Adoniram Judson - BIG pricing issue

toughski Member Posts: 1,288 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I ALWAYS price-check. When I saw a great deal on a good biography on Amazon I wanted to get it in Logos/Vyrso format, but was astonished at the price difference:

Adoniram Judson (Amazon) - 2.99

Adoniram Judson (Vyrso) - 11.99

  • as it stands right now, this title is 300% (4x) more expensive in Vyrso, than in Kindle format.

but even then, at 208 pages it is pretty steep for $11.99.

A commentary (with a ton of links) Be Available by Warren W. Wiersbe is at 210 pages and costs 9.95.

Josephus and the New Testament by Steve Mason, 248 pages, also a ton of links only 9.95 in Logos.

  • How can (in principle) a trade book be more expensive, than a Logos resource?

I am not going to jump to conclusions and assume evil intentions by Logos. However, I would like them to look into this. If it is a publisher promotion, maybe they can also make it available in Vyrso. If it is only an Amazon promotion, would it be possible for Logos to match the price? If there is a simple computer pricing glitch, can it be corrected?

