give the older users BACK what they purchased and quit trying to resell to them
give the older users BACK what they purchased and quit trying to resell to them what they already paid for. By the amount of issues you have on this message board. your selling headaches and confusion. Your help pages, you are selling again what older uses paid a fair price for initially. By your intentional creations…
"Biblical Theology: The History of Theology from Adam to Christ" by John Owen
This is an English translation from the Latin of a work that John Owen believed was his greatest. J. I. Packer says, in part, that "to have [this work] in English is a great boon. Those with a taste for Owen, or for theology, or (best of all) for both, will read this Puritan proto-Biblical Theology with joy."
(DE) Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik
Echt gutes Nachschlagewerk für postgraduate Arbeiten im systematischen und hermeneutischen Bereich. Das Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik führt die einschlägigen Grundbegriffe, Methoden, Spezialbegriffe sowie historischen und aktuellen Konzeptionen der Verstehenslehre der Bibel unter dem leitenden Gesichtspunkt einer…
(DE) Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken
Ideales Nachschlagewerk für neuere hermeneutische Methoden! Mit diesem Werk wird zum ersten Mal der Zugang zu allen wichtigen bibelhermeneutischen Texte für Bibelwissenschaftler, Kirchenhistoriker, systematische und praktische Theologen ermöglicht. Titel: Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken vom De Gruyter Verlag Details: Das…
Joint the Great Books Challenge reading group
Join the Great Books reading group. https://faithlife.com/the-great-books-challenge/activity https://youtu.be/QwQDj-bFGng
out of print book
Many years ago, my Logos contained a fictional book about Jochebed,but that was not the name of the book. It was an out of print book. I do not remember anything else about it. Is anyone familiar with it? Thank you!
Sugestion: History of Philosophy
Would be pleased to see Frederick Copleston's A History of Philosophy collection in Noet/Logos/Faithlife.
Book already available as a Logos edition
The following two books from Cowley Publications are being sold at general.ebooks.faithlife.com but they are also available - and cheaper! - as Logos editions: 1) Ceremonies of the Eucharist: A guide to Celebration by Howard E. Galley - general…
Suggestion: Noet Basic
It'd be great to offer a free version of Noet Basic (like what has been done with Logos and Verbum Basic), maybe offering the content that's free with the Noet mobile app. Thanks!
ebooks.noet.com - gone?
Is it gone for good? 😥
EB Supplement to EBNE
Overall I enjoy having EBNE in Logos since it makes having access to some of EB's content easily accessible for research. However, occasionally I'll come across where I'll need to lookup something in EB that isn't in EBNE (likely outside the scope of EBNE's contract with EB). My seminary currently doesn't offer online…
Select Novels of Antiquity (10 vols.)
https://www.logos.com/product/34187/select-novels-of-antiquity Closing noon Friday Pacific Time..... for $13.00 USD (or perhaps less if there are enough new bidders..) Overview The Select Novels of Antiquity collection gathers some of the world’s earliest extended prose narratives, including work from Apuleius, Petronius,…
SUGG: Norton Anthologies & Critical Editions
I suggested this offhandedly a while back in relation to poetry, but I thought I would put it out as a more broad suggestion. I would love to see these find their way into the Noet library. Good texts with footnotes, essays, etc. With linking, Noet is the ideal electronic format for these resources from W. W. Norton & Co.…
Noet to be discontinued?
The www.noet.com site is now redirecting to logos.com. I don't know if that is the greater sign of Noet's decline, or the fact that no-one has brought up the missing Noet site since the major website update... Anyway, @FL, are the research libraries and the ebook store here to stay, or should be grab what we need while…
Missing morph tagging in new Loeb volumes
I play a little game to see how quickly I can find errors in tagging, milestones, etc. on newly released Loeb editions. It took me about thirty seconds to notice problems in the recently released Medical Works of Antiquity series. (Which begs the question: if I can do it, why can't the quality control processes at Logos?…
research topic
Can a woman be a church leader? what would be a good reason to write about this? why would you write about this?what is it you do not know about this ?
