An interesting pre-pub of an Adventist systematic theologian

Reimar Vetne
Reimar Vetne Member Posts: 165 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Hans LaRondelle

An interesting pre-publication bundle by an Adventist systematic theologian needs an extra push, so allow me to make a quick promo.

Lifeworks of Hans K. LaRondelle—Part 1 (4 vols.)

Hans K. LaRondelle was born and raised a Dutch Roman Catholic, earned a doctorate in systematic theology (1971) from the Free University of Amsterdam under G. C. Berkouwer, and taught for many years at the Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Michigan.

The books in this pre-pub include Christ our Salvation: What God Does for Us and in Us, a short but insightful book on soteriology from a Protestant-Armenian perspective. It argues against universalism, predestination and religous moralism/legalism, discusses the proper connection of baptism with santification (some food for thought there), and what the biblical view of "perfection" is (as LaRondelle sees it).

Deliverance in the Psalms: Messages of Hope for Today examines selections from the Psalter, with a dual emphasis on the spiritual and the eschatological messages in those psalms. I took at class from LaRondelle myself in my undergraduate days, and he lamented that ministers too seldom preach from the Psalter - because they themselves are not sufficiently spiritual. Only spiritual people enjoy the Psalms, he claimed.

How to Understand the End-Time Prophecies of the Bible: A Biblical-Contextual Approach is one of the best explanations of the book of Revelation from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. I taught a graduate class in NT Eschatology this Summer (2013) and this was one of my textbooks (the other was N.T. Wright's Surprised by Hope). A student wrote in his book report: "Before reading this book I did not have a clear understanding of the prophecies of Revelation. This textbook has inspired me ... and has awakened in me a strong interest and passion for the study of the prophecies that I previously did not have."

Light for the Last Days is a more popular-level and thinner version of the book above on Revelation and his well-known "Israel and the Church", so this book includes a discussion of the controversial topic of the relationship between the OT and the NT, and between Israel and the Church (basically arguing against dispensationalism).

With a $26 pre-pub price, this is excellent value for money for anyone interested in soteriology, eschatology or biblical studies. Help us to get this bundle into production! Smile
