Incorrect headwords in Homeric Dictionary

Greg F
Greg F Member Posts: 278 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Now that we've got the Homer Greek volumes fixed (thanks Mike et. al.!) and I've started using them, I've noticed that Autenrieth's Homeric lexicon has a slight problem: the lexical entries that contain dashes in the surface text (ex.: θεο-δμητος) also have the dashes in their headwords (should be θεοδμητος).

This means that the entries with dashes don't show up in the list of "hits" when right-clicking on a word, because the real Greek doesn't include the dash. As a comparison, the Intermediate Greek Lexicon and the LSJ both list the word as "θεό-δμητος" as the surface text, but "θεόδμητος" as a headword, meaning that when you come across a form of θεόδμητος in a text, you can jump to those lexicons but not to the Autenreith.

Sorry if my explanation is confusing, basically someone just needs to go and remove the dashes from the headwords in the Autenrieth lexicon.


  • Butters
    Butters Member Posts: 466 ✭✭

    Yeah, that's in my very old hardcopy too - it was, I believe, formatted that way to encourage young students to see root words.  It is a problem in this context, yes.  I wonder if Logos can keep the dashes but somehow negate them in the search process?  [*-)]

    “To love means loving the unlovable.  To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable.  Faith means believing the unbelievable.  Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” ~Chesterton

  • Greg F
    Greg F Member Posts: 278 ✭✭

    Actually most Greek lexicons use the dashes to show the roots of Greek words. Both the LSJ and the Middle Liddell use dashes, both in print and in the Logos versions. In the electronic format, the dictionaries that display the surface text (the text you read in the dictionary) with dashes, should include headwords (behind the scenes) without the dashes, so that the lookup function works correctly. The LSJ and the ML work as they should, the Authenrieth doesn't.

    The infrastructure is there for the dictionary to work properly, it's just that the headwords are a little fudged. Removing the dashes will fix the problem.

  • Michael Grigoni
    Michael Grigoni Member Posts: 140 ✭✭

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll forward this along to our text production department.

  • Michael Grigoni
    Michael Grigoni Member Posts: 140 ✭✭

    I've confirmed that this can and will be fixed. In the coming weeks, look for an update to this dictionary which will include the aforementioned fix.