Course List Updated

For those of you who might be curious about what we're working on here in Bellingham, we just updated the course list for Mobile Ed. Courses that have links are either available for purchase now or on Pre-Pub; the rest will be coming soon.
Give it a look and let us know what courses you are most excited about taking!
Great new additions!! I'm looking forward to a lot of these. Western Civilization: Greeks to Aqunias, The World of Jesus and the Gospels, pretty much everything in the OT & NT studies, starting with the general surveys and backgrounds and drilling in to the various books.
I would love to see some titles in Church History (especially!) and Historical & Comparative Theology (which seems especially well suited to study in Logos). Maybe some Apologetics (Although there already seem to be a number of DVD collections on this topic).
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Tremper Longman on Exodus looks the most interesting to me of all the offerings there. But frankly, the price point is too high, so I won't be buying any of these. I can buy a full semester class on Exodus taught by Carl Armerding (one of the founding fathers of Regent College, easily as good a teacher as Tremper Longman) for less than 1/3 of that cost from Regent Audio. Sure, it's only audio, not video, but I don't think video is worth more than three times the value of audio.
Longman isn't listed on the Mobile Ed faculty page, BTW.
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Rosie Perera said:
Longman isn't listed on the Mobile Ed faculty page, BTW.
Thanks for the feedback, Rosie! We still have a few people to add to the faculty page - that should be done soon!
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Price will always be subjective but you are not just getting video but a set of guided readings into your Logos Library. would I like to see the price a little lower - of course , but I still find the courses of value to me. I'll probably get both Longman and now Armerding now on Exodus.
Rosie Perera said:Tremper Longman on Exodus looks the most interesting to me of all the offerings there. But frankly, the price point is too high, so I won't be buying any of these. I can buy a full semester class on Exodus taught by Carl Armerding (one of the founding fathers of Regent College, easily as good a teacher as Tremper Longman) for less than 1/3 of that cost from Regent Audio. Sure, it's only audio, not video, but I don't think video is worth more than three times the value of audio.
Longman isn't listed on the Mobile Ed faculty page, BTW.
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Disciple of Christ (doc) said:
I'll probably get both Longman and now Armerding now on Exodus.
Glad I hooked you on Armerding. I was auditing that class when it was taught in person and recorded. Excellent class.
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Rosie Perera said:Disciple of Christ (doc) said:
I'll probably get both Longman and now Armerding now on Exodus.
Glad I hooked you on Armerding. I was auditing that class when it was taught in person and recorded. Excellent class.
I always like to have multiple perspectives. Both on m.Ed would be too expensive but getting a second course on Audio is affordable. Regent do have a lot of interesting material. Shame they weren't available as audio based resources in Logos - though that might make them more expensive.
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Great! Along with Preaching and Discipling Foundations Bundle, some of the courses offers Jesus studies. Exactly what I am looking for. I am exciting!
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To staff who are in charge of Logos Mobile Ed:
It is great that Logos Mobile Ed offers more courses. Is it possible to have a list of books in Required Reading and See Also for each course that are not part of the platinum package so we could plan our purchase when we see them on sales? It is very frustrating when we call sales and were told that this book belongs to Baker/Zondervan and Logos could not give any discount. I hope the staff who are in charge of Logos Mobile Ed could organize and negotiate with publishers on our behalf so we could get decent discounts. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I hope you can tell us quickly which books in the March Madness will be part of the Required Reading and See Also that are not part of the platinum package so we could purchase them before the sales is over. Thank you kindly.
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I attended the Logos Regional event in Tempe, AZ at their office. After seeing the presentation from Johnny Cisneros at Logos headquarters I was very excited. I definitely wanted to buy. Then I went to the website and was immediately turned off. I wanted the lesson "Introducing Discipleship" but I can't buy it without buying the whole package. It's almost $1000! I then looked around for anything that I can buy alone. No luck. This is way over my financial head. Unless Logos releases some of these by themselves I won't be buying any of them. I'm so disappointed.
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For some reason the website signed me in as the number 130897. I'm not a number. I'm Bruce Lundquist and I'm thrilled to have and use Logos, but disappointed in the way Mobile Ed is being sold.
Apple MacBook Pro Sonoma 14.5
Logos Bible Software 32.1.31 (Faith Church of the Valley)0 -
I know this is a ageing thread but the title is apropos.
Check out the newly formatted course listings:
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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We're still tweaking it - so keep checking back!
And thanks for everyone's suggestions - we are considering them all!
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Will Logos Mobile Ed release Jesus Studies bundle anytime soon? Let me know. Thanks.![:)]
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You must have read our minds! We just posted an amazing Studies in the Gospels Bundle today:
Logos Mobile Education: Studies in the Gospels Bundle (9 courses)