Announcing Logos Mobile Education



  • Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Will video lectures include closed captioning or English subtitles? I am deaf Christian interesting in biblical studies. Thanks.

  • MVP Posts: 9,012

    Welcome to the forums Edgar. You make a valid point.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Member Posts: 494 ✭✭


    if you look on PrePub the first set of videos say they have CC. 

  • Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Alexander said:

    if you look on PrePub the first set of videos say they have CC. 

    Where did you see the reference to CC? I can see that the videos are transcribed, but I don't know if that means they're captioned.

    Here's the link for others:

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    I am not sure if it really CC or an English subtitle. If the Logos Mobile Education programs have CC that would be my factor to sign up the program. 

  • Member Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭

    Dare we ask the general price range?

    Just some quick math:

    Average tuition cost in Christian higher education: $7,500.00 per semester.

    Average number of classes taken per semester: 4

    Average cost per class: $1,875.00

    Estimated cost for a Logos Mobile Education course: $469.00 to $619.00

    "As any translator will attest, a literal translation is no translation at all."

  • MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi Paul

    Estimated cost for a Logos Mobile Education course: $469.00 to $619.00

    Have you seen that the link above includes pre-pub costs for the first LME course?

    Currently $999.95 for Bible and Doctrine Foundations (9 courses)


  • Member Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭

    Hi Paul

    Have you seen that the link above includes pre-pub costs for the first LME course?

    Currently $999.95 for Bible and Doctrine Foundations (9 courses)


    That does seem about right when considering distance education. About one third of $3,000.00 for a complete series on a subject.

    "As any translator will attest, a literal translation is no translation at all."

  • Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    Interesting - I have been watching the LME page to see how many people are signing up for it, and 24 hours ago there was no progress at all on the prepub bar - today it is under development. I assume, rightly so from Logos' perspective, that they have committed to developing this, so why wait for sign ups. Maybe more people sign up if there is something to actually view, people to positively comment, etc.

    I too would buy a course or two if unbundled. This is too big a nut to commit to without seeing any of it. I would try a course, and if I liked it try more. This is not the same as committing to a degree program, as I do not financially commit to all of it up front. I pay for courses as I go. I think the price in total for 9 courses is very fair, as with others I don't want to commit to all of them financially right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    I'm trying to find out if Logos will offer payment plans for the pre-pub when it ships, so technically I could lock in my pre-pub now, then when it ships, if I can't fork over $1,000 right away, break my payments up into payment plans. If they can do this, I'll probably jump on it. A lot of this I've gotten in seminary, but the additional training would be nice, plus I'd love to be able to get used to learning in the Logos environment.

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    Average tuition cost in Christian higher education: $7,500.00 per semester

    You missed a word: Average tuition cost in American Christian higher education: $7,500.00 per semester.[8-|]

    Sweden: $0.[:)]

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 56


    We don't have any plans for closed captions or subtitles, but we will be including transcripts for each of the HD videos. The transcripts will be organized and built as a Logos resource. We have added headings and subheadings to each transcript making them easy to navigate. The transcript resources will include the entire text of each video plus learning objectives, links to recommended readings in Logos, and assessment questions for each video segment.

  • Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
  • MVP Posts: 9,012

    And break up the courses. Some I have an interest in others .....

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • MVP Posts: 9,012

    How about a video teaser of what the course looks like. Say, 10 minutes of lecture and the way the entire thing integrates into Logos. 

    This can help some users get over the cost factor. Why not do this for each course. These videos can then be posted to our facebook page, and encourage many to look at who may never see it.

    And yes, start breaking up the courses, for those who are not salaried workers within the Church, but may be interested in info on a few of the courses. I'm thinking they can purchase one course at a time.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    The lectures are not captioned, but transcripts of all the lectures are included in the text.

  • Member Posts: 6,052 ✭✭✭

    The lectures are not captioned, but transcripts of all the lectures are included in the text.

    [H] Could you type your response in braille, please? [H]

    ASUS  ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti

    "The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not."  Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.

  • Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    The lectures are not captioned, but transcripts of all the lectures are included in the text.

    To me that greatly enhances the value of the courses.

    One question/suggestion; Do "enrollees" qualify for academic pricing on other Logos resources? I think it would be a good marketing point.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • MVP Posts: 9,012

    One question/suggestion; Do "enrollees" qualify for academic pricing on other Logos resources? I think it would be a good marketing point.


