Sermon Collection Indices

What problem does this collection of PBB resources solve?
"Has Pastor X preached any sermons on this passage?"
Answering this question is frustrating. If you own sermon libraries in Logos you know how difficult it is to search for sermons on a given passage. You search your favorite sermon resource for a passage and get back every instance where that sermon is cross referenced - far outweighing the number of hits valuable to you. Until now, you had to weed out all the cross references from your search results before you could find the hits that indicated a sermon about that passage.
This collection allows you to search your library for sermons on a specific passage without all the cross references that make normal searches for sermons nearly useless.
How do I use this collection?
- Compile the PBB files for any sermon collections you own. Be sure to include the words "Sermon Index" in the resource title.
- Create a collection titled "Sermon Indices" with the following rule:
title:"sermon index" - Add the Sermon Indices collection to your passage guide or search the Sermon Indices collection for your passage as needed.
Completed Sermon Indices
- Andrew Gray Sermon Index
- Edward Griffin Sermon Index
- John Albert Broadus Sermon Index
- John Howe Sermon Index
- John Piper Sermon Index
- Jonathan Edwards Sermon Index
- Lyman Beecher Sermon Index
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones Authentic Christianity Sermon Index
- Princeton Sermons Sermon Index
- Puritan Sermons Collection Sermon Index
- Robert Candlish Sermon Index
- Samuel Rutherford Sermon Index
- Selected Sermons of George Whitefield Sermon Index
- Southern Presbyterian Pulpit Sermon Index
- The Princeton Pulpit Sermon Index
- The Soul's Exodus Sermon Index
- The World's Great Sermons Sermon Index
Planned Sermon Indices
- Church Fathers Sermon Index
- Tim Keller Sermon Index
If someone would like to buy me the Yale Jonathan Edwards collection I'll create an index for that too!
If you download the file at you will find 63 sermons from the Jonathan Edwards collection indexed - do a search for the string
to find them. You should be able to create an independent file for those sermons out of them, with a bit of copy and paste.Do you mind if I include your sermon indexes in the file I have created? Some of those you have already done I do not own, whilst others I have not done yet, so it would make my file more complete and save me some time.
Richard Wilson
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I don't think that's going to work well since I'm going to be updating this constantly. I'll put a link to your project in this thread so that people can use whichever resources serve them best.
Edit: I'm not a fan of this forum software. I can't search it, I can't edit old post, it's not user friendly in any way.
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Here is the Timothy Keller Sermon Index with today's update included.
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Sorry, I'm slow.
Where do I download these after clicking the link(s)? (I'm on a Mac).
Thanks for your hard work!
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Bened said:
Where do I download these after clicking the link(s)?
The links are directly to the *.docx files. Download them to your hard drive and then compile them with the Personal Book Builder. When you build the book for each file make sure you include the words "Sermon Index" in the title so that you can easily make the rule title:"sermon index" for the collection.
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Thank you for the Keller index and for your efforts in compiling it! Very kind of you!
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Thanks for all of these. It worked great.
I added all the .docx files to just one personal book and compiled them all together. Didn't see any advantage to doing them separately as individual PBs. I then created the collection and added it to MPG.
Worked well and made the sermons I have very useable.
Thanks again!
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John Zerbel said:
I added all the .docx files to just one personal book and compiled them all together. Didn't see any advantage to doing them separately as individual PBs.
Good call. (I wish I could amend the original post but the forum software Logos chose is not user-friendly.)
I divided them up into multiple files is to give people flexibility to only index the sermon collections they actually own. It wouldn't be helpful to get phantom search results for sermons you don't have in your library.
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Dave Moser said:John Zerbel said:
I added all the .docx files to just one personal book and compiled them all together. Didn't see any advantage to doing them separately as individual PBs.
Good call. (I wish I could amend the original post but the forum software Logos chose is not user-friendly.)
I divided them up into multiple files is to give people flexibility to only index the sermon collections they actually own. It wouldn't be helpful to get phantom search results for sermons you don't have in your library.
I don't own all of the collections so I appreciated the opportunity to only create books for the ones I have.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Dave Moser said:
(I wish I could amend the original post but the forum software Logos chose is not user-friendly.)
Yes there is only a short window of a few hours to do any editing etc...12 at most before "locked"?
Regards, SteveF
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I just uploaded a sermon index for The Works of Ezekiel Hopkins:
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Hey Dave,
How did you go about putting in the links to the resources in your indexes? I'm trying to do the same with a PB of Calvin's sermons but can't get it to work when I compile it. I'm using the menu on the resource to "copy location as URL" and then putting as a hyperlink in word. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks again!!!
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For those who just purchased The Sermons of Hugh Latimer (2 vols.) I just added the Hugh Latimer Sermon Index.
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Mark Barnes beat me to the punch on updating the Tim Keller Sermon Index so I'll just point to it here: Scripture Index to Keller's Sermons (fully functional)
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Not sure if anyone else has also posted one for this but here is an index I compiled for those who have bought the Works of Thomas Boston, indexing his sermons as well as other extended expositions with Bible references listed in the Table of Contents for each volume
7573.The Works of Thomas Boston.docx
Feel free to re-link in other posts or if there is another place PBBs are stored
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Here is a sermon index for Wesley's "Sermons on Several Occasions" (which many have in base packages) and now can be added to a collection to show up in passage guide:
5618.John Wesley Sermon Index.docx
Also, several Puritan sets that Logos has moved to production in the last year or so:
Works of Thomas Manton, James Ussher, David Clarkson, William Bates, Thomas Brooks
0160.Thomas Manton Sermon Index.docx
2870.James Ussher Sermon Index.docx
8816.David Clarkson Sermon Index.docx
3288.William Bates Sermon Index.docx
5315.Works of Thomas Brooks - Scripture Index.docx
The last one is a Scripture reference for every Scripture Thomas Brooks expounds upon or explains on some level but not limited to texts the entire sermon is based on like the other indexes above. Hopefully this will help any who own these resources to be able to utilize them more in Passage Guide along with the other excellent indices in prior posts.
Phil Layton
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Dave Moser said:
If someone would like to buy me the Yale Jonathan Edwards collection I'll create an index for that too!
The Yale edition is too rich for my blood! But... I just completed a canonical sermon index for Edwards that includes web links to all the Yale edition sermons. This includes hundreds of Edwards Sermons and will work great along side these other indexes. Also linked are the sermons in the 2 volume edition.
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Liam Walsh said:
I just completed a canonical sermon index for Edwards that includes web links to all the Yale edition sermons. This includes hundreds of Edwards Sermons and will work great along side these other indexes.
Thank you Liam! This is absolutely fantastic! That must have taken a lot of time to assemble.
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The need for compiling sermon collection indices seems to have been eliminated by the "Sermons" tool in the guides. I just recently noticed this in the Sermon Starter Guide and added it to my custom Passage Guide.
Does anyone know how long this feature has been available?
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Hi everyone, I created a Tim Keller Sermon Index from 1989 to 2017! Please feel free to benefit from it as you see fit
Thank you Mark Barnes for your inspiration for the original sermon index
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Hello, I know this was probably great effort for you, and I know it was quite a while ago, however, I just wanted you to know these links no longer go to the intended resources, but to the main link of your Armchair Theology site.
Blessings and grace to you!
In His name,
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Justin Sallee said:
I just wanted you to know these links no longer go to the intended resources, but to the main link of your Armchair Theology site.
Worse, it seems that Dave gave up the domain and since May 2020, only (imho totally worthless) content not related to theology is released on that page, probably by an automated system to create click-ad revenue.
Have joy in the Lord!