How do you search by annotation tag?
Hello all, I'm new to Noet, so this might be a very simple question whose solution I just don't see. I have a several notes documents with annotations across a number of different source documents. I have tagged the notes themselves, and would like to show only those annotations (across all notes documents) that have a…
Any Chance of Getting Plotinus' Enneads (Loeb)?
I was very happy that we got around to getting the collected works of Aristotle (Loeb) just recently. I wonder if there would be enough interest to get Plotinus on this platform as well?
Noet 8
Does Noet 8 exist?
Do Noet resources ever go on sale?
Just wondering if Noet resources are ever put on sale. I don't ever remember seeing a sale, but maybe I've missed it.
Christian books on ebooks.noet.com
Could the titles from Zondervan and Augsberg Fortress which are listed on https://ebooks.noet.com be listed in https://ebooks.faithlife.com instead? https://ebooks.noet.com/search?context=product&sortBy=newest&limit=15&filters=Zondervan%3A5004_Publisher…
Noet for Religious study
It would be cool if we had more products to help study other religions besides Islam and Judaism, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Baha'i, Rastafarianism, etc. Does Noet have any plans to move further into comparative religious study? It would at least be cool to have the sacred texts in Noet. But some reference resources would…
Women in Scripture
https://ebooks.noet.com/products/155958/women-in-scripture-a-dictionary-of-named-and-unnamed-women-in-the-hebrew-bible-the-apocryphal-deuterocanonical-books-and-the-new-testament I'm glad to have this reference resource in my library. It's less expensive elsewhere but I consider paying the extra as worthwhile.
Very good Mediterranean archeology MOOC course
The Sapienza University of Rome has just released a free MOOC entitled "At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC". I've gone through the first two weeks and find it rather wonderful. Anyone interested in Mediterranean history, archeology,…
A Cultural History of Women: Volumes 1-6
Dear Faithlife, Please make this series available through noet.com or ebooks.noet.com https://www.amazon.com/Cultural-History-Women-Volumes-Histories/dp/1350009849/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1525955160&sr=8-1&keywords=cultural+history+of+women&dpID=41nzBs2CjmL&preST=_SX218_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch If interested, please…
What happened to the Bristol Classics Culture and History Bundle?
Where did all the many resources (179+ volumes) in the Bristol/Bloomsbury Classics bundle go? They were kind of the backbone of Noet's humanities offerings: collections on Plato, Aristotle, Aristophanes, Tacitus, Herodotus, etc. Now I can't find them sold anywhere on either logos.com or noet.com. What a shame. :(
Noet Blog update
The first Noet Blog of 2016 has posted Best wishes to Holly Marr!
Can we get interlinears for Classical works?
Can we please get some classical Greek and Latin works with interlinear? Plato, Virgil, ect. I know the Iliad and Odyssey have interlinears.
Bug in Noet shopping cart - first book gets removed instead of one you're trying to remove
I had a couple dozen books in my shopping cart on ebooks.noet.com, decided that the total cost wass more than I wanted to spend right now, so I picked a rather expensive book in the middle of the cart and clicked "Remove" beneath it. After a moment the cart updated, and that book I tried to delete was still there. Instead,…
Kierkegaard has arrived
Noet.com really should be trumpeting the arrival of Kierkegaard's Writings on Pre-Pub. Fifty percent off of 26 volumes.
Logos engine vs Noet engine?
Is there any real difference? Also, is there a way to "sync" the libraries where whenever I buy and add something to one, it automatically gets added to the other program? Thanks.
price check please
https://ebooks.noet.com/products/80396/impurity-and-gender-in-the-hebrew-bible https://www.amazon.com/Impurity-Gender-Hebrew-Elizabeth-Goldstein-ebook/dp/B014M92EPI/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1513610491&sr=1-1&keywords=elizabeth+w+Goldstein Amazon paperback $39.99 (not sale price) Amazon Kindle $37.99 vs…
Thank you for the $10 coupon!