    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    I agree, I had the PrePub but then had to pull it as I will not be able to cover the entire cost in one single payment. With payment plans (even at the PrePub stage) and options this could be a great revenue stream for Logos (A company I want to see do well and be around for a very long time) and a very valuable resource to Christians in ministry like me who have no formal training but teach in both youth and adult ministry not to mention personal study and work in media ministry to help fellow believers and reach out to those who are lost.

    So I'm asking for the opportunity to benefit from the PrePub price with a payment plan option so I can honour my pledge.

    Clint Scott
    Author | Humble Majesty

  • Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    we have been asking for payment help but no receding any reply

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    Everyone wanting payment plans try calling your sales rep. I've been told that my PrePub has been locked in, but before it comes time to ship, my sales rep will let me know it's shipping, and if I can't pay the full price upfront, he will offer me the option of a payment plan then. So that's what I did.

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 32

    I was asked to re-post this message from another forum.

    Here is the heart of the issue. Logos Mobile Education is a whole new kind of distance learning designed to function within the ecosystem of a large (and expensive) digital library featuring both standard reference works and the latest unique Logos databases and tools.

    We are answering the question, "What would a biblical education look like if it was designed from the ground up for learning with the efficiencies of the same digital environment in which our advanced users actually function when in ministry?" Comparing this product to auditing a lecture is like comparing the Bible on a Kindle to Logos Bible Software. Where does one begin to explain the differences?  If your desires and expectations are set in that direction, anything more than free will look overpriced just as many see Logos as overpriced and no better than Kindle. We live in a world of options.

    This effort to make good use of the Logos ecosystem  in any on or off campus environment is the missing ingredient in every attempt at integration attempted up to this point. Schools can't control faculty and faculty don't ever have a broad enough understanding of the ecosystem to extract all the potential benefits. We have the opposite and problem. We know the system. We don't control what the schools teach or how they teach. The Mobile Ed project slices and dices the traditional lecture into pieces we can than re-arrange and combine in new patterns as we link into the ecosystem. We are taking their years of lecture experience and in a sense repackaging them until such time as a generation of faculty arise who are attune to the Logos ecosystem. We have our own curriculum designers. This is new turf. and will continue to morph as we learn more ourselves.

    Let me say right up front. We are not in any way a "me too" product in either Logos Bible Software or Logos Mobile Ed. No matter which current online DE offering you choose for comparison, you will fail to compare two items of like kind. There is nothing like Logos Mobile Education which provides a total ecosystem for biblical education. There exists no other DE or live classroom option anywhere linked to a digital library or Logos databases for the entire curriculum. It is not easy and no school has even attempted to implement in every department/

    Why even look at Logos Mobile Education in in the first place if it is just another set of online lectures disconnected from the Logos ecosystem like everybody else? All kinds of seminary lectures are available online at a price everybody can afford today. Free!

    It has been said many times before but needs saying one more time. We are not competing as another flavor of the same thing everybody else is making. We are a reaction to everybody else. We are attempting to raise the bar and do something better and more efficiently. We better take less hours than others. Something is not working in the technology if we take as long as traditional memorization, research, page turning and visits to the library. Something is wrong if our lectures are not more efficient in course design, speed of delivery, graphics, reading, research and context sensative practical training. If you are going to measure us in the medieval  terms of class hours, seat time, lecture length memorization or time in the library we yield. Everybody takes longer and offers less learning efficiency than us! Does all this make us better? Maybe, I don't know. That is not my point. I do know our methods and resources make us different and make it impossible to hold a discussion on the merits of our prices without discussion the merits of our program. If you took a taxi from New York to LA, you would pay a lot and get a nice long ride but would you call it a better mode of transportation than a low cost, fast airplane ride? We are the airplane ride of education. 

    Remember, we price based on the cost to build the vision. We don't build toward a cost target. We build to an ideal and then price it so we can make a profit, advance the science and invest in taking it further the next time. Like everything else we do, we have a vision of what this can be like years from now.

    All that being said, we will offer the courses one by one just like books. We will also offer value bundles, just like books. As soon as we can work it out, we will allow bundles of courses to be purchased on payment plans. These courses are like college and seminary courses. They are also great for formal Church institute programs. They are not likely to be used in all but the most enthusiastic and dedicated small group studies. They assume the Platinum library. It is a significant investment designed for the person who can not put life on hold and go back to school.

    If these courses look expensive to you remember that when these same courses are offered as part of an online degree program their cost may be a multiple higher. I hope this helps you understand where we are going with this.

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    Good points Dale. There's a few other thoughts on Biblical Education in general I'd like to throw into the mix, some that I feel Logos might be interested in hearing since Mobile Ed might be a good place to test some of them. Mind if I post them here or would you rather me personally message you?

