Problem in Midterm Grading NT101

Perhaps a big, bold red X means you're doing a great job in this program...
Or the only correct solution is to never start the exam in the first place.
Have I earned my big red X?
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I see the same. Some of these questions won't allow any of the avail answers to be graded as correct.
Is there a QA process when resources are released or updated? (I don't mean that in an offensive way; just concerned about the quantity of some of the stuff we see.)
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Randy W. Sims said:
Is there a QA process when resources are released or updated? (I don't mean that in an offensive way; just concerned about the quantity of some of the stuff we see.)
It is not offensive to want quality products. It is more an issue of good stewardship. I am sure Logos does not want to ship products that are not of the highest quality but mistakes do happen. I remember the first edition of the "Learn Hebrew/Greek with Logos" videos were shipped with a few quality issues. There have been other products suffering the same. This leaves me with three choices:
- Quit buying Logos (I don't like this option)
- Put off buying a new product until it has been time tested and had any defects corrected.(highest price)
- Buy the new product as a Pre-Pub and live with the quality defects until they get fixed (cheapest route)
The 30 day return policy is always there in case the product fails to please. But with some products, like Mobile Ed, 30 days may not be long enough to reveal quality issues. It would be a lot easier if Logos could improve the QA process.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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They are not wrong Pam, I thought when I did that exam I had a bad day and didn't think anything of it.. I knew they were right even though they were marked wrong. I think I got a 20 on it. Such is the life of a college student.. don't dwell.. just move along and do better. But when the answers are right and marked wrong then there is a problem with the exam. I will be taking the final in about another week and I will let you know if it grades that exam correctly.
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Matt, did you report the error to Logos? I'm on a campaign to make sure we all report errors so that Logos has the opportunity to fix them.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Matt, did you report the error to Logos? I'm on a campaign to make sure we all report errors so that Logos has the opportunity to fix them.
No Martha, I was out of town at the time and busy so didn't think of anything until I saw this post.
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Thanks for reporting the bug - we saw your forum post and started working on it right away.
We're hoping there will be a fix in the next week, but we're still working out a few kinks. Thanks again!
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Looks like it just got fixed in the update that just went out. Thanks for the quick fix.
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Got the update. My exam score went from 4% to 100%. [:)]
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That's more like it! [:)]