Desiderius Erasmus - In Praise of Folly - FJM

Fred J. Morgan
Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

These Docx files are as is. No modification has been made. No picture of cover or descriptive text is included!
NEED WORK for PBB...   

Enjoy making you PBB Remember to share updated work.

FJM  (Jeff or morganfj)  Smile

0513.Desiderius Erasmus - In Praise of Folly_79.docx



  • Logos offers high quality => In Praise of Folly

    Abuse reported since low quality Personal Books (on Logos servers) are not needed when Logos already offers high quality resources.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Peace to you, Fred!              *smile*                    and ...                               Always Joy in the Lord!

               Fred, what gives?                    I have this book in Logos!  Bought the whole Erasmus collection on community pricing, I think, or perhaps pre-pub last year.

             Also, I have a number of other books that you are sharing on this forum in .docx forms that I bought from Logos -- high quality resources - and am pleased with them -- and I have no interest in making PB's of them.

                  I am grateful that you want to share with your brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus; and this is commendable. 

    Surely you're not trying to compete with Logos, Fred, or undercut Logos with free works of resources they sell.  I wouldn't believe that of you. So, what gives?

               Yours in Christ,                 Indeed!

                                                                                          Romans 16:25-27

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Fred J. Morgan
    Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭

    Uploading All DOCX Files????
    I would never compete with LOGOS. I am very happy to own moe than 2000 LOGOS works in my collection. Howeveer, I do not believe that if you can not afford a Public DOMAIN work in LOGOS Format with all the Bells and whistles, you should be denied or questioned about sharing them?! 

    I certainly do not think you believe that! Do You?

    The purpose of PBBs was to add to your personal collection?  I do not believe aqnyone would hold a grudge against anyone sharing what is free. LOGOS offers quality research works and books with added features.   These features are left out of PBB Book builder to allow LOGOS to continue in the market....  I beleive they have this privledge, just as Book publisher have the right to add a preface and copywright the same book.....    LOGOS for years has been taking FREE Works and making excellent works for there program at a profit.  Profit comes from the Bells and Whistles.  These works do not have the Bells and Whistles, so are we suppose to not allow them on the LOGOS Link???  What if tomorrow your PBB is taken and modified into a LOGOS Work??? - Will you take down your PBB??? 

    If you own the Work in a LOGOS purchased format and do not need it "Don't Download the Docx"   That I believe is simple...  
    And if you would prefer a LOGOS work even if a PBB is available.... then go ahead and BUY IT. That also is simple. 
    BUT Don't Stop 

     So --- WHAT GIVES ----  I don't really understand why you ask?  

    I must ask back; What Gives with you?

    Why the question about this...  I do not feel I need to hoard any works even if I own a fine copy in LOGOS.

    If I would take the position that NO PBBs whould be allowed for already printed in LOGOS works, then many PBB in L3 and L4 w2ould have to be removed.  Also any PBBs which are updated to LOGOS or placed modified and placed within LOGOS Colledtion (i.e. Menno Simmons) woud be off limits for PBB.  

    I do not believe this is in anyone's interest. Do You?

    Please do not take this in anger, it is not meant to be so.... just scratching my head in wonder and amazement...  think I'll stop Posting.

    May God Bless

    Fred J Morgan

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Please do not take this in anger, it is not meant to be so.... just scratching my head in wonder and amazement...  think I'll stop Posting.

    May God Bless

    Fred J Morgan

    Peace Fred!   I assure you I do not take this in anger!    Not in the slightest!

                          I'm attending Lenten Midweek Service this evening and will respond tomorrow sometime.  However, I do take to heart the wonderful fact that you have been led to share with your brothers and sisters.  That is wonderful!   Indeed!

                                           But, I do wonder if you are providing competition to Logos  ...   on THEIR forums....

               I will ponder it and pray about it and ask our Gracious Father and our Lord Jesus for the Holy Spirit to enable me to make a God-pleasing response.

    Meanwhile, God bless you and your loved ones richly!               *smile*

                                      John 15:9-13

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • I would never compete with LOGOS.