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    Thanks for this Dale, I think it's great what you are all doing and this helps us understand the rationale for pricing etc. By the way I emailed customer services and they have sorted out the PrePub as a price plan so anyone needing payment option like me just email Logos and they will be able to help.

    Clint Scott
    Author | Humble Majesty

  • Member Posts: 270 ✭✭

    This is exciting! This is why I started Glad to see Logos recognizing the need.

    It's a great resource too john and lots cheaper than logos mobile ed.
  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 32

    Help me. I keep reading all these comments about pricing and yet the nine courses for $995 works out to about $112 dollars per course. What am I missing here? Is there some college or seminary program with top professors, which is linked to to a vast portable library that by comparison, makes this look over priced? I can understand when somebody says they can not afford it at this time, but I am having a hard time hearing the course characterized as over priced by people who are just guessing about it.

  • MVP Posts: 9,012

    Help me. I keep reading all these comments about pricing and yet the nine courses for $995 works out to about $112 dollars per course. What am I missing here? Is there some college or seminary program with top professors, which is linked to to a vast portable library that by comparison, makes this look over priced? I can understand when somebody says they can not afford it at this time, but I am having a hard time hearing the course characterized as over priced by people who are just guessing about it.

    For an individual who is not in full time ministry, they may only be interested in one or two courses. Not willing to commit the full amount even over a year on a payment plan. See how soon you can break it up and let individuals subscribe to one course at a time. It is an easier sell even for persons in full time ministry to pay the $995.00 as opposed to $112.00. 

    Not everyone will be interested in all of the courses. Personally, I have my eyes on one or two courses, but not the whole thing. Don't have the time, money or interest in all of the courses.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Member Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭

    When it comes to the pricing of this set, I would say that it is fair. 

    Out of the nine courses, only one appeals to me personally right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    It's a great resource too john and lots cheaper than logos mobile ed.

    What's Haven't heard of it.

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    Send me your ideas at

    Sounds good. Give me time to whip it all up and I'll send it your way when I have a free moment. I may put some of it into audio form and send you the files since it might be easier to explain that way. Just a little vision I have on the structuring of seminary/college courses that might be neat to test out within Mobile Ed.

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    Help me. I keep reading all these comments about pricing and yet the nine courses for $995 works out to about $112 dollars per course. What am I missing here? Is there some college or seminary program with top professors, which is linked to to a vast portable library that by comparison, makes this look over priced? I can understand when somebody says they can not afford it at this time, but I am having a hard time hearing the course characterized as over priced by people who are just guessing about it.

    It's definitely a good value. While I'm sure I can't afford the $995 up front on my CC when it ships, my sales rep said he'd work out a payment plan with me on it, and as long as you're offering options like that, it's hard not to pass up. Personally I think it's a great value. I'm sure the content will be top notch, the integration with Logos wonderful, and I can't wait to see where else this is all going. I'm personally interested in most of the courses. You could break up the set so users could purchase individual courses, but I'd rather get the bundle. Since I'm in the heart of seminary training, I'll take all I can get right now to deepen my studies. 

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    What's Haven't heard of it

    You have the address. Go check it out. It is high quality training with a very affordable pricing structure.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    Is there some college or seminary program with top professors, which is linked to to a vast portable library that by comparison, makes this look over priced?

    I can understand why mED is not pursuing accreditation. But then when it comes to pricing, you want users to consider what college or seminary costs. If we are comparing apples to oranges regarding accreditation, then it is also comparing apples to oranges regarding pricing. Moody's AM Courseware was $800 for 32 courses. This may be a benchmark for unaccredited, non-transferable courses.

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I can understand why mED is not pursuing accreditation. But then when it comes to pricing, you want users to consider what college or seminary costs. If we are comparing apples to oranges regarding accreditation, then it is also comparing apples to oranges regarding pricing. Moody's AM Courseware was $800 for 32 courses. This may be a benchmark for unaccredited, non-transferable courses.

    Moody's courseware did not have video of professors. It did not have a Faithlife support group. The content was good but I imagine Logos Mobile Education will far surpass the AM Moody resource. That is just my opinion.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    You have the address. Go check it out. It is high quality training with a very affordable pricing structure.

    It does look good. I may attend a few webinars and purchase some specialized training from him. I'll continue to support Morris as well since he is a great instructor, but I could support both of them and just extend my training.


    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 21

    I can't say I'm familiar with what John is doing, but I don't believe he's hiring professors from around the country for his content. If he is, let us know! 

    We've had almost two dozen in for filming, and that's just the beginning. 

