What Adventist products do you want? (Tell me ASAP.)



  • Rev. 14:6
    Rev. 14:6 Member Posts: 191 ✭✭

    Yes he did write for that set as well.  I asked him about it and he said it is a wonderful commentary set to have.  I looked to see if you could purchase separately his portion but that is not an available option like the NIV set.  I have it on my wish list just because of what he told me about it.  Well the OT portion anyway, not sure I can afford the NT one.

  • Rev. 14:6
    Rev. 14:6 Member Posts: 191 ✭✭

    Thanks! I've added this to my list of desired acquisitions.


    Great Martin, as far as I know, I think Dr. Gane owns the rights to this book there so I think you'll be calling him I'm sure.

    Thanks again for all you doing to make Logos even better.


  • Christopher Adame
    Christopher Adame Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I would really like to see the following (I just know I'll think of others as soon as I finish posting this right now):

    - Feed My Sheep by HMS Richards

    - Adventism's Greatest Need by Ron Clouzet

    - Decoding Bible Prophecy by Ron Clouzet

    - Majesty - Experiencing Authentic Worship by S. Joseph Kidder

    - Ellen White On Salvation by Woodrow Whidden

    - Ellen White On The Humanity Of Christ by Woodrow Whidden

    - Trinity - Understanding God's Love, His Plan Of Salvation, And Christian Relationships by Woodrow Whidden

    - Bible Book Shelf (BBS) companion guides to the Quarterlies. (It's okay if this one isn't directly included, I would just be very interested in having it on Logos, ideally in some sort of subscription deal, while also being able to go through some archives).

    - Who's Afraid Of The Judgment? by Roy Gane

    - Seventh-Day Adventists Believe... (2005 Edition)

    - Daniel - Wisdom To The Wise by Zdravko Stefanovic

    - DARCOM Series

    - Worship At Satan's Throne by Stephen Bohr

    - Prophecy's Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde by Stephen Bohr

    - Hidden Sabbath Truths by Stephen Bohr

    - All twelve volumes of SDA Bible Commentary

    - Bible Readings For The Home Circle (Not sure which edition is the best)

    - Truth Matters - Escaping The Labyrinth Of Error by Walter J. Veith

    - Diet And Health - Scientific Perspectives by Walter J. Veith

    - The Genesis Conflict by Walter J. Veith

    - Winsome Witnessing - Dynamic Ways To Share Your Faith! by Garry Gibbs

    - Bothersome And Disturbing Bible Passages by Louis R. Torres

    - Gaining Decisions For Christ - A How-To Manual by Louis R. Torres

    - Answers To Difficult Bible Questions by Joe Crews

    - The Book Of Bible Answers by Doug Batchelor

    - Amazing Facts Pocket Books

    - Amazing Facts Study Guides (The Next Millennium Bible Study Guides and the Millennium Of Prophecy Storacles)

    - Operation Blueprint - Earth's Final Movie by Ivor Myers

    - The Antichrist Agenda - The Ten Commandments Twice Removed by Danny Shelton

    - Waking The Dead - Returning Plateaued And Declining Churches To Vibrancy by Russell Burrill

    - Armageddon At The Door - An Insider's Guide To The Book Of Revelation by Jon Paulien

    - The Deep Things Of God - An Insider's Guide To The Book Of Revelation by Jon Paulien

    - Secrets Of Revelation - The Apocalypse Through Hebrew Eyes by Jacques B. Doukhan

    - Secrets Of Daniel - Wisdom And Dreams Of A Jewish Prince In Exile by Jacques B. Doukhan

    - Seven Keys by Jon Paulien

    - I also recall at one point somebody telling me about this one book, or perhaps a series of books, which is now out of print. It dealt with giving the contexts and backstories behind each of Sister White's letters/Testimonies to the Church. Does anybody recall anything of this sort?

    Lastly, a lot of these suggestions, as well as a number of the ones which the brothers posted earlier have an official corresponding Spanish translation in print. Would it be possible to also somehow get our hands on those?

  • Welcome to the forums Christopher. If you are not familiar with this page, please see a list of works already completed or planned. Others will be posted later. https://www.logos.com/sda 

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    That's quite a good list, Christopher. I'm in fact working on a number of them already. It's a lengthy process of gaining licensing approvals, digitizing, tagging in the unique Logos ecosystem, product promotion preparation, etc. And it all starts with a list of suggestions, such as you have shared. Thank you! And may God bless your witness for Him.

    --- Martin Weber, Logos SDA product manager