    Observation: posting public domain docx files on Logos servers (e.g. for these forums) when Logos already offers high quality versions is competing with Logos.

    Bob Pritchett's post on 1 Aug 2011 => includes:

    I just want to give a quick "heads up" about the PBB distribution terms. While you'll be able to build whatever you want with PBB, distribution will be supported via our Logos online systems. (Both from your personal page as well as from a central bookstore.)


    The bookstore will make it easy to share content with others, and will offer the same cloud-based downloading, syncing, multi-computer use, etc. that Logos-created books support.


    For this reason, though, Logos is going to have some content restrictions on the bookstore -- we aren't looking to create an editing tool, for example, that lets people create lower-quality and lower-price versions of public domain content we sell in high-quality editions, and then use our systems, servers, etc. to distribute them.

    Logos does not want lower quality public domain content that competes with Logos high quality resources on Logos servers for user distribution.

    Having free lower quality public domain content on non Logos server(s) is a viable option.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Fred J. Morgan
    Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭

    Dear Sir,

    I have answered your reply.
    I am sorry you do not beleive this FILE Forum is to contribute file of any quality for distribution to MAKE INTO pbb format.
    I am also sorry you feel that Public Domain Work should not be allowed.

    I believe those who camp out at forum locations and try to make them there home playing BULLY PULPIT over others should be the ones reported.

    I have also reported via e-mail, you and others who believe this Forum is for your own personal use.

    I am POSITIVE all the others who you play with with come to you rescue and attack me.  Thus is the World with is of sin.

    I pray it is my eyes which are tinted and God will reveal my error. I also pray for you sir.

    Thank you. God Bless


  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Dear Sir,

    I have answered your reply.
    I am sorry you do not beleive this FILE Forum is to contribute file of any quality for distribution to MAKE INTO pbb format.
    I am also sorry you feel that Public Domain Work should not be allowed.

    I believe those who camp out at forum locations and try to make them there home playing BULLY PULPIT over others should be the ones reported.

    I have also reported via e-mail, you and others who believe this Forum is for your own personal use.

    I am POSITIVE all the others who you play with with come to you rescue and attack me.  Thus is the World with is of sin.

    I pray it is my eyes which are tinted and God will reveal my error. I also pray for you sir.

    Thank you. God Bless


    Peace, Fred!

                   I can't even imagine that what I wrote deserves this tirade from you!                May God forgive you!    Indeed!

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Fred J. Morgan
    Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭

    As state sir, I hope this is my Tinted glasses, you see just what was posted from you I got the other replies and e-mail stating what tyoe of person I was and the reply stating I was reported.   I did not "REALLY" mean harm but my feeling as I re-read did come out in my post.. Please forgive me. I am truely sorry for this.  As stated. I have stopped my posting for now. my heart is in pain and my soul needs peace.\

    Yours in 'christ... jeff
    morganfj at gmail

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,145 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm always curious the need for hall monitors on the forums. What's the motivation? It seems like it would have been simple enough to send a note to Logos if a problem were perceived and let them decide as they wish.

    'Abuse reported'??

    Among Christians??

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • my heart is in pain and my soul needs peace.

    Praying for God's wondrous peace that surpasses all understanding to fill you.  Thankful for passionate desire to share free public domain content.

    DMB said:

    I'm always curious the need for hall monitors on the forums. What's the motivation? It seems like it would have been simple enough to send a note to Logos if a problem were perceived and let them decide as they wish.

    'Abuse reported'??

    Among Christians??

    Personally pained to write abuse; likewise praying and pondering while wondering what could have been done more peacefully.  Pondering includes wonder about passionate iron sharpening iron, which causes some sparks to fly, yet my desire is to live peaceably and share God's wondrous Love.

    My apologies to Jeff for my harsh words. [:$]

    Looking forward to Logos Personal Book store while being aware that Logos plans to exclude personal books that duplicate what Logos sells.

    Thankful for Rosie's post =>

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Abuse reported since low quality Personal Books (on Logos servers) are not needed when Logos already offers high quality resources.

    My apologies; I was wrong to report abuse.

    Keep Smiling [:)]