorry you went to that trouble. An email would have been nice, I agree.
If you have problems in the future, you should check with the forums first. Often you will find what you are looking for right away. If not, feel free to post a question! [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
What would be nice if a message would be broadcast to mobile users on their device (perhaps even an automated email message) if for some reason a certain function is being disabled by Logos to implement a fix. This would minimize a bit of head scratching from the user end of having to search for ways of fixing what we didn't break.
An ounce of worthy communication is worth a pound of "user cure".
Thanks for a great product though. Awesome study software [:)]
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marquis jackson said:
What would be nice if a message would be broadcast to mobile users on their device
Welcome [:D]
Concur; dreaming of Logos Home Page News information and updates.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Concur; dreaming of Logos Home Page News information and updates.
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Logo posts advertisements to our devices all the time. Why not post helpful notices such as when services are not available? [^o)]
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Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
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I am glad I was a week ahead on my reading, but it has now been a week. Are we close to re-enabling this feature? Or is a few days going to turn in to weeks?Dave Dunkin said:disabled for the next few days
“... every day in which I do not
penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
firm ground of the Word of God.”0 -
Any updates on this? I am pretty new here so if updates are already posted somewhere else, can someone point me in the right direction? I believe we have been without these for around a week. I'm able to get to my plan on my desktop, but would like to be able to go straight to my iPad to do reading when I wake up each morning. Thanks!
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Nothing has been posted yet about the update. I hope it comes soon. I also do all my reading plans on the IPad. When I updated my computer to 4.5a and the Logos app was still at 2.0.2 reading plans stopped syncing to my computer. When they disabled the app all my reading plans were up to date on it. I hope they get this on Itunes soon, cause I got a whole lot of catching up to do.
The only reading plan that is up to date, are the ones that would not transfer to the IPad, my Bible reading plans. So the good news is they are up to date.
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Is there an ETA for the updated app to re-enable the reading plans?
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This is either the most difficult project the Logos team has faced, or it's of secondary priority, or there is a need to upgrade the techs who are working on it.
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Gary Wiens said:
This is either the most difficult project the Logos team has faced, or it's of secondary priority, or there is a need to upgrade the techs who are working on it.
Comments like these are unhelpful to anyone, especially since the likelihood you have any idea of the complexity involved in deploying a large scale service.
It's one thing to express your anticipation or eagerness for the new service, but another thing entirely to throw people under the bus whom you've never met, have no idea what problems they are facing, and no appreciation of their desire to deliver a functional service.
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Mark Carey said:Gary Wiens said:
This is either the most difficult project the Logos team has faced, or it's of secondary priority, or there is a need to upgrade the techs who are working on it.
Comments like these are unhelpful to anyone, especially since the likelihood you have any idea of the complexity involved in deploying a large scale service.
It's one thing to express your anticipation or eagerness for the new service, but another thing entirely to throw people under the bus whom you've never met, have no idea what problems they are facing, and no appreciation of their desire to deliver a functional service.
And Gary - you have a complete disregard for those who do not have the 'recognise irony' gene. Shame on you!
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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One thing can be said for sure. the fact that the reading plans are still disabled stretches the meaning of the original posts phrase "for the next few days." Logos has created an expectation that needs to be better managed. Updates regarding this issue would be appropriate.