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    I can't say I'm familiar with what John is doing, but I don't believe he's hiring professors from around the country for his content. If he is, let us know! 

    We've had almost two dozen in for filming, and that's just the beginning. 

    I'm a good few years away or more before I'll qualify to teach as a seminary professor, but once I get more credentials under me, I'd love to get involved in Mobile Ed. This is an area I'd have such an enjoyment getting involved in.

    In the meantime, I can recommend some excellent professors for Mobile Ed if you want them. Give me your email and I'll send over the list.


    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 146

    Here is a little foretaste of what we are doing in Mobile Ed this week.

    Dr. Darrell Bock

  • MVP Posts: 9,012

    Here is a little foretaste of what we are doing in Mobile Ed this week.

    Dr. Darrell Bock

    No video? [:(]

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Member Posts: 453 ✭✭
  • MVP Posts: 13,581

    Here is a little foretaste of what we are doing in Mobile Ed this week.

    Dr. Darrell Bock

    It is scary how much this looks like my son-in-law [*-)]

  • Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭

    Baptist MDiv student here at Luther Rice Seminary (I work days in the insurance industry in a callcenter) and hope one day to be a future assistant pastor if I am ordained and God calls me to a specific church or ministry.

    In exchange for a free look at your developing content as it progresses, I would be happy to be a test subject (i dislike guinea pig) for one of your courses and, in particular, help you with the tests (as in I can take the tests and tell you whats good or bad about them).

    Blessings as you all pursue this course of study offering.

    p.s. I would enjoy a long free lengthy look at the sessions with Mr. Bock [:)]

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    Baptist MDiv student here at Luther Rice Seminary (I work days in the insurance industry in a callcenter) and hope one day to be a future assistant pastor if I am ordained and God calls me to a specific church or ministry.

    In exchange for a free look at your developing content as it progresses, I would be happy to be a test subject (i dislike guinea pig) for one of your courses and, in particular, help you with the tests (as in I can take the tests and tell you whats good or bad about them).

    Blessings as you all pursue this course of study offering.

    p.s. I would enjoy a long free lengthy look at the sessions with Mr. Bock Smile

    Nice to see a fellow LRU student there! I'm starting my M Div in January. I've recommended some of our professors to Logos Mobile Ed. We have some great ones I'd love to see in Mobile Ed.

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member Posts: 94 ✭✭

    I would be interested in what you might be thinking Nathan. I am envisioning blending the Logos Mobil Ed program into the curriculum at our Bible College. In my view, the costs are reasonable and the concept is in line with our stated goals of providing Logos software and training for all our students. 

    Rich Davis


    Bluewater Bible College

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    I would be interested in what you might be thinking Nathan. I am envisioning blending the Logos Mobil Ed program into the curriculum at our Bible College. In my view, the costs are reasonable and the concept is in line with our stated goals of providing Logos software and training for all our students. 

    Rich Davis


    Bluewater Bible College

    Sounds good. Shoot me an email at the following contact form:

    And I'll email it to you when I email Dale. It basically has to do with the way colleges organize/arrange the courses in their degree programs. I'm pondering over something that I believe if colleges gave it a try, students would walk away with a better grasp of their course material when completing a degree program and give them a better handle in serving in their functional fields.


    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭

    Something else I want to throw here into the mix...

    If colleges were to adapt Mobile Ed as their courseware engine, and they could offer "do at your pace" courses where you could submit online tests and receive certification or degrees from the college (similar to how Moody did AM), I could see an additional market for this. I'll give you an example.

    I'm chatting with a friend of mine on Facebook who wants to go to Bible college. He has severe medical issues and has to spend quite a bit of time in hospitals, as well as sometimes he's bedridden. I've been praying for him that the Lord will be with him through this period of illness and comfort him and give him the all sufficient grace he needs. 

    Since his issues are so severe, he definitely can't physically attend a college campus. He's considering online college since it's more flexible, but even then, he'll be struggling to complete all of his assignments on time each semester and really putting effort into it.

    Something like Mobile Ed would be perfect for him. He'd have all of his course material (lectures, textbooks, etc.) anywhere he'd go (at home, in the hospital, etc.), be able to completely work at his own pace, receive solid Bible training, and if colleges jumped aboard and offered a way he could get some form of credit by submitting online tests, it'd be ideal. As I talk with different people, I can see Logos has a huge opportunity for Mobile Ed. This is truly a game changer.

    Nathan Parker

    Visit my blog at

  • Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    they could offer "do at your pace" courses 

    please define "do at your pace".  

    All the courses that I have looked into wanted me to complete within the limits of their schools semester and not let me take say two years or more to finish.


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