Walther - Predestination in Lutheran Perspective

To talk about the Predestination controversy without including Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther is like talking about the 4th century trinitarian debates without including Athanasius. And yet I have hesitated a bit to actually release a PB of his writings on this.
His masterpiece about the whole topic is his lectures on Law and Gospel. I understand that someone else is doing the non-copyrighted edition of it, so as good as it is, I left it to the side. In addition there were a couple pamphlets and a sermon on Eph 1 that I have seen in various places. But I wanted to make sure it was legal to distribute them (as in - is the ENGLISH version public domain?) and I wanted a bit more source information and non-arbitrary page numbers.
I then came across http://www.whitehorseinn.org/free-articles/predestination-from-a-lutheran-perspective-by-cfw-walther.html
Now I can use someone else's arbitrary page numbers! I have added quite a few links to the Book of Concord and have also reformated bible references by switching commas and periods so that Logos understands them. In addition I have changed the font to Times Roman. Other than that, I have tried to just send on the work that White Horse Inn has already done.
One difficult thing in this whole controversy is keeping the doctrine in its rightful place. As Walther himself says,
Should this pamphlet fall into the hands of such a reader also who is not yet a living and believing Christian, we advise him either not to read it at all, or, at least, not before he also has become a living and believing Christian. For before this is done, what this pamphlet contains is not food for him. The question for him is rather: "What shall I do to be saved?" And the one thing needful for him is, that he first be brought on the way of true repentance to God and thus come to faith in Jesus Christ. For where the light of a living faith does not yet shine in the heart, nothing else can be expected, but that you will become offended at the doctrine of predestination, just then when it is presented not according to human reason, but according to the Word of God.
Walther, C. F. W. Predestination in Lutheran Perspective (13).
As always, SDG,
Ken McGuire
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
Kenneth McGuire said:
His masterpiece about the whole topic is his lectures on Law and Gospel. I understand that someone else is doing the non-copyrighted edition of it, so as good as it is, I left it to the side.
I've been making the Walthers Law and Gospel 1929 edition, but I don't have time to finish it. It's missing page numbers and book cover image and lectures 22-39 will need proofreading. Here's the file attached if you or someone could finish it.
The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel
Walther, C. F. W.
Public Domain
Concordia Publishing House
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Thank you for sharing this material. The Lord's blessing to you.
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For everybody's information, I have started working on finishing this...
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
0 -
Kenneth McGuire said:
For everybody's information, I have started working on finishing this...
Great! I noticed that there's two additional things need to do to the Law and Gospel: 1) replace "|" with " >> ", 2) save as a .rtf, close it, reopen and save as a .docx (there's problem with font sizes caused by Word 2003).
Thank you very much for help in this!
Faithlife Connect + several Base Packages + Luther's Works, etc.
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 260, Win 10 Pro, Intel Core i7-6500U, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 520.
iPhone 11.0