Thank you FL, for the $10 Noet coupon!
Regnery Publishing
ebooks.noet.com has a large number of new titles today. Regnery Publishing now has the third highest number of titles in the catalog. Regnery needs to be listed under publishers in the Narrow Your Results column for searches https://ebooks.noet.com/search?context=product&sortBy=newest&limit=60&page=1
Why am I getting books from Logos on Noet.
I have an account with Logos 7 Now and I created a seperate account for Noet, so why am I getting books about the Bible on Noet when I already have those books on Logos 7. I wanted to use Noet for scholarly pursuits. Is there a way to delete those books on Noet. I don't need them on Noet. In a way that's rather redundant…
Noet.com - Pre-Pubs
At present, the Noet.com Pre-Pubs page is out of date.
Recent free Noet titles
Just noticed some free books on Noet in case you missed them as well: https://ebooks.noet.com/search?context=product&sortBy=price-low&limit=15&page=1
"An upgrade is required...To continue using Noet Software, upgrade to version 7.8 SR-1 or later"
Hey all. As you see from the header, Noet is telling me to upgrade. This message appears after installing the program and typing in my account credentials. I used the install file downloaded directly from the Noet website. It tells me to visit https://noet.com/account/orders to get the new version. The only problem is,…
Bad formatting for Shakespeare on mobile.
Not a major issue but while I'm here (I don't visit the forums that often) I might as well get all my complaints out of the way: the formatting for works of Shakespeare is really horrible on mobile.
Argument Mapping
See here: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/146948.aspx While you can't import/insert passages from non-biblical sources (e.g., Plato's Republic) you can simply copy and paste the text into the diagram area. Works good. Would be nice if Logos made some tweeks to the Sentence Diagram tool so that it could import from…
Reading the Great Books of the Western World (April)
In April we start reading volume 5 in the Great Books of the Western World. This has Herodotus and Thucydides. Everyone is welcome to join the group and read along. https://faithlife.com/the-great-books-challenge/activity
Noet eBooks and publisher sales
Not sure if anyone from Faithlife is still monitoring this forum... Anyway, it would be great if Noet could honour publisher sales. https://www.amazon.com/TekLords-TekWar-Book-William-Shatner-ebook/dp/B009VR4U36 https://ebooks.noet.com/products/66786/teklords
EBNE and Compton's
I searched EBNE and Compton's for 12 major authors from the Noet Literature Research Library. EBNE had entries for 6 of the authors / Compton's had entries for all 12
What happened to all the OpenRoad books?
All OpenRoad publishing books seem to have been removed from Noet.com.
BUG: Creating Reading Plans
Faithlife/Noet, please look into the “Great Books of the Western World”. There are some of these volumes that do not produce proper reading plans. Some only create a reading plan for part of the book. For example volume 4 only creates a reading plan for Aeschylus and not for the other playwrights. Also volume 5 that…
Read the Great Books of the Western World (February update)
Hello all, There are a few of us who are attempting to read through the Great Books of the Western World over the course of the next several years. We're finishing up with the Iliad and the Odyssey this month, and will be turning to Greek tragedies over the next two months (February and March). In an effort to get more…
American History Collection
Any chance we can get an update to reflect Obama's second term and Trumps first term Inaugural Speeches?
Noet eBook Suggestion: copy Genre(s) to Library Subject
Please place Noet in Subject metadata so can filter library for Noet edition:ebook resources. Please duplicate Genre(s) from Noet eBook Store into Subject metadata, which would be useful for library filtering of Noet eBooks. Keep Smiling
[Error] Noet.com PrePub Program
The Noet Pre-Pub page lists a few works at the bottom, all Live except for the last two, which are bad links.
Noet Groups
Seems to be new: https://groups.noet.com/